
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's Freebie Time again

Hi all ,
not much happening I could tell about in the moment apart from work. -which is pretty boring. But I'm glad I have a job at all , even if I wish for another job because I am fed up with what I do. Instead of being shut into an office all day as a lone worker I would rather be able to work with people.....but I'm working on that.
Have you read SilverRavenWolf's blog and her post about creating Art Journals? Here is the link
I have been doing this kind of thing for years and it's really fun.  Give it a go! It doesn't have to be digital all the time .... it's fun to combine both and do some hybrid projects in between.
I'm working on one in the moment. I have these ugly grey/black office files ....
....and decided to make them look a lot prettier. This is just the start....
Oh, and matching to that Heart box from last post I also made a matching magnet for my metal notice board.
No, it's not for anybody special,lol.... I just like being creative and move in time with the year. With Valentines Day coming up heart shaped projects spring to mind.
The freebie is an ex-store kit called "Wild Hearts" . The reason I picked this one is because it has cute elements in which fit into the Valentine theme, but also for the Art Journaling. The 12 backgrounds and elements can be printed out and cut for a project. And a tip as well..... by printing on Acetate (for printers) you can create clear sticker -like elements to glue on to your projects.
More previews on the freebie page -link at the top.
But here is a digital layout made with it (apart from the torn paper,arrow and heart, which are from another kit)
I want to share a powerful video today...warning, some of the scenes really caused me to have tears in my eyes , so keep the tissue box near ! But it seriously makes you think ....when will people wake up and realise that we cannot eat money? That what we do destroys the earth and a lot of what is happening humanity has brought unto themselves.... enough said....

And that's it for now-enjoy the freebie-and till next time.
Hugs Snowy

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting into Valentines mood....

Hello again..... the the moment I seem to manage on average two posts per week,lol. I have just finished my early shifts and now back on my beloved late shifts.Yesterday I was in bed around 8 pm , managed to read for 15 minutes before my eyes started dropping. Today I had a little nap and far more awake in the evening , so I got busy with a little crafting again. Here is the heart shaped altered box I just finished.

I also had another Dreamcatcher order , this little beauty goes all the way to Lori in Iowa /USA.

Last weekend during my time off I jumped on the train to Norwich. I think most of the time was spent in the huge Hobbycraft Store ....which also had a sale on. Needless to say I came away with a bag full of goodies. I also found a great book with all sorts of home brew remedies. That plain little cardboard box in the pic is the one I altered , at the top.
On my next days off I will prepare and upload another freebie for you, but in the meantime a few more Project 365 layouts. This time its all about Love with Valentines Day approaching.

And that's it now for the time being again. It's bedtime for Snowy. Until next post ....hugs :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Night shift recovery again and the last freebie links

Hi all,
I'm finally off for a few days again...whoohoo ! Today was as usual spent half asleep and the other half trying to catch up with thing I didn't find time for during my 48 hour work week. But I had a nice surprise come through my letter box a few days ago. A package from Phoenix /Arizona.
The gift from Daniel had finally arrived.

          Sam liked the smell and energy from it , he kept sniffing and finally sat down on it.

The contents? Daniel made a medicine bag for me, plus a lovely Indian choker....also hand crafted by him.
I love both ! He wanted to see me wearing it , so of cause I had to take a pic. I am so grateful to him making this and sending it across to me.

Not sure what kind of magick he did with the medicine bag , but the energy is very soothing and calming. I can definitely say I am feeling well protected.
Now here are a few more  Project365 layouts.
And finally the last 2 links for the freebie kit are up now on the freebie page. Here is a layout I made with it.
Tomorrow I plan to jump on the train and go to Norwich. Visiting the Hobbycraft Store and Angel's Crystal shop- Aladdin's Cave for me,lol. I have some bits and bobs to get for my brother Matt, who just moved into a new place and needs basically everything ... He is the one who sent me the Patriots Jacket and scarf for x-mas, so I'm putting a little parcel together for him. Also have to send of a package to Daniel (a magazine he likes). The new one was out today , so I'm picking up a copy tomorrow. These guys and girls in the Circle group are part of my second family , love them to bits. We are all there for each other and without all of them and other friends my Christmas tree would not have had that much underneath last year.
Anyway .....poof ...I'm off ,lol
Hugs Snowy

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

3 more freebie links are up

Hello, I have just put up the next 3 links for the freebie kit "Getting chilly", so you can hop over to the freebie page and grab them.If you like spread the word about the freebies because I'm not advertising them. The only site where I tell about anything is here on the blog and on the Facebook page.

