
Friday, November 04, 2011

...and the freebies continue....

Good morning ,
well, I just read Kyra's comment and I did have indeed a nice hot bubble bath last night,lol. Feeling a little better , the left side is ok, but the right is still aching. Plus I woke up with blocked nose this morning -on no ! I don't wanna be getting a cold as well now ! So I'm dosing myself with plenty of Vitamins. The bright side to all this is that I am getting more x-mas gifts done, last night the sewing machine was busy again.I also found a perfect little ornament in a shop the other day for one f my friends. I'm trying to keep all the little gifts small and light so I don't have to pay too much postage. Sometimes sending it is more expensive than the gift itself. I'm better off than last year , but still not out of the red yet , so I have to be careful.
I think today I will catch up with things I left yesterday.  And I will have to make my way down into town to the shop to get more milk and cat food.
In the moment I'm just uploading another freebie while I write this. Its nice to see the freebie page fill up slowly. And of cause the cup of coffee is next to me !
The uploading is done -the "Poppies to remember kit "is up . An oldie but useful ,lol
So hop over for the link to the freebie page.

More tomorrow, for now I wish you all a nice day .
Hugs Snowy

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