
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Last freebie post of 2019

Good morning everybody....
My rather long weekend begins today 😉
I just came home from nightshift and this was my last shift for two wonderful weeks. I am officially on leave 😋 Hooray !!!!
Although it will be a busy one for the first week...once I caught up on my beauty sleep.
As every year I will be starting the new year with some goals and intentions.(Might make some layouts to remind me of them)  New Years eve morning I will cook and bake us some buffet style snacks and a pasta salad. At midnight there will be the usual video calls with my family in Germany to wish each other a Happy New Year. We watch the big London Fireworks on TV and have a little toast among us, and then to bed. New years day is a day to relax and weather depending maybe a walk in nature. On the 2nd I meet up with some friends and colleagues at our Italian restaurant for a meal and get together.
On the 3rd some shopping to stock up my fridge ...but not the freezer. That will be cleaned out and sorted , as will the kitchen cupboards and the same goes for the other rooms. I do New years cleaning. I don't wait for spring because I want to go into the new year clean and clutter free. Have you ever seen Marie Kondo om Netflix? That woman has a point with her series and books. Get rid of what no longer serves you and makes you happy. tidy up and clean , and start the new year organized. I did that before Marie Kondo ever became known and it has always served me well so far. I tackle one room each day , so I still have plenty of time for other things and time to relax and craft as well.
These are my makes since last post ….
 I finally got that jumper ready 😍
Then I crocheted a scarf ...
  ...made the matching fingerless mittens...
...and finally finished the set with the matching hat as well.
That's not my last project of this year though. I have already started on a gift for a friend and hope to finish it before the year ends.
I'll keep you all updated how things go as usual in my posts 😀

And now to the next two parts of the freebie kit.

and elements

And that's all for this year. I'll be back in 2020 😎
I hope you'll make it all happily into the new one.
Happy New Year hugs


Monday, December 16, 2019

New Freebie " Frosty Days"

Hi again,
brrrrrr… truly is winter weather here at the east coast of England. Rain , rain and more rain , topped by strong winds which make the roof tiles rattle. It's cosy when you can stay inside , wrap up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book, but not so nice when you have to go out in it.
Since the last post I have been taking it easy and tried to stay warm. My neck is okay again and I made sure to wear a scarf to protect it from the cold winds.
I have almost finished my Christmas shopping, just a couple of gift cards to get. And my living room looks cosy and festive.
  I definitely have a thing for Tomte this year. I just love those little gnomes:)

In between work, cooking, shopping and other household stuff I didn't get to do much crafting though. I managed a few rows of knitting and played in Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro a little. Yup, I got another kit ready :)
Plus backgrounds for two more kits. Apart from that I finished 2 books. Well, I did say I took it easy :)

But I have plenty of previews to show today for the new freebie kit.
It's called "Frosty Days". Last year we had Frosty Mornings and Frosty Nights , so now we get to the Frosty Days.
I have decided not to do a separate Christmas kit. I find that an of these "Frosty" winter kits are just fine as a Christmas kit if you just a bauble or two.
Here more detailed previews.

This kit comes in 7 parts.
Today you get one with papers and one with elements.

Enjoy :)
I will be working all over Christmas , but we'll be having ours on the 21st  and 22md of December again.
I will pop in with the next post and freebie parts as usual again in 2 weeks. That's going to be the last post of this year ....where has this year gone so fast?
So have a nice Christmas all of you and I'll be back before the New Year.
Stay crafty :)

Till then ….hugs Snowy

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Last part of Golden Fall

Hi all :)
Let me tell you :Getting old sucks ! Oh , it definitely got its pros as well ,but the creaking, aching bone thingy is not funny. Yesterday I woke up and my neck hurt a little. Not to worry, I have just been sleeping wrong happens. But by evening it had gotten worse and I could barely move my head without pain.
What happened to ageing gracefully, ripening like a fine wine? This is definitely not what I signed up for :)
So I'm sitting here , one of those reheatable rice filled microwave things around my neck, covered with a scarf, a fleece hoodie and warm velour bottoms , wrapped up like going on a trip to the north pole. It's gradually getting better (I think) and it better be gone by Tuesday when I have to be back at work. I'm an active girl. I cycle and walk every day. First these colds and now this. Give me a break, please !:)
On the bright side, the day before I put up my Christmas decorations. I stuck to the " plastic bauble free" theme.
Yes, the tree is artificial. there is a 10 year old tinsel string in it, but everything else is natural.
A mini wooden nutcracker, straw stars, orange slices...
 ...macramé trees...
...pine cones...
and a macramé star.
Little gnomie here got a lick of gold paint.
And my Amaryllis is in full bloom. What a beauty :)
Anyway, let's get to the last freebie part now.

Next post is the start of a new Freebie again. Until then ...stay crafty :)
Hugs Snowy