
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year freebie part

 Hello again :)

I hope everybody had a nice Christmas. 

This will be the last post of 2022. Let's see what 2023 will have in store for us. 

I finished the Winter wall hanging I showed in the last post and already started a new project. 

Next week I will go through my collection of craft ideas and projects and select some I want to do in the coming year. 

I never actually do all of them, because I keep finding new ones , but it's nice to have plenty of craft projects lined up to keep me busy, especially through the winter months when the weather is cold, windy  and wet here at the east coast. 

The Mini kit series will continue into the New Year. I have already been working on the first parts for 2023. We still have lots of Winter , Spring and Summer parts to come. 

But for today I give you "A brand-new Year" 

As always made to mix and match with the other parts of the series. 

Here is your download link

Enjoy and I will be back with more next year. 

As always, stay healthy and crafty 

Hugs Snowy 


Sunday, December 18, 2022

The fourth Advent and freebie part


Hope everybody is having a nice Sunday. It's the 4th Advent and last Sunday before Christmas. Or the Winter Solstice , if you are Pagan, like me.

Only a couple more shifts and then I'm off work for the Holidays. We've been having icy temperatures here for two weeks, but tomorrow it's supposed to get a little warmer again. 

I've been spending some of my free time with cross stitching recently, apart from making more freebies for you. 

I finished this one , a berry wreath in a wooden hoop....

....and started this one. 
Apart from these, there's really nothing else to show or tell today. But I have the freebie for you. 
This is the last part of the Christmas themed parts of the Mini kit collection. 
Here is your link
Enjoy ! :) 
But the collection goes on......

For now I wish you all a very happy Christmas, and I'll be back with another freebie part soon. 

Hugs Snowy 


Monday, December 12, 2022

Happy 3rd Advent and part 3 download

 Hi everybody, 

this is going to be a real quick post, because shift change means I have to get ready for work soon. Things never seem to go as planned 😁

Here is part 3 for you

Enjoy, and I'll be back soon with the next part. 
Have a great week 
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, December 04, 2022

Happy 1st and 2nd Advent freebies :)

 Hi everybody, 

I normally wanted to post the first part of the Christmas freebies last Sunday, but as usual life doesn't always go to plan. So you'll be getting 2 parts today.

It's starting to look really Christmassy now. I got my little tree up as well. It's only 4 feet but standing on a little table makes it look big enough for me. 

I have my hand made wooden rings with snowflakes on there, added wooden houses ornaments, gold bows and some baubles in various colours. I know it's nothing special, but it's little and cute 😁

I also added a festive touch with some new cushion covers. The white snowflake ones are faux fur, and so soft to snuggle up with on the sofa :) 
And as it is the second Advent today, I lit the second candle on my Advent wreath this morning. 

I did some cross stitching, but it's not much to show yet. I'll show a picture once I have a little more done. 

But for now, I have two parts of the Mini kit series for you. It's Happy Christmas time :) 
Part 1 

and part 2 

Part 3 will be next Sunday and part 4 the Sunday after. 
Here's a layout I made with parts of the kit. 

Okay, enough for today ....I'll be back next Sunday.

Until then 
Hugs Snowy 


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Last autumn mini freebie...

 Hello again, 

yup, it's the last autumn themed part today because we'll now be moving on to Christmas and winter in this mini kit series. 

I normally wanted to post last Sunday, but as so often life has other plans. I was having my bathroom renovated after it was 24 years old. The bathtub and sink went in okay and looked nice, but when they wanted to remove the toilet to replace it, they found out that the water kept coming up from the sewage pipes filling the toilet to the same level as it was. So, they couldn't remove it without flooding the bathroom. They're not sure where the problem comes from and want to put a camera down the drains to find out. Considering I live on the third floor ....gravity should not be bringing sewage water up, and there is no blockage. My guess is that it's a pressure related issue. 

Then the electricians installed the new shower and left my ceiling looking like Swiss cheese. I tried to get the holes dealt with but there is no plasterer appointment available until January. Bloody great! So, I did what I could to make the room okay and usable until the guys can carry on and finish my bathroom. Luckily, I already have time booked off work in January.

Right.... let's get to more pleasant things. 

I posted the link to the Christmas ornaments in my last post, and here is the set of ornaments I made. Turned out great and really easy. 
Give it a go :) 
And it's beginning to look a little bit like Christmas here....
We always put up our Christmas decoration in time for the 1st I took the time yesterday to get it all looking nice and festive.
New paper stars and my wooden reindeer light up garland from last year.
This wooden tree is simply filled with a LED battery operated light chain.
Festive table with my handmade candle wreath and an assortment of artificial pine, berries and holly twigs, which I put together in a vase. The battery-operated LED makes it look extra festive :) 
My Advent wreath ready for the first candle to be lit on Sunday. 
I might be living on my own now, but that won't stop me from making it look nice and cosy for Christmas.

