
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Signing in from North Carolina

Hi all,
hope you made it all through the Holidays and had a nice Christmas. Ours here in NC was a mellow time.... which I really needed !
For a start my connecting flight from Philadelphia to Greensboro was late several hours due to technical problems.It was around 10pm when I finally arrived at the Airport where Reggie had been waiting for me all that time.
Then next day it was a case of raiding Walmart for tissues and nose spray....typical my luck ! First day here and I felt yuckie coming down with a Sinus infection. So Reggie was feeding me extra Vit C and I spent a lot of time just sleeping and chilling out.
I cooked roast potatoes with garlic and rosemary to go with our huge piece of ham and veggies for Christmas day (still some left yesterday ,lol)
Breakfast (made by Reggie) in bed , I discovered I have a serious like for Moon Pies , hot dogs, Chili, Chocolate and cookies....I need to go on a diet in the New Year ! Oh yes, and we went to Cinema to watch the Hobbit and I had the biggest bucket of popcorn I have ever seen !
That's about it really, because we have not been out much and spent most of the time in the warmth.I have not even shot any photos yet.
But what I have done is started another new kit over here.

With not feeling 100% and staying inside we both spent some time on our computers, him playing computer games and me looking for some resources and starting up my program to be creative while lying on the bed , having snacks , meds and talking.
Feeling fine now , as soon as laundry is done we'll be heading out ...I want to go to Michael's to look for some craft bargains and tomorrow is football. Buffalo Chicken sounds perfect , so we need to hit the shop for some things.
I'm actually loving the time spent indoors here. We have time to talk , to watch movies while being cuddled up together ,to be silly and have a laugh just fooling about and getting to know each other even better.
And there's nothing nicer than waking up next to the man I love again.I feel at home here . Life is good !!!

For now we both wish you a Happy New Year , and I pop in again when I have something to show or tell. Until then -hugs from North Carolina  xx

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day before D-day :)

Good morning ,peeps :)
Yup, it's the day before I'm leaving -I'm so impatient now to start the journey. My suitcase is packed apart from some last minute things I am still using and some travel snacks and drinks to go into my little rucksack for the journey.
Last bits to take care of today and then an early night , because it will be an early start tomorrow !
Our Work -xmas get-together was fun last Friday, but the food ....well, I could have cooked better at home.

And I finally finished off previews for some of my kits to be published in the New Year , my stock is growing.
But I promised you freebies for today. First here are the last parts of the Christmas kit .
And then a little extra. The full kit of "Party of Lights" to scrap any New Years pics -Fireworks !!!

And from me to you "Have a nice Winter Solstice, Yule Christmas or whatever you call it ....and a Happy New Year ! ;)
I will pop in from North Carolina and tell what we're up to and post some pics when I find the time. Until then -Hugs Snowy
.....North Carolina I come again ....

Thursday, December 13, 2012

...the next parts....

thought I pop in before I start my night shift and while dinner is cooking .... a little time to sit down for me before eating and having a pre night shift nap. So what have I been up to?
I thought I dye my hair before going across and our Christmas get-together from work tomorrow evening. But damn !They didn't have my colour. I usually take "Bittersweet chocolate" .It's not quite as harsh as full black. But no worries , the colour called "Midnight Red " looked very nice , black with a red shimmer in the light...... yeah the colour is nice , but my bathroom looked as if somebody had been murdered in it. That dye looks so spookily like old blood when washing the colour out. It would make a great Halloween joke to leave it in the sink or bath when you have guests ....together with some knives and a bone saw ....
My new camera has arrived and I'm slowly getting used to it ....a case of "what does that button do?" Kyra, I used to have the Easy share , that's the one that lasted 8 years and has served me so well. But this little baby is quite good as well. It takes really good close ups as I found out when I practised a little bit.This is not even enhanced in Photoshop ,straight from the camera.

