
Friday, May 12, 2023

It's a rather wet May

 Hello again :) 

I thought I do my weekend post early as it's supposed to be nice weather at the weekend and I need to get some gardening done. We had so much rain here and when it's actually sunny I have to make the most of it and get some things done. According to the forecast we will have two nice days before more rain is on its way. 

Also , tomorrow is the Eurovision Song Contest. I love music, so watching this is a must ! I'll have some snacks and I might even open a bottle of red wine , and settle in on my sofa for 3-4 hours of music. I hope one of my favourites will win. 

The mini lilac tree I planted late last year is blooming for the first time. 
Flowers and trees seem to be liking all this rain, my tomatoe plants not so much. Plus this wet weather brings all the snails out, and they love nothing better than to munch on the baby plants. 
Pink flower pompoms :) 

No craft pictures this time. Work didn't leave much time to get creative. 
And a quick layout with bluebells .
And with this it's time for the new freebie...
Here is your download link 

Enjoy , and until next post again. 

Hugs Snowy

Monday, May 01, 2023

Blessed Beltane, Happy May Day

 Hi everybody :)

We had a few nicer sunny days here, but the temperature is still quite cool. And today, on May Bank holiday , it's rather grey and cloudy. But gardening season has started. I've spend a few hours planting my baby plants and more seeds. Yesterday I ran out of compost so I need to get my bum to the shop before I can carry on and plant more. 

Last week , on my way home, I came across this lovely scene. The bluebells are starting to bloom. 
And how lovely are these? 
I have a thing for dried flowers in the moment , so when I came across this wall display I had to get it. 
I also picked a few flowers outside and they are currently in the drying process, and also some in a flower press. I have some ideas what to do with them , but that will be for another post. 
Last year , during the sales after Christmas , I picked up this Jute table runner for a bargain price. Back then I wasn't quite sure how to use it, but since I started the Rico transformation designs in the wooden hoops ,I realised a matching table runner would be just the thing. This will be a project that will take me quite a while. :) 
If  you like Hygge/Boho style and upcycling ,I can recommend "The reclaimed Heirloom" on YouTube.
She shows how to make some beautiful pieces for your home decor.

I have already saved some videos with things I want to try. 

But now it's time for the next freebie part. 
Time for part 4 

Enjoy and have a wonderful week 💓
Until next time.

Hugs Snowy 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Spring needs to warm up :)

 Good morning :) 

I normally wanted to post yesterday, but Storm Noah had other ideas and made for a not very stable internet. I'm glad I'm not on the west coast, they're getting the full force of the storm there. It's bad enough here in the east. 

I looked through pictures of the previous years last night and noticed the weather was warmer and sunnier then, and nature was further along as well. It's rather chilly still with all the rain and strong winds we have this year so far. Spring really needs to warm up a little here. But I still managed to get some good photos when I was out and about. 

In full bloom.
Doesn't it look beautiful? 
I even managed to finish this cross stitch picture. This is so me ! A good book, a nice cuppa, forget the world and chill :) 
The Easter/Ostara deco had to go and I made some floral arrangements with grasses and dried flowers to display. 
I also picked a few flowers and put them into a flower press. But those are not ready yet to work with , so I will show you those another time. 

For now it's download time :) 
The third part of Spring Awakening

More in my next post. Until then always -stay crafty ! 

Hugs Snowy

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Wishing for more Spring

 Hello again :) 

Three days ago was the official beginning of spring, also called Spring Equinox or Ostara. Although so far the weather has not shown many improvements. Apparently we had 3 months worth of rain in just one month. Ah well, they say " no rain , no flowers" and the flowers certainly don't seem to mind all the showers. 

These beauties are in full bloom right now. 

Meanwhile I have been on working beautiful patterns from Rico Design /Transformation. 
These cross stitch patterns are all about dried and pressed grasses and flowers. 
And to add to the detail I have added some real dried flowers to the picture. 
Love how these turned out 💓
I'm slowly working my way through the book.
More real flowers stitched onto fabric.
And this is what they all look like displayed on my wall. 
I'm not done yet.... there are more lovely patterns to do. 