So now for the craft part...
You need a metal or wooden wreath ring, some winter foliage (real or fake) and a hot glue gun. Simply arrange the foliage as you like and glue it in place -easy ! 
Here is my result ...pretty huh? 
And I did exactly the same with this little candle wreath. Give it a go! It's really fun to make. 
And now for the download freebie part. 
The last Autumn part. 
Here is your link 

The next part will be Christmas themed, so until then 

Hugs Snowy 

Monday, November 07, 2022

Autumn Walk continues

 Hello again :)

I'm back with part 3 of Autumn Walk, the mini kit series, which takes us through a whole year and all the seasons.

But first, what have I been up to? Not that much I can show, I'm afraid. I'm still working on another Christmas gift, which I can't show, for obvious reasons. 

Otherwise, when I'm not working, my evenings pretty much look like this. Getting cosy, staying warm, with a good book or one of my craft projects.

And this! I just finished going through my large box of about 500 skins of DMC and Anchor stranded cotton. It took me a whole week to untangle and sort them by colours, and then wind every single one onto white plastic bobbins. 
Madness or labour of love? Probably both .... well, take it that way, I will definitely keep these sorted and tidy now, because there is no way I want to do this again! I'm still dreaming of white bobbins now ..... 
I had to take a picture of the sky one morning, because it looked as if it was on fire above the sea. With a sky like this I really don't mind waking up early. 
Okay. I promised you some Christmas crafting a while ago. And today I have the first link for you. 
The picture is from
and you can find the instructions for these cute Christmas tree ornaments on her website. Just follow the link 

I have already done a set of these but have not taken any pictures yet. So that's something for my next post then. 

But now to the freebie. 
Here is part 3 of Autumn Walk for you. 

Enjoy! And I will be back with more parts and another Christmas craft link /idea as well. 

Until then 


Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween Freebie

 Hi everybody,

just a very quick post to give you the link and preview for the Halloween part of the mini kit series. I hope you all had a lovely Halloween weekend :) 

Here is your download link 

I'll be back with the next part soon :) 

Until then 
Hugs Snowy 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Double the freebies :)

 Good morning :) 

My sleeping pattern is still messed up after working nights, so I have been awake since 4 am. My bladder then decided it's potty time and once that was done, I really wanted a cup of coffee. So here I am now, sat at the laptop and posting freebies. 

So, what have I been up to since last post? Not much really. Too much work and not much play. I'm working on a Christmas present, which I can't show yet, for obvious reason. But I did take a few photos on my way home from nightshift which fit right into this time of year. 

Our cemetery in the early morning hours. Quite eery with fog around the gravestones.  
I played with some filters for this one and liked how it brought out the bright colour of the leaves. 
My little seasonal decoration in my living room. I love the orange glow from the candles and pumpkins. It makes it really cosy. 
My first and favourite thing in the evenings after coming home from work. A girl's got to have priorities, right?  

Next post I will be starting to show some simple Christmas craft ideas. It's time to get that glue gun and the supplies out and get creative. 

But for now, I have a double whammy freebie for you. 
First there is the promised second part of Autumn Walk, another part of the mini kit series. 
I can already tell you that there will be a third part coming. 

Here is the link for part 2
And this one had to be published before November starts!

And following the time of the year, there has to be a Halloween part as well. So, I will be back with that one in less than a weeks' time. 

Until then 
Stay healthy and crafty 

Sunday, October 09, 2022

It's Autumn freebie time :)

 Hi everybody :) 

I'm already back with the next part of the mini-series. Now, that I don't have the garden area to care for, my home is finished with decorating and the weather is turning cooler, I have more time for crafting, designing and posting again. Well...when I'm not at work, that is. Plus, not having the kids here anymore also makes more time for myself. Less cleaning, less laundry, cooking only for myself.... although it is rather quiet sometimes. 

Currently I'm working on another cross-stitch project, and it has so many colour changes that it's driving me nearly mad. I will show it when it's completed, and I have stopped cursing :)  

We have been blessed with some lovely autumn sunshine during my last days off work. It's hard to believe we're not actually that far away from Christmas time. 
Yeah, I admit, I already started on getting my Christmas presents together. It means spreading the cost and no last-minute rush. 
I spotted this colourful autumn beauty on the way to visit my son. (via bicycle, I did not take pictures while driving) 
And these acorns and horse chestnut definitely represent autumn. 
The kids these days hardly pay attention to them. I remember when we were kids and we used to collect them like little treasures. Times have changed....
And another sign of autumn. The edible kind. Roasted chestnuts...mmmmhhh! Don't worry, I left more than enough for the squirrels. 
And as I have so many dried and artificial plants in my mini warehouse aka craft room, I decided to put some on display. Quite happy how it looks :) 

I already have ideas for a table centrepiece for Advent time with some other pieces. 

