
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I'm back ....with the last Fall parts :)

apologies for the late post but I have been abroad and only returned late last night.
This morning I had lots of cleaning to do after being away. Leave a 25 year old young man home alone and it seems you come back to a sink full of dishes and piles of laundry each time :) Not to mention pizza boxes. I still don't know how long that half eaten pizza in the fridge has been in there either.
I had a great time at the Lord of the Lost concert and as added bonus they filmed a DVD during the show which will be released next year. We were encouraged to sing along , snip our fingers , raise our fists up in the air (which is the name of one of the songs as well) and Chris Harms delivered a fantastic show with some talks as well and had the crowd laughing with his wicked sense of humor.
This is a pic they took at the end of the show from the stage and yes, we're on there as well. (If you know where we were sitting ,lol)
Guess who will pre-order this DVD as soon as it's possible?
We visited a few Christmas markets and had a fab time .

And also explored a castle dating back as far as the 11h century.
I think I was most fascinated with the colorful wall paintings.
If you look at them closely they are telling a story of life in the past.

OK, but now to the download links. I still have tons to do. No rest for the wicked (Witch) yet...
Plus I have a new toy to explore. I got myself the new Kindle Fire HD 10 tablet on Black Friday. With £40.00 off it was too good not to get it after I had my eye on it for a while now.

Here the last 2 links

And this coming weekend we will start with the Christmas kit . Nope, no preview ... you will just have to wait a few days ,lol ;)

Thanks Edna, for informing me about this so called "Virus" :
Upon downloading, a page comes up warning that it has a vicious virus. Norton says it was a fake warning.

I can assure everybody that I have and pay for a very good anti virus and security program. All my files get scanned regularly, not only for download parts for you but also for my own peace of mind. Believe me, as a designer there is nothing worse than catching a virus and suddenly all your hard work is gone.
Still. things like that can still happen despite extensive security programs. It always pays to be vigilant and careful with any downloads ! 
Hugs and stay creative

Sunday, November 19, 2017

It's still fall y'all :)

Hi all :)
I'm tired from working nightshifts but happy this morning .... 2 weeks off work for me :)
Part of that time I will be visiting my parents, visit the Christmas markets and also go to a concert.
So....what have I got to show today?
Watercolors !
Watercolor patterns and a kiwi ...
...and coffee
And I digitized some of these.
Love how they turned out :)
The CU stuff I'm making in the moment will be eventually be on this blog as well. Some for free , but also some for sale.
Making these costs paper. And not just normal cheap paper , but watercolor paper. And paints. And time and effort. I'm not looking to get rich, but a little towards the materials I use to make them would be nice. So I will have a Blog sale page. Everything will be from $1.00-$3.00 (depending on file size). I'm planning to have it set up in the first half of January.
That's one of my New Years resolutions,lol  
How cute is that add-on I made for the current kit? That hedge hock is just a cutie !
You'll get that next weekend . For this weekend there's still other parts
 For now it's more elements

and fall overlays

The last 2 parts next week will be word art and the add-on.
And then we'll be rushing into Christmas ! 

And that's me off to bed now....nightshift recovery and beauty sleep...
Stay crafty and creative
Hugs Snowy

Saturday, November 11, 2017

"It's fall y'all " part 3 and 4

Hi again !
This past week has just raced away in time, it seems.
I always want to get so much done and then there's never enough time. Working overtime and giving up one of my free days doesn't help.
I seems I wasted hours on the laptop today sorting out folders on the laptop and external drive. I have nothing physical to show for it , even though I got a lot done :)

So after all this sorting I needed to relax with something simple ! I decided on the "Christmas cuties" doodle Skillshare class. Aren't they adorable ?

Of course I did some coffee related stuff as well.

Nightshifts do not leave much time for challenges, so I'm 2 days behind now.

But I was lucky and found some items for little money to make my living room really cozy and nice for the season.

When I saw this stag sculpture I knew I had to get it. For only £ 4.99 it was a great deal :)
And to carry on with a warm , slightly rustic feel , the faux fur rug and footstool adds a warm furry touch and the stool is great for putting my feet up while watching TV or doing my knitting/crochet work.  £14.99 for the stool and £12.99 for the rug didn't break the bank :) All were from our ALDI store .

I don't like wasting too much money on decorations and home furnishings (even my furniture are all flat pack stuff), but having it look nice and cozy is still important to me as well. After all , the surroundings do play a role in having a relaxing space after coming home from work and to chill out.

Talking about chill out items and crafts- I have not received any more of the Knit and Stitch mags. I will have to contact the company because the money has gone off my account but I have received no further issues yet. So I can't carry on with patches for my knitted blanket until I get them delivered.
Once I do I will update the pattern page again.
I've also been busy with some wintery , festive watercolor paintings , but will leave that for next post , because I'm still adding to it.

For now it's time for more freebie parts.
Background papers  and more elements

3 more parts to come for this kit and I might even have another little add-on as well.
Still working on it....
So for now I say "till next weekend " and it's time for a nice cup of tea :)
Yes tea ! I only have coffee in the mornings and go over to tea in the evenings. Less caffeine and better sleep :)
And as it's nearly 11 pm now I'm off ....
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, November 05, 2017

New freebie kit

Hello again :)
It's been a busy week for me with work, painting and a little Christmas shopping as well.
I decided to take part in a "Coffee challenge" ...meaning a whole month of painting , drawing and lettering everything coffee related.
Of cause I had to paint with instant coffee again as well. And.... my picture for day 1 was liked that much that I got a little award picture :)
Day 2
Day 3
That's enough...I don't want to bore you with lots of coffee paintings ;)
A cactus makes a nice change . I'm also still knitting in between all this , but had no chance to take a picture yet.
For today I have the first two parts of my new Fall kit for you.
Ready for lots of previews?

Today I give you the pack with tartan backgrounds and another  part with elements.

This is quite a large kit with 6 folders and not everything is shown in the previews(I had to stop myself ! I could have made so much more). So there'll be more parts the next 2 weeks , before we start to get "Christmas-sy"
I will have to make up my mind which of the Christmas kits to give you ....or I might let you vote for one again :)

And now excuse me. I have a painting to finish this morning and still do some housework before work this afternoon .
Hugs and enjoy