
Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm off ...hoooray !

Hi all, hope you're having a nice Easter. The weather is still absolutely gorgeous here, sunny and temperatures in the 70ies. It really is shorts and t-shirt weather as long as you stay in the sun.
I just peddled home again after coming off my night shift, now it's 4 days off...well...3 1/2 really as will be asleep for half of today. Gotta make the most of the time off,he's back to work Wednesday and myself on Thursday.Won't be possible to meet then, even though he only lives a 25 minute walk away.
I spent the time starting on making all the detailed previews and the main preview for the kit which is now finally completed. But I have no name for the kit yet -any ideas?
Well, I'm off to bed now-till next post
Hugs Raven

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