
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Flu break, but finally back with next parts

Good morning :)
I have to apologize for not posting last weekend, but things don't always turn out as planned. In this case I was down with the flu for a week. Anything that didn't include sleeping , chilling on the sofa , plenty of fluids and my meds was just not happening.I even had to take off a few days from work. 
But I'm better now....still coughing and sniffles , but no fever and chills anymore.

Still, it was a bummer ! I had so many plans for my days off work as well. And guess what I got done? Nothing ! Not a single thing. I didn't even feel like I had enough energy to hold a paintbrush.
But no point stressing about it. I just take each day as it comes right now and work on getting rid of that snotty nose and cough completely, and get my energy and strength back.

So what have I been up to since I felt a little better? Back to work for a start. And falling exhausted into bed at the end of my shifts. But I have found a little time for some creativity as well.
This morning I did another Skillshare class and painted a wreath with hand lettered quote.
Some Butterflies.
And I made a few more lava bead bracelets
 But let me get to the download links now.
I'm a week behind , but hey.... so here are the next two parts.
More background papers

and elements

There will be two more parts for this kit. I say next weekend,lol......hoping nothing prevents me from posting this time ;)

Till then
Hugs Snowy

Monday, February 12, 2018

Valentine Dreams freebie kit

back with the Valentines kit and more paintings.
The Watercolor challenge of 2018 continues and week 2 of February theme is " Macaroons"
I don't even like them , but they sure are fun to paint !
And even more fun when the new watercolors arrive , which I won via Gift card in last months competition.
The pigments in this set are just out of this world  :)
And I also completed this "Steampunk Journey" painting.

But now to kit previews ...

This kit has 6 parts and can be used for more than just Valentines layouts.
I give you the first 2 downloads today.

and elements

Enjoy! And see you with more parts next week :)
Stay crafty
Hugs Snowy

Monday, February 05, 2018

Last part of Frosty Winter Nights

Hello :)
It's Superbowl Sunday and I'm sitting here watching the game while writing this post. It's rather late here in UK fact , it's already Monday here. I finished my late shift at 23.00 , rushed home and just made it for the game to begin.

This last week was a success for me because I won the watercolor challenge for January. The prize was an Amazon Gift card and obviously I spent it on art supplies. I will just have to wait a little for it to arrive from the USA.
I took another Skillshare class with food items. The February challenge is gearing up to paint and illustrate a recipe.

All in all a creative productive week. But now to the last part of the kit. 

Next week will be the start of a new freebie kit again .
A Valentine kit in rich red and gold tones , suitable not just for Valentine layouts. Detailed previews next weekend .

Until then .
Stay creative :) 
Hugs Snowy