
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pharmacy Raid and Craft project

Hi and good morning,
I'm up, vertical and as soon as the coffee has kicked in I am going to get ready and raid the pharmacy ! My son believes in sharing again and has given me his cold. So its sore throat , cough and runny nose for a while , I guess. Ughhh...and that when I'm on night shift ! I am so not looking forward to tonight. Guess I will have to drug myself up,lol.
Here are some more Christmas impressions- some things are just a necessity ! Like having advent calendars for the big kids with a sweet tooth here. -with Chocolate....hmmmm !
Decorations are in place, even on my altars

And if you would like to make your own bauble -like this one, go to the craft page , I have posted pics and explained step by step how to do it.

 And I'm off now to get ready, get myself some meds so I can function on my shift tonight. Only good thing is that I have some time to chat with my friends in between , keeps me awake -and with up to 7 hours time difference its sometimes tricky to find the time. Hope you all have a great day-Hugs Snowy :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Template freebie

Hello, just popping in again to put another freebie up for you. Snowy has been busy with starting to put some Christmas stuff up last night.
Snow border, Mistletoe and self made hanging bauble decos. I will show you how to make these, I have taken pics of every step so you can just give it a try as well. Will just have to put them into order and right some instructions for it. Hoping to have it all up this week on my Craft page.But here is what it looks like in the moment.
...with the lights on in the dark....
Yesterday was the switching on of the Christmas lights in the town center as well, of cause I went...and was busy dodging the crowds,lol. Blue Lights as well, I love this colour !
 Not much done on the PC , apart from one quote layout , I liked this so much I had to scrap it.
Plus I have made a new friend I have been talking to a lot , we have the same views on a lot of things ad I look forward getting to know him better.
You can pick up the template on the freebie page , it's in PSD format, so works in both, PSP and Photoshop. I will now start digging for the rest of the Christmas decorations and make dinner-later is Football and I most likely will be chatting again. Have a nice Sunday -Hugs Snowy

Friday, November 25, 2011

No cooking (either...hehehe)

Hi, I just couldn't resist the title after reading Kyra's blog,lol.
No, there is no cooking for me either. We have still so much left from yesterday which is fantastic ! Because I am really not in the mood to stand in the kitchen today. After getting up at 4.30 am this morning I just want to chill out after work now.
Just checked Facebook and read the horror stories about the Black Friday shopping - 2 hours waiting time in a cue just to reach the store? Hell no !!! Not for me ! I rather buy online,. Don't get me wrong , I like to browse for nice things , but at a time when the stores are nice and empty. Unless its a concert, a fun fair or something like that I tend to avoid large crowds.
I have already received my first Christmas present -and I was allowed to open it early -whoohooo !
Matt (friend from Fall River/ MA) has gone crazy with shopping. I did tell him off , but I think its gone into one ear and out the other. See yourself what he got me .
Can't have been cheap ! A leather imitation jacket and Pats scarf. But hey -I loooove it !
Rofl, Pixie says she loves the attitude on my face ;)
And the Boot fetish has hit me again -lovely soft warm furry boots .Hey -they were only £16.00 /$24.00 , so I didn't spend that much,lol.
Yesterday I made a Thanksgiving layout, it's day to reflect and think about the things you are grateful for. So it turned out a journaling layout. I used the freebie kit "Just Magickal" for it, and blended one of my photos into the background.
For the rest of today it really is chilling out. I am planning to start running water for a nice relaxing bath in a little while , add two hands full of the Dead Sea Salt and just have a nice soak. It's another early night for me , I have to get up at 4.30 am again. Hoping to finish wrapping up the last packages over the weekend and then bring the lot in one go to the post office next week. And I still have not written the cards,lol. Let's see also if Shaun can help me get the Christmas tree down from the Attic space, then I could start getting the Christmas decorations up. So many plans -so little time ! And that's why I finish writing now. Till next post -Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Digging another freebie out,lol

