
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting close to Ostara....

....and I still have not finished all the eggs as decorations yet.About time I get some more done! Luckily I have time off work now,so I can concentrate on that now with more time to do it in. Despite only 3 hours sleep after my last night shift I got the bathroom including the cat toilets cleaned, did the kitchen,dusted,wiped the floors and stairs and changed the bedding.So nice to sleep on clean and fresh smelling pillows and sheet again.Call me fussy,but I change it quite often...well,I have the habbit of sleeping in my baby naked,and sweating during the night makes it more necessary to change more often than with  wearing a Pyjama. I tolerate it when I'm absolutly freezing,but otherwise I feel too constricted and get too hot (specially if you have a living heater,also known as species of man next to you) Well,the only male visting me in my bedroom is my cat Sam on occasion,lol,and even he gives off enough heat. I even had enough energy to go out for a short walk and catch some fresh air in the afternoon,but after that it was time to calm down. A nice hot bath and to bed early.This morning I'm full of energy again and ready to start the day....after this big mug of coffee though. I have just read SilverRaven Wolf,s blog and love the idea with the "sock monster",but I have no one to give it to. Besides,most kids are so spoiled and not happy unless they get a brandname toy or a new game for their Playstation/X box.Talking of presents...I need to get something for Shaun.My lanky teenager will be 19 end of this month and isn't so lanky anymore. He has developed a six pack and arm muscles...and shows it off whenever he can to impress the Girls. It used to be baggy sweaters and jeans,now he specially buys a smaller size so it's really skin tight.And sleeves have to be short enough to show the tattoos...Shaun the Poser,lol. As bouncer he meets plenty of Ladies,so far 340 contacts on his phone,ranging from 16-34 years....I jokingly call him "man slag".Reply with a grin:I don't wanna know what you got up to in the USA.....damn him!I can't win,lol.....Do you think he would appreciate a sock monster for his birthday? I bet his face would be worth it...hahahah...anyway,the work on the wedding kit for my friend slowly goes on,some more done and I made another quickpage. I sorted through my craft books as well,all nice and tidy on the shelf now.Here is also the full size pic of Sam,thanks Edna,I love how this photo turned out.Today it's  time for some more laundry to do,and I will take a walk to the market as well.So have a great day,I certainly will enjoy my time off work.Hugs Snowy

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