
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Fall and Halloween decorating

Hi all,
It was my second day off today and I have been busy with putting some decorations up and in place. Yesterday/Sunday was spent half asleep -coming off night shift -then watching the football in the evening (Pats won-yippieeee !) and doing some more crafting while watching. We really have had a heatwave here the past week, but luckily temperatures are going down again now towards end of the week. I don't mind the heat, it was in the 80/90ies , but there was a horrible humidity with it. So I'm quite happy its getting cooler again. I have taken a few photos the past days , so let me show them.
I took these the morning after my night shift on the way home.I like the mist in the background.
And now this really looks like fall
Fall decorations- its starting to look like Halloween time  ! The candle wreath with the conkers and leaves is one of my own creations and not even finished yet.
In my living room the spiders are lose....

Its looking spookily good,lol !
And I treated myself a while ago.I saw a Raven statue which just screamed at me "take me home" and I found the perfect place for it. There is my little birdie right next to my bed..... love how the crystal ball glows in this pic,lol
Of cause this is all nothing compared to what Deb put up - she even thought of me when she did it. I got this with the note :Snowy , this is for you
Oh man....Deb's front garden looks so cool,lol !
I am having problems here finding any fall and decent Halloween decorations, so I  will just have to make some myself .The next project is already planned and the materials waiting.
And for now I'm off -Hugs Snowy


  1. Don't you have any alcohol free beer in England??? We have a few. One that Jan is drinking now, with really 0%, even in different varieties, but he just likes the normal blond beerof it. And there is one that has only a tiny bit of alchol in it, but under 0,1%.
    Whee girl, you misunderstood something about the biking. I don+t have one, just Jan, so I am on the backseat when we go out on the bike LOL! Years ago we had both a bike, bought then a new one and they were stolen from us, a short time after we bought them!
    So I never had one again, perhaps better, because with my epilepsie showing up at times, it could be tricky.
    Love to see all Halloween preparations, but we don+t do it overhere. Well, not much anyway. Soon enough already Christmas will be here and I think ones a year decorating your house is enough ROFL.
    Have a great time during yor days off, don+t be too naughty, grin grin.

  2. I love your photos of the cemetary. The mist rising is quite interesting. The leaves on some of our trees are falling before they can change color. I guess this year we won't have a great color show. Enjoy your time off. Have a great day, hugs, Edna B.
