
Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween Freebie

 Hi everybody,

just a very quick post to give you the link and preview for the Halloween part of the mini kit series. I hope you all had a lovely Halloween weekend :) 

Here is your download link 

I'll be back with the next part soon :) 

Until then 
Hugs Snowy 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Double the freebies :)

 Good morning :) 

My sleeping pattern is still messed up after working nights, so I have been awake since 4 am. My bladder then decided it's potty time and once that was done, I really wanted a cup of coffee. So here I am now, sat at the laptop and posting freebies. 

So, what have I been up to since last post? Not much really. Too much work and not much play. I'm working on a Christmas present, which I can't show yet, for obvious reason. But I did take a few photos on my way home from nightshift which fit right into this time of year. 

Our cemetery in the early morning hours. Quite eery with fog around the gravestones.  
I played with some filters for this one and liked how it brought out the bright colour of the leaves. 
My little seasonal decoration in my living room. I love the orange glow from the candles and pumpkins. It makes it really cosy. 
My first and favourite thing in the evenings after coming home from work. A girl's got to have priorities, right?  

Next post I will be starting to show some simple Christmas craft ideas. It's time to get that glue gun and the supplies out and get creative. 

But for now, I have a double whammy freebie for you. 
First there is the promised second part of Autumn Walk, another part of the mini kit series. 
I can already tell you that there will be a third part coming. 

Here is the link for part 2
And this one had to be published before November starts!

And following the time of the year, there has to be a Halloween part as well. So, I will be back with that one in less than a weeks' time. 

Until then 
Stay healthy and crafty 

Sunday, October 09, 2022

It's Autumn freebie time :)

 Hi everybody :) 

I'm already back with the next part of the mini-series. Now, that I don't have the garden area to care for, my home is finished with decorating and the weather is turning cooler, I have more time for crafting, designing and posting again. Well...when I'm not at work, that is. Plus, not having the kids here anymore also makes more time for myself. Less cleaning, less laundry, cooking only for myself.... although it is rather quiet sometimes. 

Currently I'm working on another cross-stitch project, and it has so many colour changes that it's driving me nearly mad. I will show it when it's completed, and I have stopped cursing :)  

We have been blessed with some lovely autumn sunshine during my last days off work. It's hard to believe we're not actually that far away from Christmas time. 
Yeah, I admit, I already started on getting my Christmas presents together. It means spreading the cost and no last-minute rush. 
I spotted this colourful autumn beauty on the way to visit my son. (via bicycle, I did not take pictures while driving) 
And these acorns and horse chestnut definitely represent autumn. 
The kids these days hardly pay attention to them. I remember when we were kids and we used to collect them like little treasures. Times have changed....
And another sign of autumn. The edible kind. Roasted chestnuts...mmmmhhh! Don't worry, I left more than enough for the squirrels. 
And as I have so many dried and artificial plants in my mini warehouse aka craft room, I decided to put some on display. Quite happy how it looks :) 

I already have ideas for a table centrepiece for Advent time with some other pieces. 

Designing: I have already got the next 3 mini freebie parts ready and uploaded. And today you can grab the first Autumn themed part. 
Enjoy, and here is your download link

As the next part is already finished, I can even show you a preview. 
This is what's next. 
But for now, have a nice evening and until next time ...

Hugs Snowy