
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ooops...late again ...sorry :)

…so I was sitting here and thought I do my blog post a day early , as my weekend will be over and I'm back to work tomorrow.Only to discover that I'm actually nearly a week late. Sorry ! I guess I was so busy that the days just flew by and I was convinced the 2 week posting day would be tomorrow.

Hello :)
I really need to set myself a reminder so I don't keep forgetting to post on time.
I really am a busy bee in the moment. Next month I will be hopping over the channel to visit family and friends in Germany. To save on postage for Christmas presents I will be taking them across with me ...if I can get everything finished in time. Some I buy , but I also make things myself , and that requires time. So every spare minute I'm not at work is used to plan, prep and make currently.
Obviously I can't show what I make either... as some sneaky people might hop on here and look at what I post :)

But I have another scarf for myself ready as well...
This one is knitted in triangle shape.
 It's a very light yarn, so perfect for the first cooler autumn mornings or evenings when the wind here at the coast starts to blow.
And by the looks of it autumn isn't far away. The Horse Chestnut trees are already changing colour. They are always the first here to change, followed by the Cherry and Maple trees.

I'm looking forward to autumn.It's the time to get "hyggelig".
This is what "hyggelig" means :) It's a life style I am definitely adapting !
And have been for a while... screw overtime at work and stress.I've done my part and now with almost 52 I feel it's time to calm down and let the younger ones do the extra hours.   I'm making the most of my free time by doing just what I like.
That means a tea/hot chocolate or glass of red wine, sitting in my rocking chair with my yarn and music or a movie, at my desk relaxing with painting or other crafts and shutting the world out .
Warm bubble baths , soft cosy blanket evenings in pyjamas on the coach with a good book when it gets colder , wrapped up warm for autumn walks in the woods or along the beach , candle light, the flickering of the fire (even if it's electric ) and mulled wine to warm up after a walk. Not to forget pumpkins... yup, autumn can come.I'm ready for this :)

Isabella from @two_me is starting another 3 day macrame challenge on the 27th.This time it will be a plant hanger. Of course I'm taking part again.I have done plant hangers before so it's not really anything new to me , but it's fun to work in a group with others , even online.Plus there will be a price for the best one in the end. I already have a picture in my mind what to do ....
I'll post pics of the progress and the finished project next post.

And I wanted to say thank you for all your comments. Really appreciated.

But now the next download links for you.

2 more links next post to come. Until then enjoy and  stay crafty :) For me it's time to have a evening snack, chill a little and then an early night, as I have to be up to get ready for work at 5 in the morning.
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, August 04, 2019

And the start of a new freebie again :)

Good morning :)
I have been up since 6 am and already cleaned the kitchen,bathroom and mopped all the floors. Why so early? I wanted to get most of my work done by the time the sun gets higher and the temperatures rise.
I can honestly say I am ready for autumn and winter now. I've had enough of hot days and sweaty nights.
But my plants are loving the weather.
Look at this Zucchini /Courgette plant ! It's almost as tall as I am ( 1.64 m or 5'6" )

I also finished painting the stairs ,skirting boards and bannisters in my hallway. During a shopping trip with a friend I decided to add some decorations. As there are no windows , but I still wanted the look of plants and greenery, I decided to get some artificial ones.
The green is definitely what was still missing !
The wooden leaf and the green candle holder fit well on this shelf :)

And I just couldn't resist this industrial style table lamp for my cosy corner. This will give me plenty of light in the evenings when I sit in my rocking chair ,knitting, reading or crocheting.

But I have also been busy creating …..
I finished my "Shawl in a ball" . This is from Lion Brand yarns and you really only need one ball. The original pattern was in crochet, but I opted for simple knitted garter stitch instead.

I still have another ball in a different colour , so I might do the crochet pattern for that one.

This is another "shawl in a ball" project. For this I used Lion Brand Ferris Wheel yarn to make this colourful snoot scarf.

And I would like to put a pattern designer into the spotlight today.
Stephanie from All about Ami
does some wonderful knit and crochet patterns for free on her website. I have already put a few projects from her onto my "to do list "

And I even got 2 small paintings done !
A simple Dusty Miller leaf
And a common thistle.

I think I promised a pic once I had picked up my new son says I have the Cruella De Ville look :)
And yes, my hair is also shorter. It was getting too hot and I was sick of having to put my hair up each day.

But now it's freebie time !
This is the new freebie kit. It used to be a store kit but now you can grab it for free.
Here some more detailed previews.

Here the first two links (there will be 6 in total)

Enjoy, have a nice Sunday and until next post :)
Hugs Snowy