Hi again,
I'm putting up another freebie. This was so far only available in the forum of the Magickalscraps site when we still had it. Digging through I found it on my external drive and thought I put it up on my blog for those who didn't get it back then. It's on the freebie page now.
So what else have I been up to? I was playing but in different way,lol. This playtime involved dough and took place in my kitchen.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
I'm also busy finishing off my Christmas decorations. One deco will be an arrangement of candles and other nice things on a plate, and part of it will be a real little conifer - in the Spring I will plant this little one outside.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, normally it does not get celebrated here but as I'm off work still tomorrow I have decided to cook us something nice as well. There are so many things I am thankful for and it doesn't hurt to dedicate a day to that thought. I won't have family here apart from Shaun , but we can still make it a nice afternoon after he finishes work. Oh- I bought myself "Ice Age -a Mammoth Christmas" DVD ....yeah, I know , I'm a big kid,lol - but that squirrel is just too funny ! Have a great day tomorrow -Happy Thanksgiving
Hugs Snowy

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Whooohooo-what a night !

Good morning -or rather afternoon ,lol
I only got up a short while ago as it was rather early in the morning before I went to bed. Yes, I watched the Pats game last night and had tons of fun with Deb , Rob and Mario during the game.Of cause Deb and Rob were watching as well , Rob being a Boston guy,lol. Deb and Rob trying to confuse me , Mario with his comments in between -it was just too funny -all around a great night ! 34 :3 for the Pats !
I've been carrying on being creative as well , but I won't show it as these goodies are going to be in my little Christmas packages. But I will show you Mr Snowy - this little fellow is guarding my door :)
Cute hey? Today I will have to go shopping and stock up again -not much milk left -can't have that ! I need milk in my coffee,lol.
I will show you a layout I made with the Kaleidoscope freebie kit -Shaun on the one of the bikes
 The last 2 links are up now , so you can go and grab the kit.
Oh I came across this picture of a male Witch -pheew -hot or what,lol? I just had to have it as eye candy on my blog! Hello Handsome ! - I wouldn't hesitate to dance skyclad with him....

And with that I'm off for today -hugs Snowy

Monday, November 21, 2011

Crafty again and more freebie parts

Hi all,
I had about 3 hours of beauty sleep this morning, then got up and started to catch up with my housework in here. I was definitely on a roll - got everything done I wanted to do and then had some time to do some more crafting while my Meatball/Pasta bake was in the oven. My stockings are done and the glitter and paint on the Wind chime Bauble is still drying.
Last night I managed to get the Sampler ready as well. The beads I bought in Hobbycraft Norwich are perfect for it.
Only took me about a year to complete it-now I can get the next unfinished project out and complete it. The Postman brought me my pre-ordered Nickelback CD this morning , so I was happily sitting here and listening to it while painting,stitching and gluing.Music and crafting , or Football and crafting are just the perfect mix,lol.
And the next two links of Kaleidoscope are up on the freebie page. Just two more folders to upload , and I hope I have them up tomorrow evening for you. Plan for tonight : I will have another nap so I won't fall asleep during halftime - the Pats game is on later. Yesterday I switched between the Raiders, who are going up on my list of teams I like , and the Ravens. Both teams won -I hope the Pats can do the same later !
Till then -hugs Snowy

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Freebie Sunday -part 1

Hello and good morning,
I have come home from working night shift not too long ago , but though I would check in before I'm off for some beauty sleep. And most important ,put up the first link for the kit I have decided to retire and give away.
So what have I been up to? It was an extremely busy week at work and yesterday I decided to take the train and go to Norwich. The City is geared up for Christmas !
How cute is this?
I spent most of the time in the huge Hobbycraft Store,lol- and of cause came away with a bag full of goodies !
I won't be bored for another while,lol
I have more stuff to show, but will leave that for another day. For now I just want to put up the freebie links and go to bed. This is what is up for grabs - or the first two parts of it at least. So hop over to the freebie page for the first links.... I thought we could do with some funky colours now that the weather is turning :)

...and I'm off to catch some zzzzzzzs- nite nite !
Hugs Snowy

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sampler up, kit in store-keeping busy as usual

Hi all, the sampler for Funky Christmas is up now on the Christmas Store page.
I'm also busy preparing another retired kit as a freebie -that will go up over the weekend.
Apart from that I've been busy completing my cross stitch sampler. I finished stitching the 3 patches , sewed the it's a case of adding the decorations to it. This is what it looks like so far. I started this while in the USA last year and finally getting it ready, I have so many unfinished projects which I plan on completing now.