 Then the cats had to be the targets.
Apart from that I designed more. I have a problem, you know?? I'm running out of names for the kits I'm making,lol. -Here is some more new stuff.Of cause these quickpages are personalised with quotes for my use ,lol.

All my travel documents are ready , a taxi to bring me and my suitcase to the train station is booked ...all I need to do now is pack and leave. Today next week I will be in the air -whooohoooo !!!! :)
Tonight is my very last shift for this year, so from tomorrow morning on I will be off ...a wonderful feeling. That means I have plenty of time to sort everything out here , stock up before I leave and pack without stress -fantastic !Am I excited ? More impatient ,lol...I just want to get on that flight.
So I'm posting this week's freebie parts earlier , and next week I post the day before I leave.
Here are the next 2 parts for you.2 more to come next week then you have the full kit.
Yes, in case you wondered about the No,1 on the preview....there is a second Christmas Glory kit as well.I did two different full kits when I made these. You'll get that eventually as well.But I have another surprise for you next week before I leave .As I don't want to have to post links while I'm in NC I will give you another full kit next post ... just wait and see ,lol.
So until then ...hugs Snowy

Friday, December 07, 2012

Another Christmas freebie

Hi all.... oh fudge !
I just looked out the window and we have more snow !
When I got up earlier there was nothing , Shaun even went to work on his motorbike ...he'll be swearing now and might have to leave it at work later and walk home. This sooooo...NOT what I want ! Not before my flight has taken off in 13 days time. The last thing I want are cancelled or delayed flights because of the weather !
Or trains ....cross fingers it won't be like this on the day I leave !

I have been busy with more new designs. Here a couple of samples what's been created on my laptop recently.

This will be part of my scrap and journaling kit for this time in NC with Reggie.A Winter version to the Summer kit I made and scrapped the last pictures from NC with. Both kits will be available in the New Year.

 I'm off work on rota break in the moment. Sunday I'm back on shift , but only for 4 days ...and then ...that's it until the New Year! Vacation time ....whoop whooop :)
My poor Reggie has the sniffles and sinus problems in the moment , I hope he feels better soon.
Not much to show in the moment , I'm waiting for my new little camera to arrive.
I went for a handy little Nikon this time, the write up sounds good and it's easy to travel with and fits into my handbag.Plus the price seems to be a good deal for what's offered.
  • 10.1 Megapixel , Motion Detection compensates for blur from subject movement
  • NIKKOR 5x wide-angle optical zoom lens (28 - 140mm equivalent) - from group shots to close-ups, this lens offers superb precision and sharp resolution.
  • The large 7.5cm (3") LCD screen offers clear shooting and playback.
  • Anti-Blur Function - Vibration Reduction (eVR) reduces the effect of camera shake High ISO (up to 1600) light sensitivity for sharper images in low light.
  • L23 Black + Case and 4GB Memory Card 
And the 4 gig memory card with it will have room for lots of pictures.
This baby should arrive soon , at the latest on Monday ...I can't wait to try it out. It's an upgrade from my old Kodak easy share , and that little thing was damn good ! Let's see how this new one compares and if I get 8 years life out of it as well,lol.
Anyway, let's give you links for the new freebie. This one has 7 zip files , I'll give you the first 3 today, 2 with papers and one with elements.
...and here the previews of what you're getting. It used to be one of my Store kits.

Have fun with it :) I shall get ready now and head into town. As much as I don't want to go out in this weather, I have no milk left in the fridge. That means no coffee ! And no coffee is a catastrophe ...unthinkable ,lol ! So let's brave this cold and snowy weather -'till next post
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Weekend freebie time again !

Good morning peeps ,
hope you are having a nice weekend. We had the first dusting of snow here last night ...ughh...not good,lol. I don't want snow yet. For the simple reason that I don't want to mess anything with my flight this month. It's only 18 days now until I fly across to spend time with Reggie again.
 And it's cold here....brrrr....Last Sunday I went to see the Coca Cola truck ....I have to say it looks more impressive on TV and with the lights on, than during the day time.

