
Friday, October 28, 2011

2 days to go !

Hello again ,
only 2 more shifts and I'm off again - roll on Sunday ! I have taken some time off over Halloween/Samhain. Now that our new Girl Natalie is trained up its a little easier to get leave .....finally ! I have so many days left and have to take them by end of March.
Thinking back to today last year , now is roughly the time when I was arriving at Jib's house after Erik had picked me up. Has this year flown by or what? It seems like yesterday !
Nikki posted a video for me earlier on Facebook, filmed from her car while on her way to New Bedford , showing the lovely Autumn colours of the trees along the way.
My Shop blog is closed now! In future any new designs , sampler or freebies will be on the Store page here on this blog. I will still design kits from time to time, but not on a large scale anymore.I just have too many other hobbies which take time as well , and I don't want to concentrate just on designing anymore.
Well -Snowy has been busy again !New Dreamcatcher, Trinket box ,the Christmas Bell still needs finishing off , I want to attach some stars to hang down ....
The Bell is an entry for a competition , so keep your fingers crossed that I win a little prize :)
Apart from that not much to tell. I'm still busy learning and studying for the Psychic Development course and its proving harder than I would have thought. I have to put a lot of time into it , daily journaling and training the mind.....which is not so easy, because we are so used to our normal thought patterns that its not easy to just switch them of and make your mind a "blank canvas" to receive messages. The mind wanders, I start and a minute later I think " I have to do the laundry soon"....back to "blank canvas" ...then " I have to buy more milk tomorrow" .... see what I mean? You have naturally born mediums who just pick things up or know them, the rest of us have to work hard and train ourselves to achieve that state.
Anyway- enough now, I'm off to bed,lol
Till next post -Hugs Snowy

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