
Friday, May 06, 2011

Another milestone reached - yipppieee !

Hi again,
I did say I post when I have something to tell or show-well, yesterday late afternoon I discovered that I had reached my own personal milestone. I don't weight myself regularly , usually I get curious when I notice some more weight has disappeared. So after trying on jeans and t-shirt in my normal current size I noticed that they were actually quite loose and asked the Lady at the store if she could bring me the same in one size smaller. Whoohooo- you wouldn't believe it-but it fit ! Still, I didn't get on the scales until late afternoon ....and then I discovered that I have done it ! My first goal was 20 pounds ,I did that about 3 months ago and it took quite a while to get there. So I set myself the next target of 30 pounds. Yippiieeeeeee , I've done it ! 30 POUNDS GONE !
So I just have to share the good news, But this isn't the end ..... Milestone no.3 - 40 pounds goes on !
So I'm proudly wearing my new smaller clothes,lol.Weight has mainly gone from my tummy and hips.I look at the old pictures and today's photos and I like what I see.  Layout to look back on later made with my new kit Softly, which is in Store. Now let's see how long it takes for the next 10 pounds to disappear.
It's a day off for me , so let's see what mischief I can get up to today.Hugs Snowy

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