But I have been keeping busy as usual and designed more new stuff. Here two layouts from yet another new kit. The pics were taken by Reggie. The first is at the back of his house showing the Mountain Laurel in bloom beginning of the year.

The second one is showing a large chunk of quartz in his back garden. The ground there is full of it.

Lol, maybe I tell you about that dream which prompted this photo another time. Otherwise I have have been making more candles ...
...and this cat of mine has decided that the bookshelf is now his new place to rest.Since I brought more books to the Second hand market stall and there is more room he has obviously claimed the space.  He is there and snoring loudly as I write this,lol.
 Anyway.... here are the next and last two freebie parts of the Christmas around the World kit . Enjoy :)
....and I will be back with another new freebie next weekend ...till then ...
Hugs Snowy 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

New freebie again

Hi all and good morning,
Finally checking in again with another freebie after one hell of a week. First my bathroom light went and the whole fixture came out the ceiling, then my sink ,which had a small crack had to be replaced as well. So we had the Electrician and a Plumber around to fix things. Then my camera died a death -OH NO !!! I will need to get a new one before I fly across to spend time with Reggie again.
Slowly the pictures were degrading with stripes on it a pic of Sam on the soft and warm cushion I made myself for the cats using a fleece blanket and filling from an old quilt.
It got even worse -So no more pics with this until I have a new one.
I have been working on more designs as well and made some layouts as well.

And I always wanted to make a silhouette from a photo....guess who,lol....
I will not be putting a Christmas tree up this year as I won't be home. But I will place some other seasonal decorations during my days off work.
All my Travel documents, tickets, Insurance etc are ready .I just need to pack and go !!!
But now the first Christmas freebie parts. This is from 2010 - the small part was a freebie for "Christmas around the world" , but as usual I couldn't stop and made a lot more. These 3 additional parts have never been published free before.
This my version of Christmas around the World :)
2 parts today and 2 next week. The first is the original freebie part- so you might have got it from the "Christmas around the world" blog in 2010.. and as I said the other parts are the unpublished stuff

Enjoy , and till next post again :)
Hugs Snowy

Friday, November 16, 2012

Weekend freebie parts again

Hey all :)
I'm off for my rota break and as always I'm keeping busy. Also had some great news from Reggie....they won the tournament !!! His team are the Champions of the darts League ...fantastic ! I had so hoped they would win this time after they made to to the semi finals while I was there in summer and then lost in the finals. Reggie has the mug he wanted so much ,lol.
Here is the winning team -all great guys , had so much fun meeting them and watching them play while I was there.

And of cause my personal Champion Reggie (wearing the birthday present I sent him-glad he likes it ). Tradition is that the very heavy trophy gets filled with beer and the winning team drinks it from the trophy....I think he's waiting in line here,lol.

That brings me to design news.... I did the Football Kit, a Hockey Kit, a Chess Kit ...... now it's time to create a Darts kit , and what you are seeing are the first pieces of it.
I'm waiting to be set up in the soon as that is done I can start uploading and open my store with all the new designs I have been creating.
Talking of creating ... I found a Monogram font the other day and wanted to do something with it. Here is the result. I printed the monogram to use as a template , transferred it onto thick cardboard and cut it out (which was a pain in the ass to do ,lol) Then glued it onto the base I had prepared.

I also created a Winter Door/Wall decoration with some letters and a snow garland from the £ Shop. Add some scrapbook paper for the cardboard base, some cotton wool , snowflakes, a bow.....and here you go ....

That not being enough I got crafty with a cereal box ...yup, you read that right ! Here is the tutorial on how to make a stationary organiser from a cereal box
And my result...perfect for the kitchen to store those coupons and money of vouchers , plus it actually matches my little chest in which I store my seeds

 But now the last of the freebie links for this kit
Enjoy-and another new kit next week
Until next post
Hugs Snowy :)