Apart from that not that much going on apart from work.I'm too busy with psychic training and our little group to do much else. Oh yes, and some card readings for I am adding to my collection of dream catchers and books.

Here are more project 365 layouts.

And now I'm off again...things to do,lol - this place doesn't clean and tidy itself. Next post will be the last links for the kit -so till then .
Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 is rocking ! -and freebie

Hi all, I'm still busy clearing space and changing a few things for 2012. You have probably noticed my new header when you came onto the page. After the books I tackled a few more things in this motto:if you have not used it in 2 years , you are not likely going to use it again. You wouldn't believe what I found ! It's one of these things where you wonder about yourself.... I found a Remington Curler I didn't even know I had, brand new why the hell did I buy a Curler years ago when I have a head full of natural curls ? Straightener would have made more sense ...going to the Charity Shop !
So I did a January Layout as this seems to be the theme of the month-Clearing space
Parts are my own Recycle kit and some parts are from Courtney's Digi-Scrappin Art Journey.
I managed to make contact with another Spirit guide of mine.Apart from the native Warrior who likes to give me riddles to solve I also have a female guide, who calls herself Moira .I am getting a distinctive Irish/Celtic impression with her. Guess that explains my interest for Celtic traditions and also the love for native things I have. Even before I knew about them they had a strong influence.
I was told years ago I had Medium abilities, but I never believed it until now.
I also got a new book. In fact, 3 of us got a new book-Nikki and Rachel ordered this as well, so we'll be able to work through and discuss parts together. Dark Goddess-Invoking the Morrighan. Actually it was Morgana aka Ivy , my friend and ex -co producer of Magickalscraps who recommended it to me. Yes , we still have regular contact , she is my friend on Facebook and she's doing great with  Morien aka Jussi and their little girl. Also a few of us are working together on the "Psychic Pathway" 2012 so far rocks, we are doing a lot of things together.
And here some more project 365 layouts.

This last one is for my second family - I love the guys and girls there , my brothers and sisters ;)
And that's all for now- but I have put another freebie up for you on the Freebie page. Getting chilly - this is a qp made with the kit -for detailed previews go to the freebie page please .
And until next post -hugs Snowy

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Holy hell.... sickness everywhere !

Good morning peeps,
I'm running late this morning after a night of restless and interrupted sleep again. It's my second family -I have a connection to them and each time something happens I wake up. First Pixie and Nikki sick, then Ricky and now Bob as well.Also worried about another friend who isn't himself in the moment. "Do me a favour guys.... can you stop doing this at night so I can get my beauty sleep,lol?"-only kidding of cause....
January 2012's first week has been turbulent. Not just with energy shifts , but people in general affected by it , being unsure and indecisive, moody or emotional... tonight is the full moon to round it all up.And Mars in retrograde -oh joy.
My first week was filled with organising and cleaning (curtains washed, windows downstairs cleaned) , and it carries on. I tackled all the books first. Now everything is nice and tidy, plus easy to find for reference.

The work goes on.... I started on a better system with the oils and crystals as well.
Project 365 continues.... here are the next layouts.

 And now its time for me to get some more work started. On the plan is cleaning the bedroom window before I start to lay out the crystals for charging in the full moon tonight. Have a nice Sunday - hugs Snowy

Friday, January 06, 2012

Project 365 layouts

Hi , first of all- thank you for the birthday wishes you left for me
I was working that day, so there's really not much to tell. Although one of my birthday present just fits me to the ground,lol. Rebel ! 
Kyra, thank you so much for your card and present as well. She sent me a cute little Birthstone Fairy.I also received a gift from Pixie- one of the books by Doreen Virtue I am collecting.
Plus Nikki is sending something all the way from MA, and Daniel is surprising me with a very special treat.
This little Witch is getting a  medicine bag for protection and handcrafted choker ...whoohoooooo! How sweet is that? Just gotta love all my friends :) We had a few stormy days here with winds up 105mph in some parts of the UK.But my new furry hat is keeping me warm .
So far I'm keeping to my "layout a day" challenge. So here are some more I made.

More to come - I'm catching up with some work in here today, plus I have another chapter and assignment to complete. Visions are getting better and more regular, plus the clairvoyant ability is slowly getting clearer...but it's only the beginning....lots more work to do to strengthen this ability-which means meditation, connect with the guides and get advice if I'm unsure.For now I say "Have a fantastic weekend" and I'll be back.-and if you like belly dance check out the new song and video by Kai Altair at the top of the page :)
Hugs, Love and Light