But for now to different designs.
I have the second part of Spring Awakening for you.

Here is your link

Enjoy , and I'll be back with the next part soon :) 


Monday, March 13, 2023

Spring Awakening

 Hello again, 

We had a week of cold temperatures and even a sprinkle of snow , which really put a hold on spring. But I hope that's over now and as it is the Spring Equinox (or Ostara) on the 20th of March I really hope the winter weather will disappear and make room for spring to really start. 

My little backyard garden is still making some more flowers pop out of the earth, despite the freezing weather that last week. It only started to improve yesterday , but by the looks of the weather forecast we will have a week of rainy and very windy weather ahead of us. 

I love these little beauties popping up everywhere :) 

The daffodils are still biding their time to open up , but they only get sun in the afternoon, standing in a shady corner. 
I completed a small floral cross stitch picture hoop and really like the colours and design. Instead of french knots I stitched lots of little blue beads onto the design. 

This time off work not only gave me the time to do my spring cleaning, but.....
....I had the time to make lots of new download parts. What do you think? By the time these are all published it might be time to get to the summer themes? 
Also, I would like to dedicate these parts of the kit to Edna , a dear fellow scrap designer , who passed away last month. We used to have so much fun in the past working and chatting together , and she loved spring and summer when she could venture out with her camera and capture nature at its best. You will be missed, RIP dear soul 💓
Anyway, it's time for the first part of Spring Awakening today. 
I start with the flowers which are already blooming here in England, at the East coast. 
Snowdrops and crocuses. 
Download here

And that's it for today. 
Enjoy and until next time 
Hugs Snowy


Wednesday, March 01, 2023

The last of "Cosy Winter" ....for now.... I hope!

 Hi everybody,

I hope this will be the last of winter because nature has already started to wake up and bloom. But we have sleet and snow on the weather forecast for next week. I sincerely hope it won't happen ! I'm ready for Spring and better weather. 

There are the first blossoms on some bushes. 
Snowdrops and Crocuses are out....
Even the little daffodils in my back garden are blooming. 
And the spring mood has also influenced my craft projects lately.
I made a pussy willow and daisy wreath....
...and a spring flower candle wreath. 
And Ostara/Spring Equinox is right around the corner on the 20th of March. 
Even better, I only have two shifts left to work before I'm off for two weeks. 
2 lovely weeks without having to set the alarm clock for early morning shifts.

It will be time to do some spring cleaning , plant some seeds, work on some more download parts for you and generally just do what I like. Hygge life 😀

But for now it's time for the last part of "Cosy Winter"  before we start to move on into spring parts. 
Here is your download link 

For those of you who want to put all the parts of this into one folder and have a main preview .... is one I made from everything in this Cosy Winter. (just click on picture to open original size, left click and save as) 
But be warned : there might be more to come next winter :) 
Plus the coming parts going into spring will also partly fit with this, as the transition  happens slowly , just like in nature itself. 

But for now....
Hugs and until next time 💓


Saturday, February 11, 2023

It's almost Valentines Day and freebie time again:)

 Hello and lots of love :) 

Valentines Day is a day full of memories for me. Those who have been reading my blog for a long time know it was the day Reggie surprised me with a song he had composed and recorded himself , and the start of our relationship. I had found my soulmate and we had some amazing years together until he suddenly passed away from a fatal heart attack in September 2014 at the "young "age of only 46 years old.  

I've been a single woman since. 
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying my life. Just like he would have wanted me to. But on my own and enjoying my freedom these days. 

