
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Stepping into Spring with Sargasso Spring freebie kit

 Good morning,

I hope you're all having a nice weekend. I'm currently making the most of some time off work . 

Usually at this time of year I have already started on my little garden area behind the house, but this year it's still really cold. Apparently we had the coldest winter since 1940 and it's only warming up very slowly for a few days before temperatures go down for more frosty nights . Up and down like a yoyo. 

I have started some seedlings at the kitchen window indoors, but it's still too cold to plant them outside. 

The spring flowers are blooming though.... and gives me the opportunity for some photo practice.

This is one of the pots in my garden area.

I have also been repotting some of my indoor plants ....and promptly needed some new plant pot covers. So out came the crochet hook and some yarn ....
Mr Fern also had a haircut ,but will be bushy again in a couple of months.
Running out of room? There's always a place to hang another 😁
It's so easy to crochet a new basket to hide the ugly plastic pot :) 

I also got out my watercolours and worked two pages of a new watercolour pad, 
This is for the lazy ,because the motive is printed on the page and all that needs doing is colouring in :) 
A great quick art option when I'm short of time or lack the inspiration to draw my own illustration. 
My knitted spring cardigan is over half stitched up , only need to knit the sleeves now. And I broke my New Years resolution not to buy any more new yarn :) 
When I came across a new design for a crochet jumper I just couldn't resist and had to buy the yarn to make it ! 

It's going to be a learning curve. I have never done a raglan jumper, top down, in one piece without seams before. 

Anyway, I have a new freebie for you today ....
Sorry, I don't have detailed previews for you. 
But I can tell you this kit has 21 backgrounds and 31 elements packed into 6 zips. 
And I have 2 Qps made from this kit to show.
It's not all seaside themed , by the way :) 



And now I need another coffee ! And some breakfast. We had our time change last night and that one hour difference is messing with me :) 

So until next time .Hope you enjoy the new kit. Stay crafty 💓
Hugs Snowy 

Monday, March 01, 2021

The last part again

 Hello again :) 

I'm back with the last part of the Winter Tranquillity kit .I normally wanted to post yesterday ,but we had a stressful day at work and when I got home I just wanted to chill out and then go to bed. 

Winter weather has left us and the last days have been sunny and warmer, although the nights are still cold and frosty. which makes dressing for work rather awkward. It's cold when I leave at 6 am and by 3 pm when I finish it's nice and warm . So I dress in layers and take them off as the temperatures rises. With late shifts it's the other way around :)  I ended up having to walk to work while we had snow and ice .Even some of my colleagues left their cars at home and walked. I'm so glad it's all gone I hope that was it and winter weather doesn't return. I am so ready for spring ! 

So what have I been up to? 

My photography practice was in my living room this time. I practiced a close up of my bunch of flowers. It's looking very "springtime " 
I did some more embroidery on this cotton project bag and I'm thrilled how it turned out :) 
My Valentines project is this Macrame Heart wreath with lots of wooden beads attached. Love how it looks on my flat door. 
I purchased a new watercolour book ....
...and this is the first motive from this book. I am definitely out of practice ! It took me double the time to paint it than it used to. 

I'm still working on my Spirng  cardigan , which you can see a little of above with the book. I have the back part ready and the first front part is close to finishing as well. 

This month I am also doing a fundraiser challenge for WWF . It's called 100 miles in March and we can run , walk or cycle those 100 miles. Although I'm not having much luck raising funds so far.... hopefully that will get better until April. Let's see how far I can push this aging body to go :) 

Today I have the last part of the current freebie kit for you.
And for next post I think it's definitely time for some more cheerful spring designs. 

I have some plans for the coming weeks like some classes , carry on with my latch hook project and spring cardigan, plus I want to make some more crochet plant hangers once my order of gold brass ring hangers arrives. And hopefully the weather will be kind for those cycle rides and walks . 

I think I will have a hot chocolate drink now and then go to bed with a good book and read a little before my eyes get tired. It's only a quarter past eight , but it's my day off and crawling under the warm blankets and getting cosy sounds rather tempting . 
Stay healthy and crafty , all of you and until next time time 💓 

Hugs Snowy