
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reiki and Massage

nothing beats a new experience a day ! Yesterday I had my Massage and Reiki appointment. Let me just say I am still buzzing ! Which is totally contradicting what my Reiki practitioner first told me -trust me to be completely opposite,lol.
First of all massage was wonderful, then the Reiki- yes, it was relaxing with the music in the background, and I was in a meditative state where I even had a vision. I was told to take it easy for the next 24 hours as the Reiki was working, I might feel dizzy , tired or experience cold like symptoms. I should avoid alcohol or caffeine products to help the body get rid of toxins and negativity.
At the end I was told to stay down a little while and sit up very slowly to avoid becoming dizzy. Yeah right !
I was like a dynamo, so full of energy -I was buzzing. Its as if she loaded up all the batteries in my body. I was so full of energy ! Other symptoms were that I was really thirsty and later on my appetite was amazing, I was so hungry ! Plus I had amazingly vivid dreams.
I should do this more often, its better than a gallon of coffee,lol.
Apart from that I have played a little bit. I went to Edna's blog last night where she wrote and gave a link to some textures.So I went to have a look and really liked it. But....I used the textures in Paint Shop Pro !
So I picked two photos and altered them. Here are the results.
Pic 1 - the Angel Gravestone I photographed at the cemetery...original before altering

.....and as photo art

Then the pic of one of my Lillies , close up...before....

...and after altering it
Yeah, this is fun ! I'm even thinking about printing this one and framing it, the colours go well with my living room walls.

And now-things to do and places to go as usual.... till next time again
Hugs Snowy


  1. Snowy, that angel gravestone is so beautiful. Makes me think it must have been for a child or young person. So glad you enjoyed the PDPA textures. You might even like her Friday Photo Art. You can read about it on her blog. Now I'm off to make some green peppers and eggs for Tootsie and me. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Hi, it's fun to play with pics this way. Must give it a try too.
    Sounds your reiki is doing you well!
    I will try to explain Minky about your offer in a mail, later today. I have trouble with my back yesterday and today, don;t know what it is, but it's no fun. A bit painfull to sit long at the computer(it's the lower back). Well, that will pass too, one of these days.
