
Friday, April 15, 2011

Just a quick post

Hi, just came home from my last night shift and wanted to quickly let you know about the chatbox on our blogs.If you are as sick and tired of the spam posted there as I am, -there's light at the end of the tunnel ! Go onto the c-box site.In the menu and preferences you got the option to disable all links and e-mail addies - at the end when you save it , it says at the bottom it requires a new code - click on "get code" and paste it in the place of your old c-box. From now on links will not work anymore ...hooray !!!
As for designs, I have been lazy and spent time chatting  instead. So nothing to show yet apart from another photo taken during my walk the other day- the tress have gone fluffy,lol. And as I need my beauty sleep I will now crawl into my lovely soft bed - hugs Raven

1 comment:

  1. ♥» ▬▬ «•*•» ▬▬▬ «•*•»▬▬ «♥
    «•*•» WESOŁYCH ŚWIĄT «•*•»
    ♥» ▬▬ «•*•» ▬▬▬ «•*•»▬▬ «♥

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    Szczęście nadaje sens życiu,
    to magia w Twym sercu zaklęta.
    Nie pozwól mu zostać w ukryciu,
    podaruj je bliskim na święta.
    Wesołych Świąt !