As the song says "I can buy myself flowers...." 
And that's exactly what I am going to do. In fact, I already started my Valentines weekend with a lovely , relaxing Lavender/Chamomile and Epson salt bath earlier, pampering myself with a face mask, nourishing hair treatment and lovely smelling body lotion. 
I have a bottle of my favourite red wine and will treat myself to a nice meal tomorrow.  
Pamper , love and treat yourself ! 💓  
Okay, as I have nothing else to show this time , let's get to the freebie. 
This was made with love, remembering the good times we had. 

Here is your link 

Cosy Winter will resume in the next post and will gradually turn into Spring, as the year turns. 

Enjoy and until next post ...

Hugs Snowy

Monday, February 06, 2023

Cosy Winter 3

 Hello again, everybody :) 

I'm back with the next part , but as always before a little update on what I'm doing. 

Well, I would love to do more, but there's this thing called work .... but I did get my cross stitch picture finally finished. 

I just need a frame and then it can go on my wall. Love how this turned out, although it's slightly larger than I thought it would be when I started this. 

If you like cross stitch and would like to make this as well, you can find the free pattern here 

This is a future project. I decided to give cheese making a try. I definitely need a few days off work for this. All tools have to be sterilised for this, so it's not something that goes fast. 
We had a few gorgeous sunsets here. This is really what it looked like -no filters used for this picture. Sky on fire :) 
And coming home from work this afternoon I noticed the first greens shooting out of the earth getting much larger. If the weather stays nice we will have colourful spring flowers in a few weeks :) 

Okay, now to the download ....
The third part of Cosy Winter. 

I have part 4 already uploaded , but next post will be a Valentine mini . 

Enjoy, and until then ....


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

More " Cosy Winter"


and  brrrrr..... it's cold  out there ! This "Cosy Winter" is the goal right now, because we have freezing temperatures. 

Luckily , according to the weather forecast, it's supposed to warm up a little next week. So when I went to the shop for my weekly groceries and I saw bunches of daffodils there, I just had to get them. 

A perfect opportunity to experiment with the camera on my new phone. I played around with the focus , took some shots and liked this one best. A little bit of colour on a grey and cold day :) 
I completed another cross stitch wall hanging which I started before Christmas. I changed the colours slightly and also changed the Christmas parts of the design to a more neutral theme. Overall I'm happy how it turned out. 
But now to the freebie part you have been waiting for. 
I had to put candles into the design parts, because in my opinion they are a big part of cosiness. 
So here is the second part of  Cozy Winter . 

Cosy Winter will continue , although I might put a couple of  other themed parts in between. We have Valentines Day coming , for example. But as I'm not like the shops who already have their Easter stuff on the shelves, that will have to wait until short before the 14th. 

So enjoy , and until next time. 
Hugs Snowy 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

First freebie and post of 2023


and I hope you all had a pleasant start into the new year. I was actually on nightshift on New Years eve, but it wasn't too bad. Of course I slept the first day of the new year away after that. 

Project wise I have already been quite busy this month. 

The first thing I did, I made some candles. 

I love candle light and over the year I burn quite a few of them. Most times there is some wax left over in the bottom or it doesn't quite burn down to use all of the wax. Well, over 2022 I collected all this left over wax in a plastic bag, and I had plenty enough to melt it all down and make some new candles from these left overs. There was no need to add colour pigment, but I added some fragrance oils to make them smell delicious. 
I kept all the old candle jars,washed  and refilled them. 
And there you go- 5 new candles which cost me practically nothing. Just a new wick and some time and electricity to melt the wax on my cooker. 
This little Resin kit was a Christmas gift to myself. I always wanted to try this. 
As it turns out it was fun to try , but not a craft I would invest in on a grand scale. 
The bookmark turned out quite pretty and I had enough resin to make 2 more. 
I finished the cross stitch picture I showed in my last post. This will go in my craft/hobby room. 
This is the new WIP (work in progress) and will hang in my kitchen once it's complete. 

Okay, I think tat's enough for today. Just one more thing to do .....
Freebie time ! 
For now we're in the winter season. This is the first part of the winter themed minis to come. 

Here is the download link 

Enjoy , and until next time 

Hugs Snowy