
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

As rest for the wicked (Witch) ,lol....and give for a good cause

Hi all,
keeping busy as always! Not only are we short on staff at work , so there is a lot of overtime, but I have tons to do here at home as well.
Yup, been back in UK for two weeks now ...not that I want to be, but I have to earn more money, pay the bills and save for my next trip. Which will be December, so it's not too far away.
Missing waking up next to Reggie, being able to do things together in person and the generally great way we get on and live together.
Partner in crime and mischief, best friend, partner, lover and Master.... vacation over and back to normal for some months, and nightly Skype calls.
This is us at cinema, popcorn in hand,lol
When I saw in the news that Boston area was hit by a tornado I had to think of Edna, Was she ok? I quickly hopped over to her blog to check. Thankfully her area was not hit hard. But that brings me to one reason for this post.
A lot of tornado victims have lost everything and need to start completely new. I don't know about you, but I don't trust many charities. A lot of the donations get used for other things and only a small percentage of money actually goes to the victims.
But there is one I trust unconditionally, and that is my friends True's and Cyber's BIKERS UNITED DISASTER RELIEF TEAMS.
They keep nothing for themselves, have teams who drive out to victims personally to deliver goods etc , and have teams in a lot of States. Currently they are also collecting "Back to School" things for the children of needy families.
If you want to do a good deed, donate or buy one of their patches
I will proudly wear my North Carolina patch on my jeans Jacket.
There is also the Facebook page, which contains a lot of pictures and videos of the good deeds they have been doing.
They need furniture, clothing , every day living items to help those families who lost everything. If you have anything to give away check out the FB page, they can put you in contact with the Team leader who is possibly in your State and arrangements can be made for donations of items.

There ya go... my good deed of the day,lol. Hold on, just grabbing a glass of sweet iced tea and I post a couple of pics of what I've been up to.
....yup, I seem to take on some southern habits ... I love sweet tea ! Oh yes, and fried chicken. Preferably Poppeys. Bojangles is damn good as well. Anything Creole /Cajun really. Before long they probably succeed to teach me proper Redneck , but I don't think I will ever be one of those southern Ladies.I swear too much to go through as any Lady,lol.Besides....naughty and mischief is more fun !

It's decorating time! It's been 6 years since I did my hallway.(damn, where has the time gone?) And I got sick of the dark colors, the white of the door frames and stairs had turned yellow... it was time for a make-over !
It's a three story stairwell , so far I have done downstairs and the first set of set up to the first landing. I chose a very light antique white with a hint of a grey tone in it.
Pictures and wall decals with quotes make a statement.
Next job will to strip that dark wallpaper in the background there. Slowly working my way up. It's slow progress because I worked overtime as well.
 So for now it's back to paint and wallpaper stripping , and I'll be back hopefully with some scrap goodies soon.
Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Getting back into design

Good morning
I'm slowly finding my way in the new programs again and have been designing a few parchment backgrounds and a couple of simple layouts.

Otherwise life here is peaceful. Reggie is working overtime which leaves me with a lot of time to myself to do what I like.
I've been cooking and baking , trying out my new appliances. We have mostly all new things in the kitchen now. A brand new set of pots and pans, cutlery, dishes, I got a new mixer and 5 piece baking set , a new Iron...and and and....
Craft supplies are slowly getting stocked and I already made some yummy smelling candles
I also finished hand sewing the kitchen window curtain, matching the back door curtain I showed in my last post.
I can't wait to get my hands on roller,paintbrush and paints and start to give this house a make-over. But not yet... but that doesn't stop me from planning and doing a virtual make-over on the computer. I want to make this place brighter and more cheerful.Something like this...
But enough of that now,lol.
Yesterday I started cooking and ...oh damn... noticed that we were out of Cajun Spice mix ! What to do? Well, I looked up several recipes on the net which varied with the ingredients. In the end I made my own version of what I thought would be right and go well. BINGO !
Reggie's comment last night "You've outdone yourself with this, It's perfect" Now who doesn't like to get a compliment like this? So I decided to share my Cajun Spice mix recipe. I will share the recipe for Cajun Chicken Pasta, in which I use this Spice mix, in the next post.
Here it is... you will have plenty left over with this amount, or just make a jar full straight away, Unlike the Store bought mixes there are no additives or artificial colors or flavors in this.

This is one of the backgrounds I made , and in this layout I used another one
You will get all these things I make for scrapping eventually,lol.... I'm working on a kit with a Woodland theme.
For now I say "until next post " though....Snowy has some housework to do , and after that I will see what the weather is like. We have showers fore-casted , but if the weather stays nice I will probably sit on the deck for a while and work on a cross stitch table cloth, and later on design a bit more.
Hugs Snowy :)

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Good morning from beautiful North Carolina

Hi all,
I've been here a little over a week now and finally taking the time to blog again.
The last week I have been really busy here with settling in, doing some late Spring cleaning and sewing.
I'm busy leaving my mark in this house and my project last week was to hand sew a new curtain for the back door, which leads out onto the deck from the kitchen. Currently I am working on a matching curtain for the kitchen window.
This is one I made for the wall in the Dining room.The heart with string was bought in a cheap shop in England and I just made it a little prettier with bow, piece of ribbon,heart and butterfly embellishments.

I'm slowly getting used to the new programs and have been experimenting a little. Although I don't think I will ever get back to only digi-scrapping/designing anymore. There are just too many other things in my life which I enjoy doing as well. So I have decided this blog will really also be a mixture of all kinds of things I do.... depending where the mood takes me it might be design, recipes, various art and craft things, pagan related stuff or simply a subject I find worth blogging about.

Currently my other half Reggie is at work. Yes, that's right.... he has no vacation while I am here this time.So it's more like "real life" and I enjoy taking care of the house while he's at work and having dinner ready when he comes home.I just like spoiling this man.
And as Reggie says " moving in a little bit more each time" you can see, I have taken over the second bathroom,lol
We are slowly replacing old appliances and other kitchen items.I bought an electric kettle, iron, Belgian waffle maker and when I arrived here I was surprised to see we had a new pot and pan set, new cutlery and dining set.
Eventually we will start to decorate this place, Walls and ceiling need a new touch of paint, same as the doors and skirting boards. New PVC in the kitchen and a new carpet in the bedrooms.
Yes, this is home ! Even though I don't live here 24/7 yet. I was greeted with "Welcome back home, baby" when I arrived , and it really feels like it.
I love this area , North Carolina is beautiful and I so enjoy our walks by the River Eno.
I'm slightly soaked there after Reggie splashed me with water, but I gave as good as I got :)

Anyway, I have 2 little freebies today. One is a leave overlay in gray scale

and the matching seamless texture

Excuse the plain look, I don't have my external drive with logos and labels here in NC.

Here is a layout I made with both. First I used the overlay on a green background , adjusted opacity until I was happy, and then I applied the texture to the background.

Have fun playing with it  :)
And I will start my work in here now and then chill outside on the deck later with my sewing.
Hugs Snowy