
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Moon plans

Hi all, just checking in before I'm back to work tomorrow.
Its new moon , so that means the best time to start new projects and make plans. And I have a few. But first let me tell what I've been up to since last post.
I have sorted through my books and other supplies and sorted out a pile of Wiccan books I no longer need. They will be passed on to a young Witch in this town who is right at the beginning to learn. 2 big bags of junk have gone as well. My motto is "if I have not used not for more than a year its not likely that I will need it again" , so it seems I'm sorting out every 6 months and dispose of the things which would clutter my space otherwise.
and I also got out he box with past spells. Those who serve no purpose anymore have now been burned. Epic step ! This includes the Binding Spell we did 2 years ago.
The gig at the pub was nice even though there were not as many people as I expected. Lol, one of band members thought I am south-african -what's new?
And the kit is slowly taking shape - still not finished, there are too many other things I do in between.
Now to the plans-there will be some changes coming. For a start my shop on the other blog will be closed. - Don't worry,lol- it will be re-opened on here. Instead of having two blogs it will only be this one again. The whole blog will get a make-over. The reason? I don't think its right to call it a scrap blog because that is not the only thing I do and show here. Instead there will be a page with scrap layouts and designs, one with other art and craft things and sometimes instructions how to do it. A third page where everything Witchy'Pagan/Spiritual goes, and even a 4th one with favourite recipes. I have been sharing craft ideas and recipes on Facebook already and there are quite a few followers who are interested. This blog will be so much more versatile and it will be easier to find things from different categories.I have some ideas for 2 other categories as well...but we'll see. Kit sales will all be on one single page. The good thing is I don't have to upload the previews all again. I am thinking about what background to make for this make-over and have an idea already in my little head.I would like all this to be done Samhain , which is the Witches New year , a great time to have it all completed.
Well, now that I told you I will get back to my work here -Hugs Snowy

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