
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Last part of "Seashells"

Good morning :)
….on this lovely sunny Sunday .
I'm up bright and early .It's only around 6.30am and I love this time of day when everybody else is still in bed. It's peaceful and I get most things done in the morning.

Here's a bit of news for you. Designcuts have opened a Scrapbook section in their store.
It's been a few years since I heard of a major website opening for Scrap design goodies. Does that mean Scrapbooking is coming back into fashion? It was huge when I first started scrapping and designing , then, one after the other, sites closed because the demand wasn't there anymore. Until only a few remained. It would be nice to see a revival of this art.
Obviously for some of us scrapbooking and designing has never really stopped. We are the "scrap oldies"  and we could maybe even call ourselves the "hardcore scrappers" or the "professionals"

Well, I don't have much to show this time. I have been knitting with the variegated yarn and got the back and front of a jumper finished. The first sleeve is a third done. I will take a pic when it's finished.
There wasn't much time as I have painted the stairs and skirting boards in my hallway. Today I will finish off with the 2 bannisters and then I still have a few doorframes to do.

But I got myself a rocking chair :) The perfect cosy place to relax/ knit/crochet or read. I added a fur blanket and cushion for comfort . How cosy does this look ? I had to move the sofas into different positions to fit the chair and you won't believe the dust and crap which collected underneath. So my Livingroom got the second spring clean this year.

 Well...short post ...I will be getting to the last freebie part now, and next post will be the start of a new freebie again. I already got it loaded up , but you will have to wait and see :)
Here is your last link for this kit.
I'm so happy you enjoyed this kit and thanks for your comments.

Have a nice Sunday and I will be back with the next freebie kit :)
Remember ...stay crafty and creative !
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, July 07, 2019

And the next parts for you...

Hello again from the crafty cave :)
Nope, I'm not hibernating , I'm busy as a bee ! With the nice warm weather here the plants are thriving , but it takes regular watering with these temperatures. If you ask me 20 degrees C is enough , it doesn't need to be hotter. (For those on Fahrenheit , that's eighties temperature )

About 3 years ago I bought a little plant in the £/$ Store. It was tiny , a little larger than my middle finger. But it grew.... and this year it's finally flowering :)
I love the Passionflower ! They are such beautiful flowers.

I wonder whether they will get any fruit in this climate?
And I took advantage of the many sales online and built up my yarn stash. This Flurry reminds me of candy floss, and it's wonderfully soft as well.
I had to try it straight away and I have to say it's not a smooth yarn you can knit fast with, but oh so worth going a bit slower. And it does not need a pattern. The variegated and textured effect of the yarn is enough.
Unlike this cotton yarn which I used to make a crochet table runner. I love simple cotton yarn. It's so easy and fast to work with. And simple ! Double crochet all the way through.

I hadn't done lettering in a while, but this was one of my "to do" list items. Simple watercolour stripes as background and a quote which has meaning to me.

That's all I had time for besides work , but I have some vacation time coming up soon. I shall enjoy 2 weeks off work and just do what I love. Not going anywhere this time, but later in the year will be another trip to Germany to visit family again.

Right.... time for freebies !
Here come the next 2 parts for "Seashells"

One more part to come next post.

And I feel like having a hot chocolate drink now , and then it's bed time for me . Stay creative !

Hugs Snowy :)