I still need to add buttons, beads and feathers. Tomorrow I will go on a lookout for some beads and buttons which have a native American look to it. I'm planning to take the train to Norwich and see what the Hobbycraft  Store there has to offer.I would like some silver patterned buttons and turquoise chunky beads with this-I already have the feathers.
But for now that will all have to wait, it's time to get ready -another late shift to do. So till next post -Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hooray-it's done !

Hi- I finally finished the new kit ! Just got all the previews ready and now zipping them up to be uploaded and put on the store page.
Otherwise not much to tell... had 2 really busy shifts, and....oh yeah, I had another one of my premonitions,lol. On Tuesday morning I had the the urge to phone up Shaun in the morning , I had the feeling if I wouldn't call him he would be late for work. It's a good job I did! He answered the phone, saw the time and all I got was an "oh fuck! - gotta go" - my intuition proved me right again , and it wasn't the first time. I don't make a habit of giving him wake-up calls, but if I get the feeling I am always right.
I'm also putting the last touches to a cross stitch project and will show it soon once it's all done.The other craft project is almost finished as well. I took photos every step of the way and will put them on the craft page soon for others who would like to give the project a try.
My Living room is getting full of little packages- most are to the USA ,but there is one to Holland and of cause to my Parents in Germany. I still have to write the Christmas cards-they can go in together with the gifts. Will save extra postage- gotta think economical,lol.
But now to the new kit and the previews. Here we gooooo..........

I still have to make the sampler, but I will do that in the morning-it's getting a little late now. So more about this in my next post-for now "Good night and swet dreams" -Hugs Snowy

Monday, November 14, 2011


....and no, I'm not on about Remembrance Day - for me its a different kind.It has just turned the 14th November and today last year I was still happy in the morning , by late afternoon/evening my world had changed after the phone call that Erik was in a coma. This year has just flown by. I remember standing on the porch at night because I could not sleep, the place where we used to sit together. I remember crying and shouting up to the sky, pleading not to let him die and to take my soul to make him live. -Damn ,I have tears in my eyes just remembering this moment ! Well, it must have worked - the Doctors were not sure if he would survive the first week -but he made it. Always knew he was strong and a fighter,lol. We have no contact , but that doesn't make me forget him. I wish him all the best -he deserves it.You just don't forget your Soulmate. Its part of me and I am grateful for the time we had , even if it was far too short. lol- I just feel sorry for anyone who will have to compete with that , any man after this will have it not easy ! Yeah, I have the reputation of being picky - but I think that's a good thing. Too may just throw themselves into a new relationship and wonder later why it didn't work out. I rather stay on my own than in something that doesn't feel right !
But I had to do a layout , I journal a lot,lol. Even though its pretty personal I decided to show it.
He is alive and that's something to be happy about,you always have to see the positive side, and I hope he is happy and doing well. So today I give you a quickpage from a kit which is special to me - Soulmate
Pick it up on the Freebie page as usual.

 That's all from me - I'm waiting for the Football to start and hope the Pats are going to kick some Jets ass tonight.The Raiders did well , so did the Saints and Ravens, let's hope the Pats will as well tonight.
Hugs Snowy

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Getting into the x-mas mood

HoHoHo--- I'm definitely getting into the X-mas mood now ! Packing all these kits into the store (all older ones at drastically reduced prices) is bringing back memories , plus wrapping everything up and at the end of the month is the switching on of the lights here in town. Luckily the shops have not started playing the music yet,lol.
Last night I completed another Dreamcatcher.
And I started another project , but I will show that another time. I'm taking pics of the different stages and will put the lot on the craft page for others to try once its finished.
The Christmas kit page is slowly filling up. What's there now?

All these at reduced prices and it will be the last time that the older kits will be in the shop. So grab them before they are gone.More detailed previews on the shop page -Now to the new stuff ! Here are 2 more Quickpage teezers from the new kit I'm working on.

And now a freebie as well. I have been digging for a nice autumn kit and came across a kit I made with my old friend Morgana years ago. I still have contact with her and she is one of my Facebook friends. She supplied the cute little patches images , this was the time before I started working with Poser myself.  I still think this kit is cute ,lol.
You can pick it up on the freebie page now.Enjoy-and off I go -Hugs Snowy