
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Last part of Frosty Days

Hello again :)
Hope you're having a nice relaxing Sunday.
I'm making the most of it because I don't start work until 11 pm tonight. So with having the day to myself I'm making it an "arty and crafty day" before I have to go to bed for a pre nightshift nap.

So what's new? Over on Facebook a few of the Skillshare teachers have created a new group called Art Exploration. It will run the whole year with monthly tutorials and a challenge. This monthly thing suits me perfectly. You can do as little or much as you like for a monthly theme.With a full time job and lots of things to do that's just perfect for me. For January it's the colour "RED ".
This heart is made from the same red , the gradient is created by adding more water.
The challenge was also to paint a red tulip.
And this was an exercise in colour exploration. Apart from a tiny touch of green , all those shades were created by mixing the same red tone.

As usual on Instagram there is a #bestof2019 hashtag. It's always interesting to see which project got the most likes.
So here are my best 9 of 2019.
I have started to knit again, but still taking it a bit easy and not doing to much in one go. Slowly does it. This is a pair of legwarmers I'm working on for a friend.

I have printed out a project list for 2020....we will see how much of that I actually get done :)

But I made the most of the low January Sales prices and have ordered the materials for 3 of these planned projects already. "Save when you can !"  I say...
In between I aim to finish some started projects from the back of the shelf. Like, there is a knitted jumper I started 3 years ago :) All that's missing is one sleeve and the collar. So that one will be next to complete before I start anything else :)
Of course there's always some designing going on in between these various projects and paintings. The curse (or blessing) of having many hobbies.

Okay let's get to the download for today.
 Here is the last part of the kit

Next post will be a new freebie kit again.
And now it's time to start cooking dinner. My stomach is letting me know it wants to be fed.
So stay crafty and until next post in 2 weeks ;)

Hugs Snowy


Monday, January 13, 2020

Welcome 2020

a late happy New Year to you all . Hope it started well for you.I scheduled this post for yesterday (Sunday) but for some reason it didn't post. 
I had quite a relaxed time being off work , although plans didn't quite go as planned. I got all the cleaning and decluttering done , but I had hoped to have time for lots of art and craft projects. Time wasn't the problem, but my wrist and little finger played up , slightly swollen and aching. So no knitting or crochet, instead giving my poor hand a break and not moving it too much. It's better now , so last night  started knitting a little again. Not as much and fast as before , because I don't want it to get bad again.... slowly does it ! 
So not much to show from that department 😉
I had a few comments regarding the download links. I have no clue what causes this for you. I tried it from my laptop and from my tablet and both work just fine without a problem. I use Microsoft Edge as browser , not Google. But this is what Lucy commented. 
Now I don't know what exactly it asks you to sign up to, but the link should lead you to my Mediafire account. Mediafire is safe. Maybe they changed their policy and you have to be a member now to download?
This is what the download page should look like. See that green tab ? That's where you should click on to get the file.

Anyway... not being able to knit or crochet ,I got out my paints and watercolour pad for some easy painting . 
Watercolour leaves heart
Watercolour leaves circle
and a geometric background with doodles
And this one I couldn't show before because it was a gift. Cheeseboard pyrography. 

And that's all I have for now...apart from the 2 new freebie parts. 

There's one more part to come next post .

And I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood for Spring greenery and flowers in this grey, wet and windy weather we have here. I think I will start designing something nice and floral soon :)

That's all for now . Enjoy the new parts and till next post :)
Hugs Snowy