
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

2 more freebie parts

Hi all :)
Hope everybody is staying healthy and not getting bored during this time of isolation.
Definitely no boredom for me! I'm still working every day, because working closely with the emergency services we are classed as " a vital service" and a key worker. We now have a document to carry with us in case we get stopped and checked. Police can fine people for being out and about without valid reason.
I'm posting 2 days later than planned because I really needed some down time and rest. My shifts had slightly changed due to some vulnerable coworkers in self isolation. Shopping isn't as straight forward as it used to be either. Instead of just grabbing what I need from one store I have to visit 2 or 3 before I find everything I need. Toilet paper , eggs and rice seem to be the most wanted items in the moment. Otherwise the shelves are pretty full. They have Security at the doors and only let one person in as another leaves the shop. That way it doesn't get crowded and people are able to stay 2 metres apart.

But enough of this now.I don't really have any new craft pictures as I'm still working on the same crochet item , but I took time to see the flowers on my way to and from work by the roadside (on my bicycle) or my shopping trips.(exercise ,fresh air and reason to be out and about all in one)

The first leaves on this tree.

And now the download links for you.

Enjoy :) Stay healthy, stay inside and craft
Until next post
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, March 15, 2020

New freebie kit begins again

Hello :)
I'm back with another freebie kit. But first my creative updates again and some thoughts to the current situation with the corona virus.
Yeah, it's scary but the panic buying and stockpiling just makes me wonder about people. It's a virus that will infect the lungs , it doesn't give you diarrhea ….so why the hell are people buying all this toilet paper? There is no need for panic buying. What is more important is that you wash your hands, don't touch your face , avoid crowds and boost your immune system with healthy food and maybe a some multi vitamins.China just reported the lowest number of new cases .So there is evidence and hope that what they are doing is working and slowing down the spreading of the virus and even stopping it is possible. If it means borders get closed , we can't travel for a while and isolate ourselves as much as possible, then so be it. If it helps it will definitely be worth it ! 
I also use a home delivery service for a lot of my grocery shopping. Yes, it costs a little extra, but the delivery driver brings it to my door step in crates and it's easy to unpack and get it into my kitchen.
I think us creative people won't have any problems with staying more inside and away from public gatherings. Our hobbies should make us well prepared for some isolation without boredom because let's face it- the best way to avoid catching it is being a loner and staying away from others as much as possible.
I certainly have no problem with that :) It just gives me more time to be creative.

So I actually got out my paints again and did these blue watercolour crystals.
And I'm gradually working my way through this watercolour book.
This is my crochet experiment. I saw something similar in a shop for a steep price and thought to myself that I could make this myself a lot cheaper. So I bought some yarn and making up my own pattern as I go along. Let's see how it will turn out...
This Macramé wall-hanging is a gift for a good friend and work colleague who retires this month. I hope she will like it. It's safe to post here, she will get it in a few hours.

And I have lots of previews to show for the new freebie kit.
Lavender and Lace was originally designed as a wedding kit , but floral elements and colours also make it a great spring or vintage kit.

This is a huge kit with 7 parts and as usual I will give you one file with papers and one with elements to start with.


Hope you enjoy :)
I'll be back with more in my next post .
Stay healthy, stay creative and hugs from here