
Monday, October 22, 2018

3 more Gordon's kitchen parts for you

Good morning ,
I normally wanted to post last night after work , but it as been such a busy day that I only wanted to chill and go to bed after I finished my shift at 11 pm.
But now , after a good nights sleep I am ready to write my blog post ;)

I have finally sorted out all my winter clothing and half of it was too large after loosing about 10 kilos so far. Luckily one of my colleagues likes my style and bought most of it from me. So at least it's not a total loss and I got some cash for it all to buy new items in a smaller size.
It's so nice not to have to go to shops searching for larger sizes ! I have so much more choice now , that I'm down three dress sizes.
And I feel great in these new things :) As I don't do a diet as such (just cut out junk food , smaller portions and moving more ) it's taken a while , but better slow and keeping it off than loosing the weight quickly and piling it all back on once you stop the diet !

What has kept me most busy the past weeks is my patchwork woolly blanket. It sure has grown a bit …
I'm half way done now. Normally it would have been 12 x 12 squares, but I decided to make it larger and do 18x12 squares. Also, I want to add a border once all the squares are together.

I also finished another kit. Here is a preview and 2 quickpages I made with it.

 I have 2 more kits in the making. But that will be a little while still until they are finished.

Winter is coming and no garden work , which means I will have more time to be creative again :)
It's still quite mild here during the day , and I'm still picking tomatoes and cutting herbs to dry or freeze. Weeds always threaten to take over and there hasn't been much rain, so I still have to water the plants in the moment.

But let me show you what's up for grabs today.
  More food

The Kitchen appliances

...and part 6 of the main kit - recipe cards and a couple of ribbon bows

More Gordon's kitchen to come  ...this one for example...
But that's next post until then...keep crafty :)
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Back with yet more Gordon's Kitchen

Hello again....
Time for another blog post ! And I have been busy ….
Apart from work I have managed to get a couple of started paintings done , still doing some gardening work , sorted out the warmer clothing and books , sold some clothing which is too big (I'm still loosing weight, no diet though...just healthy eating,moving more and a lot less junk ) , brought what isn't needed anymore to a second hand /charity shop, knitted more squares for my blanket and spent the rainy afternoon yesterday with a good book on the sofa ;) Gotta have time to chill with some cookies and hot chocolate as well …

Today I bought a new clear storage box for my sewing threads and sorted all the stuff I have. I found I definitely have enough safety pins and needles to last me for the rest of my life, I think.
And yes,I also have an old fashioned button box . This girl is old school :)

This is my ling room /creative corner when it's tidy....
….this is the current state though. Work in progress. It's so nice to finally have enough room to spread out .
This is one of the finished paintings from a Skillshare class with Irina. Can't you see I'm getting into Halloween mode ?
And do you remember the video tutorial with 3 easy landscape paintings I shared weeks ago? Well, I finally completed the second more to go. The last is a winter snow scene, so I think I will wait until it gets a little colder to get into the winter mood , before I have a go at that one. Let's stick to autumn for the time being :)

I really have to catch up on some blog reading. The last months ere so busy with all the renovating and decorating I barely had time to be on the computer. And I'm not a person who sits or walks around with her phone in hand all the time.

Anyway.... let me show a few more previews from Gordon's kitchen.
 Today we have food....
Kitchen charts for weight loss , if you're working on that , and one meal plan chart . Plus another zip file with frames , bows and ribbons for the kit.

And there's yet more to come ! I have 7 more parts to upload . Apart from 2 more general element parts there's still more food , kitchen items , templates, Gordon tubes and kitchen appliances. Gotta have a cooker , fridge , microwave etc in the kitchen, right?
So there you go, a little sneak preview of what's still coming .
I hope you're enjoying this mega kit so far :)

Time for me to finish this post now....I have a cup of hot chocolate , some cookies and a few more chapters of my book on my mind now, before bed time.

Until next post....
Stay creative.
Hugs Snowy