
Sunday, February 17, 2019

New Freebie kit start again

Hello :)
I think I have a few more grey hairs ...just when I think one job is done the next one is creeping up on me !
You know I told about sorting those files into folders on my external drive last post? Welllll….. this job turns out larger than expected. I was looking for this "Resource folder" I had for years far back as when I started designing. That damn thing disappeared. First thought : Oh no !!! My resources ...lost ! " But not to worry -I kept all the zip files. I smiled. But that smile soon disappeared. Just picture a 2 TB drive with a large folder labeled "Zip files" … How long have I been designing? Yeah.... more than 10 years.... see what I mean? There is a staggering amount of zips in this folder. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack. I have alone over 5000 font files , no clue how many Poser program files, PSP files, Photoshop files. How hard can it be to find some lost overlays and other resources ? (being sarcastic here)

But to more pleasant things now... I have been creative again.
Another botanical drawing on brown paper.
Ampersand for a challenge. This took me hours !
Greenery wreath in watercolor
And I finished this one not long ago - Watercolor Dreamcatcher for another challenge.

Besides all this I did a little spring cleaning and also planted more seeds.

And 3 years with a Fitbit, healthier eating and moving more is paying off. Here is the math : I am 2 1/2 kilos away from my goal weight of 75 kilos. At my heaviest I was 92 kilos.
My weight before I had Shaun ,when I was 23 years old was 73 kilos = if I loose 4 1/2 kilos more I will be the same size as 28 years ago.
I am definitely aiming for that as next goal :)

I should have taken before and after pictures , but as I was not doing a diet, just a life style change, I didn't think of that.

And it's time for a new freebie kit... this used to be a store kit , but now as freebie. Fitting in with the time of the year ...Mardi Gras. But can be used for Dress up parties and all sorts of fun stuff.

A really fun, bright and colorful kit :) 
More parts in my next post again.... now back to searching for those damn files :) 
Hugs Snowy 

Monday, February 04, 2019

Last Winter Romance parts

Hi all :)
Superbowl is the ideal time to get stuff done ! I just finished the ironing and folded laundry , completed another knitted square for my blanket and now the blog post. GO PATS !!!

The highlight of this week was definitely that one of my drawings was picked by my favorite sketchbook brand Pink Pig Sketchbooks for their advertising :)
I have a few more drawing ideas for these brown paper books but today  have been working on a watercolor challenge.
I have a few days to catch up on , but managed to get two prompts done today.
Prompt 1 was " Dots"
This turned out rather abstract and different. I loved watching the colors bleed doing the wet on wet technique. It was fun just to play with the colors.
Prompt 2 was " Lines"
I used thick and thin lines for the background and lots of criss-cross lines to create the Wicker heart...I had to add a flower though :)

Prompt 3 and 4 will be "Circles" and "Leaves". I will show those next post.

Laziness and lack of time has come to bite me in the ass.... for over a year now I have been downloading graphics, fonts and other resources and instead of sorting them straight away I just dumped them into a folder on my external drive.
Now I have to sort through it all and pack them into the correct folders. It's a lot !
I finished the fonts and found out I have just over 2700 different fonts. I don't think I will ever get to use them all , but it sure is a nice collection :)
I'm also doing a drive spring clean. With over 10 years of collecting graphics you can imagine how much there is. I have 3 external drives and made it my goal to clean them all up this year. So far I have deleted 20 gig of files . I'm working with the motto " If it doesn't spark an idea, inspiration and joy -get rid of it!" These old unused files will make room for prettier, new resources and designs. And I actually have worked a little on another new kit.... plus I planted the first seeds for the new season and repotted some of my plants. It's too early for outside gardening ,but the little seedlings will do well in my kitchen until it gets warmer :)

But now to the download links. Here are the last two parts

Next post will be another freebie kit again. Let's see what I find while I tidy up that drive :)
'Till then -stay creative

Hugs Snowy