
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The next freebie parts

Good morning :)
Here in UK we had a long bank holiday weekend . Not for me though , I had to work as usual. But I'm learning to slow down even more !
So much that the 100 day painting project and others were put nearly completely on hold the past 2 weeks. Yeah, that's right ...I have nothing new to show because I discovered an amazing book series and have been reading every spare minute with my feet up and a nice cuppa next to me. I needed that time to just chill and relax. Although my stripy cardigan is showing some progress, just one sleeve to crochet and then stitch everything together. The triangle Northern Lights shawl is also ready.

Then my cooker decided not to work anymore and luckily there is online shopping ! Most stores here are still closed , so there was no physical shopping for a new one possible. But I found a great one online, ordered and it got delivered last week.
I also ordered a new runner for the hallway and took advantage of a few sales. With no shops open a girl still has to treat herself , right?

I was also busy to get more of my summer clothing out of vacuum storage bags and put the winter woollies away. Now I just need the charity shops to open again so I can bring them a bag full of clothing I don't wear anymore.
And I gave myself a social media break during my time off. No Facebook, no Instagram browsing..... which came to a stop as soon as I had to get back to work. The temptation to get out the phone and scroll during the lunch break was just too much :)
BUT ...I started a creative journal/file. After this short break I am looking through saved patterns and craft magazine articles for things I want to try and create. This break was like a "reset" for plotting and planning the new projects for the rest of this year. And that includes some new designs as well.
So this will be the shortest post ever. No new pictures of creative projects, just the download links for today. Less hustle -more hygge !


and elements

Monday, May 11, 2020

New Freebie Spring kit

Good morning ….
I normally wanted to post last night , but when I went to zip up the files for the new freebie kit I discovered I had no detailed previews. It was too late and I was getting tired , so I decided to do the previews first thing in the morning and then post it here.
So I'm sitting here with my coffee and finally got everything sorted.
On Saturday we had a BBQ and even though I was only out in the sun for 2 hours I ended up slightly sunburned. Needless to say some parts of my skin still feel rather tender I'm naturally pale skinned and I burn very quickly. If I go out today I will definitely cover up to avoid further burning. I will probably get strange looks again walking around covered up with long sleeves , but I'm used to it :)

I painted a few more small pics for the 100 day challenge
I have more but with all the previews today I will keep those for next post.
And this is work in progress . I just love the yarn ! It's called Northern Lights and is a pleasure to work with.
My Boho cardigan is also taking shape, I only have the sleeves left to do.

But let's get all those previews up now...
The new kit is called Colours of Springtime and will be 6 folders for you to download.
It contains 18 papers , only 12 are shown here.

Here are the first downloads


I hope everybody is staying healthy .We are still under lockdown here and I hope it will stay that way quite a while longer. The last thing we want is for the numbers of Covid 19 to go up again, so I think it's better to stay in a while longer than risking it to get worse again.
I'll be back with more next post , so enjoy and stay crafty :)
Hugs Snowy