Designing: I have already got the next 3 mini freebie parts ready and uploaded. And today you can grab the first Autumn themed part. 
Enjoy, and here is your download link

As the next part is already finished, I can even show you a preview. 
This is what's next. 
But for now, have a nice evening and until next time ...

Hugs Snowy 



Thursday, September 29, 2022

Second part of the Seaside Mini Freebie

Hello and good evening,

I thought I quickly pop in and post the second Seaside freebie while I'm sat at my desk anyway. And I have a few things to show as well.

Autumn is in full swing here and I got right into the cosy mood as well. 

I put up some autumn decorations. Not too much, just a little to make it look nice.
And there is nothing cosier than some candlelight in the evenings.
Of course, some art and craft for this time of year has to happen as well. 
One take a plain and bare cane heart , some macrame string, beads, some autumn themed artificial foliage (or real works as well, of course), make up a little handwritten sign and put the lot together. 
Looks pretty for a super-fast project :) 
This took a little longer, as cross stitch does. It now hangs next my flat door and I really like how it turned out. 

I have to admit I have put myself on to a Hobbycraft ban! While sorting out my craft room I have come to realise that I don't just have a craft room, but a small craft warehouse. 
Sooooo..... no more ordering more goodies until a good quantity of all this stuff is used up. 

I have been so occupied with all this decorating and moving, that I haven't found much time to indulge in my hobbies as much as I would like to. But now, that I have finished, plus there is no more garden work to do, I want to get back spending more time with my art and crafts. My paint and paintbrushes are dry, the white paper screams at me "fill me and colour me" , I have several started knit /crochet projects on the shelf, which need to be completed and it's not that long until Christmas. I have found some lovely decorations to make....
I will share some of the ideas and links to instructions over the coming weeks. Most is crochet, some is macrame. So, if you like what I will make, join in and have some fun Christmas crafting :) 

But now it's freebie time. The last of the summer themed mini freebies. 
Here is your download link

Enjoy :) 

This is part of what's coming.
We're going on an autumn walk. 

So, until next post ....
Stay healthy and crafty 

Hugs Snowy 


Friday, September 09, 2022

It's been a while....but here's another freebie

 Ouff ! Hi everybody. Today is the first day since my last post that I actually find the time to switch on my laptop. 

Yeah, that's right .I have not been on any computer at all since then. So that means when I count it's been 49 days. 

It's been intensely busy here. First my son and Beth moving out, then in between working as usual I started to renovate and decorate the spare room and transformed it into my new bedroom. 

This is what my Livingroom looked like while the guys were moving .Chaos everywhere :)

Once they were settled into their new home it was my time to start the room transformations. Yes , I did 3 rooms. 
I wallpapered, painted and laid the carpet myself ,on my own,  which I am pretty proud of. 
Last Sunday I came home at 7 am from my last nightshift and started on the next room straight away. 
My old bedroom was to be transformed into an art and craft room /office and all the furniture from downstairs then had to come upstairs. Half the time I could feel muscles I didn't even know I had. It was damn hard work !
This is the old craft corner downstairs , and room number 3 to be transformed. This is before ....
....and this is after. The old craft corner is now a dining area . 
Cosy , huh? This is the one room totally finished and tidy. 
Upstairs is another matter. While the furniture are all up, there are still boxes to be unpacked, some wall shelves to be put up and a good clean up is needed after I had guys around to do new loft installation yesterday. I also had the heater fixed and my window is to fixed towards end of September as it has condensation in between the double glazing. 
Getting it all done before winter comes and it gets cold ! 

So yeah, not quite finished yet, but close to it. 
And that's why I am now enjoying some time on my laptop and posting this and the new freebie. 
I declared a DIY strike for today. I needed a break. Tomorrow is another day and I will carry on then. 

So for's freebie time. 
Today, in this series of mini kits , we are going to the seaside. 

Here is your link

There will be a second part to the seaside visit. And then , going with the time of the year we'll have some autumn themed parts. 

But enjoy this one first and I will be back soon with more and by that stage all the chaos in here will be dealt with and I can go back to "normal" . 

That's all for now, I'm off .
Till next time 
Hugs Snowy