
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hello, checking in again

Hi all, short update on the last days I was not posting- my friend wasn't well for 3 days,so we did the usual thing and sent him healing as a group ....with amazing success! He woke up from his nap and said he has been free of pain since ! Love it that we could help.I had a feeling something was not right when he was barely on , and when I was digging and asking questions I had to tell him off for not saying anything,lol. Typical guy-suffers in silence and don't wanna make a fuss. But we caught up chatting for 3 hours after that,lol-amazing how quick the time goes when you enjoy yourself.
On Sunday night I made it home from work just in time to catch the 2nd half of the Pats game- another win for the Patriots-hooray ! 
Apart from that I am doing a 6 week course on psychic development. Week 1 is mainly meditation and keeping a journal about anything to do with intuition , messages or synchronicities we receive. On the risk that you think I have gone completely nuts - during my healing meditation asking the Angels of healing to assist I heard a voice clearly tell me "stop worrying , I am with him now!" was just amazing ! I had quite a few other things pop up as well, but it would be too much to write it all here.
Yesterday was shopping day, and yes, I treated myself as well, some new clothes for Autumn/Winter in bright cheerful autumn colours, and I just could not resist these Earrings and necklace.
Last night I went to bed early after a busy day ,-I was even too tired to chat on cam with Eddy - but I designed a bit more for the Halloween kit.
Today its catching up with household chores , I think I'm high on furniture polish and bleach already , then a nap and night shift tonight. Come Thursday I have 6 days off, I put 2 days leave at the end of my usual rota break, So looking forward to it. On Friday I'm off to see Ron and Diane , and have yet another Tattoo done.-and now I have to carry on with my work here -have a great day .
Hugs Snowy

1 comment:

  1. Guys are so difficult when it comes to health issues. Asked what they suffer from or what is wrong, I usually get the answer from Jan: "Oh, nothing is wrong, I am allright". That helps a lot. Instead of saying what hurts, or what they feel, they leave us guessing. And better not ask to much further of too often, because they get very grumpy then. ROFL.
    Hope the 6 week oourse will be a good experience for you and helpfull too.
    Hahahah, know all about feeling "high"on fumes from house cleaning stuff.
    Great you soon have a lot of days free! But knowing you I expect you will be very busy with all kind of things.
    Lovely necklace and earrings you bought! Okay, have to check on a few other blogs and then post on mine.
