
Sunday, June 17, 2018

The last of Magical Seas

Good morning (yawn) …
I just came home from my last nightshift , so let's see whether I can write a post and make sense without any sleep :)
It's still June and the #thingswithflowers challenge  goes on.
One prompt was " suitcase"
..then we had an hourglass
a banner
And this is my result of the Watercolor Hummingbird Skillshare class.
Talking of Skillshare, you can get 2 months for free.
This is for the class I'm doing right now, but you are not limited and can take any classes you like. As many as you can do in 2 months. And you might be surprised how much they have to offer and sign up like me. I aim to do at least one class each week. They offer everything from arts and crafts -knitting , crochet, sewing, macramé, painting to photoshop and photography classes. And even Business and Technology stuff .
You won't be able to keep up with the new classes they publish all the time as well. What are you waiting for ? Learn something new :) Ps: By using that link I will earn a free month for everyone that signs up. That goes for every member...even you will get free months when you share a link if you decide to sign up.  Even if you don't sign up, there are free classes as well.
I pay £ 10.00 each month for my membership, can take as many classes as I want -no limit- and part of that goes to scholarships, so you're doing a good deed for students as well.
Money well spent and a lot less than you pay for video classes and teacher support on other sites.
 Of course there is always YouTube :)
Here some theory and practice for glazing, layering and shading
Here you can start learning about simple monochromatic flowers 

Pretty , huh? Here is my one .Go on, give it a try :)

But now to links …. here comes the last of Magical Seas 
And here 2 quickpages with sea/beach scenes which are not part of this kit.

Enjoy ! I won't be posting next weekend as I will be visiting my parents and family , but I will be back in 2 weeks with a new kit for you. 
Until then.
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, June 10, 2018

More Magickal Seas and let's talk about colors

Hello and good morning ;
It's still quite early and the best time to write my blog post before I start to potter around and wake everybody up on this Sunday morning :)
The #thingswithflowers challenge goes on and I have created a few more paintings. But I also have to share some still from the May challenge.
We have the bird cage …
..the clock

and the house .In this case I made a fairy house out of a mushroom. That was May.
The 1st of June prompt was Arrow.
and the next one...
...for June was "Globe" .I had a real model for this one.

Let's talk "Colors" or "Colours " as we spell it here in UK.

Did you know there are only 3 primary colors? Yellow , red and blue. These 3 are really all you need , because all other colors can be created from just these 3. I think you will already know that yellow and blue = green, yellow and red =orange, red and blue=purple. Those are the secondary colors. But you still have shades in between. Those are called the tertiary colors. Then are cold and warm colors. This video explains it all , and a good exercise is to make your own color wheel and chart.
That's basic mixing, but you can also change the color and transparency with the amount of water you use.

This is great for shading. If you look at any object you will notice that the color is lighter where the light hits the object and darker where the light doesn't reach.

 That's probably enough for today to watch and take in . You have a lot to watch now. I already have the next video tutorials lined up for next week though ;)
So go ahead , grab some paper ,brush and he 3 primary colors and practice what they show in the videos. It might seem boring , but understanding how color works will help you in the long run with any future paintings. And not just paintings ...if you knit , crochet , sew or do scrapbooking /graphic design it helps to know what colors complement each other and work well together.

For now it's time for download links.

We have one more link next weekend and I throw in a couple of Quickpages as well.
So until next week -stay creative :)

Hugs Snowy

Monday, June 04, 2018

Hi again,
Just came home from work and thought I better do this post and links before I head to bed :)
Can you believe it's already June and nearly half of 2018 has passed? I get the feeling time flies by faster and faster the older I get :)
Well, I have been busy painting again. I was happy when they announced on Instagram that the #thingswithflowers challenge would continue a second month.
But I still have to show a few from the May challenge.

Maybe one more ?
I leave the rest for next post's just getting too much :)

To answer your question ,Edna ... the blob is where the color is more concentrated and darker. I leave "blobs" where I want to indicate a shadow . or a lighter space as a highlight where the light hits the object. When I paint leaves I often leave the blob where the leave joins the stem. You often have a little darker space there.(shadow)
There are so many different styles of painting....abstract, realistic etc . This is called loose painting style , where you indicate the shape and color , but keep it loose without too much detail.

I dug out another 2 videos which are fun and easy for beginners
I painted and practiced with these videos myself when I started .The first is watercolor basics  and the second one simple leaf shapes to create a picture. The colors make it a really nice painting. You will notice lighter colors always in the background, then the more saturated in the foreground .
That's pretty much a watercolor rule to go by .

Next week I will write about mixing colors . That's an important aspect and will help you to understand colors better. Not only practical to know for painting , but also digital design and scrapbooking. But now....time for the download links. Did I mention it's 9 parts ;) It's huge 

Enjoy nd I'll be back with more as usual next week...till then
Hugs Snowy