
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Livingroom finally done !

Hi all,
I have been busy to carry on decorating the Living room, and apart from painting skirting boards and door frame I have managed to get it all done in between night shifts, sleeping and talking to my guy. Here are the results.

 I definitely need to sort out all the cables in this corner !
And sort through the books , they are building up again ....Amazon market place it will be again. I've been sorting through the kits on my external drive today and I think I found the one which I will upload tomorrow.Nope-not telling yet. On Thursday I'm planning to fire up Poser , load some new stuff into the program and give it a go and see if I can get back into it. I will most likely chat with Reggie after he comes home from work, but he goes to darts later on, so that will be the perfect time. During the day I will have to catch up on some work in here, and if the weather is nice I also want to catch some fresh air.
I made another layout this morning with a mixture of my several of my kits and definitely like the result.
Yeah, all right -I'm going all mushy again ...but he likes mushy, so out come the romantic quotes again,lol
Oh yes, and Reggie got his dream catcher yesterday and loved it. This the one I made for him. He promised to take a pic of it hanging up, so I will show that when I get it.

And that's me off for now, need to start getting ready for work again.
Hugs Snowy

Monday, February 27, 2012

Just a quick check in again...

...and to tell you what I'm up to. Good news.... I will slowly get back to designing again. How comes? Long story,lol. It starts with my amazing boyfriend Reggie who has started working on a music project with old band mates.So in teamwork with the others he will be writing music again. Needless to say I'm his biggest fan .....and as they go along and make progress I will let his music inspire me to design a cover for them. I need to practise!
Apart from that I couldn't be happier , this amazing guy completes me and I'm proud of him....last night he won the darts tournament (I knew he would) and the price. He stays awake for me just to know I arrive home safely and we have a fantastic connection... I can trust and rely on him 100%. I couldn't wish for a better man in my life. And yes, I will be flying over to him this year. Snowy is finally happy again. I'm on 12 hour long night shifts in the moment....overtime, every little counts.
I made a Facebook page cover with his pic, but also a layout with the same design. He loved what I did , so I decided to show it here.
 Now 3 more shifts and I'm off again...oh by the way, I fancied a colour change in my living room... Snowy in DIY mod again. The wallpaper was still wet at this stage, more when I have managed to finish everything and clean up.
And my man wanted to see some pics .... response:  oh daddy likes! lol
So glad he approves....this was taken in the middle of DIY and mess.
 And now I'm going .... Wednesday I will get the freebie ready for you, so hop over again then. Catch you all later.
Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm still there,lol....

.....but it seems ages since I blogged last time. The reason for this is that I have been kept busy ... I'm getting to know an amazing guy.
We have been talking from the time he got up in the mornings, while on vacation, until bedtime. He stayed up when I was working night shifts until I was safely home.We spend hours on the phone talking  and I think he's got a cute, sexy accent (he denies that and says I have ,lol) So yeah....Snowy is very happy ! The only thing better will be to meet up in person when I fly across to to the USA. .....And before you think "that was quick , what is she rushing into?" no....we have been chatting on and off for a long time, in fact I just checked- 4902 messages since August last year when I first sent him a friend request! lol... that's a lot .... I have always liked him, but what really set us off was his Valentines present to me ,I think .....when he sent me a song he wrote himself. Needless to say his song is often played on my stereo and on my phone. Apart from his normal job he's an artist like myself,so we can relate to each other in that regard as well. So there, I love this guy and my travel destination will be North Carolina to meet my handsome Texas guy.
Bonus to going there, I will be meeting Ivy aka Morgana and Morien akak Jussi , LaNita and most likely Deb coming as well.Going to the Renaissance Fair seems already on the plan.
Just got a message that he's arrived at work " Just walked in the door at work. love you too honey. have a great day." ...nothing better than a bit of Reggie and coffee in the morning ! So there you go, now you know why I didn't have time to write earlier. He is my priority apart from Shaun and the connection between us is getting stronger every day.
I'm smiling right from when I get up and still when we say good night and go to bed. Yeah ,I know .... pathetic,-but at least I'm not the only one,lol.
Here is a layout I made a few days ago....
...and one I made this morning
I will get another freebie up as soon as I find the time,lol.... until then ...
Hugs Snowy

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Sweetheart kit released again

Hi again,
well, we had snow here for the past days. That evening when I looked out of the window it was like a blizzard out there,lol.
3 days on and there is still some left.  I admit I landed on my ass while I was outside the other day and came home rather cold and wet. (someone had to tease me after saying that with the comment "You're supposed to be hot and wet, not cold and wet"....needless to say I was in bits really have to watch what you say with certain people,lol)
Superbowl...yeah...uhmmm... it was a good game and right until the last minutes it all went well.... then the fatal Giant touchdown and the dream was over ! Gronk wasn't at his best and several missed passes the last minute didn't help. We were all gutted that the Giants won. I know it's only a game...but so sad :(  We had a feast of Buffalo Chicken and a few drinks and snacks , and comfy settled on the couch with laptop and chat to watch the game.
Last night I got busy and started to make candles. For this batch I chose red,orange and yellow colours, so I can use them for the upcoming Ostara and Beltaine Sabbats.
Plus I added a fresh and fruity citrus fragrance. They smell yummy ! Here they are....fresh out of the fridge,lol....where I put them to cool down a bit faster.
I have been amiss wit posting my 365 layouts, even though I have been doing one each day, so here are a few more with a Love/Valentine theme....kits used for these are Renew and  Art Journey

And last-the Sweetheart freebie is on the freebie page. This was a forum only kit and a collab.... but it was so huge that my part alone is a full kit. So go and grab it !

Well have fun. I will be on night shift later , so the next couple of days I will be nocturnal again. Until next post ..Hugs Snowy

Saturday, February 04, 2012

...and yet another freebie...

Hey, its snowing ! Lol...hi all ... yup, I like it ! Not enough though .... this morning when I woke up there was a dusting of snow, but it all disappeared again during the day. But just looking out the window and it's snowing again- hope it stays this time round. I fancy a play in the snow. Yeah...I know ....I'm a big kid.
But on to other things.... do you know these ugly grey office files? I couldn't see them anymore and decided to make them look a lot prettier.
It's a start....
I'm using 12x12 scrapbook paper to cover the folders.
Now how much better does this look already? I still have to make some nice labels , so I can write on what's in the folders for quick and easy finding what I'm looking for.
And despite the snow now...I sure hope these are the first signs that spring isn't that far away ....
 As announced in the title I have uploaded another freebie. This is a kit I originally made in 2008 , but I didn't like all of it anymore , so I gave it a little make-over.
As always on the freebie page

Early shifts finished and I have taken 2 days off's Superbowl weekend ! Pixie is already sick of it,lol....she lives in Indi where the game is.
So have a great Sunday !
Hugs Snowy

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Another freebie and happy Imbolc ;)

Hi all, thought I pop in before I'm back to work tomorrow and give you another freebie. It's a golden oldie ,lol- this was on my blog years ago , but it was so popular that I decided to put it up again. It's perfect for Valentines Day ...gotta love Tatty Teddy! I have quite a few of these cuties sitting in my bedroom. Yeah...I know-big kid,lol.

 And it's Imbolc today.Just in time for the day this little one decided to pop its head out.It doesn't feel like spring we have freezing temperatures outside !
And this is the freebie , as always on the freebie page.
Enjoy and till next time -hugs Snowy