
Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas

 Hi everybody,

hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas 💓

I normally wanted to post last night , before Christmas.....but ....I fell asleep on the sofa 😀...yeah ,I know....sign of old age 

And I'm tired again after slaving in the kitchen today. We had goose and all the trimmings ,so now I feel very full and could easily have a nap. But blog post first ! 

And as always the creative update 

I made another storage bag and a basket for my hallway stairs. Especially now in winter these come in handy. I have my waterproof rain cape and waterproofing spray in one, the other is full of scarves and gloves. And the hooks are also perfect to hang up my face masks right by the door. 
I ordered some new chunky yarn called "Hue and me" and it's fantastic! Out of 3 balls of yarn I made this cushion cover ....
...and this hat. 
This little gnome was then made to use up the last leftovers of the yarn .
I still have 2 and a bit of this yarn left and another cushion cover is half done so far. Aren't these colours gorgeous?

But let's get to the freebie now. 
The last part 

I have another kit almost ready to upload for you .I only need to make some previews and then you can get it.  
In the meantime have nice holidays and stay healthy . 

Hugs Snowy 

Sunday, December 06, 2020

More Angel Magic parts and is hating change a sign of ageing ?

 Hi everybody ,

I'm back with the next parts of the freebie kit. 

But first a "welcome back" to Doro aka Catzia :)  Years back I downloaded a freebie from her blog and used it in one of my layouts. Eventually she disappeared like so many scrappers and designers from back then. So when I checked my comments and she wrote to me it was a really nice surprise .It's great to hear you are back to scrapping :) Gruesse zum Schwartzwald /greeting to the Black Forrest in Germany 😀 

Last night I was ready to throw this new laptop against the wall ! Tell me, is it a sign of old age disliking change? I should be grateful for this brand-new Paint Shop pro program, but I hate it . The whole layout  completely changed  and I just don't get on with it. On a brighter note, I downgraded my Photoshop program and went back to CS4. I had the newer version on my old laptop and a lot of my actions didn't work with it, so I knew I wanted to go back to the older program. I think I will do the same with Paint Shop pro. Never mind new and improved. The older programs were always good enough for my designs and I really dislike the change. So screw it.... out with the new , in with the old and trusted again :) I'm also hoping to be able to install my old Poser 3D again.

I've upgraded the computer but I'm downgrading my design programs. Good jobs they all seem to work without problems in Windows 10 !

So, what have I been up to? 

My old draught excluder was getting on a bit , so I crocheted a new cover for it. A great way to use up some leftover yarn.
I had a day of wreath making .This is the first one . I seem to have a thing for eucalyptus this year :) 
And the second one , which hangs on my flat door 
This one was a real quick make ....isn't it cute? 
My jumper is all done . Happy how it turned out :) 
The next project is already started.....and if I can get my old PsP to work I can actually finish the scrap kit I was working on as well . 

And now to the next freebie parts

One more part to come and I will be back before Christmas .
I leave you with a cosy picture for Christmas mood ...
Yes, my Christmas tree is up :) 
Until next time , stay healthy and creative 
Hugs Snowy