
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Back in action :)

Whoohooo ! The last shop I tried yesterday had a new adapter for my laptop -I am back in action ! So happy ! Compared to the old Desktop PC the laptop works with lightning speed, so much better. And also the typing on the keyboard is more comfortable, the old keyboard at the PC tends to leave out letters. And no ,I am not getting a new one or do anything to that old thing. The only thing that will be done , I will get myself a new state of the art laptop , a new external drive and then that old thing will be scrapped. Do you know how much electricity I'm saving with the laptop? I t has gone down a great deal since I don't use the desktop - laptops are so much more energy efficient.
I have come of night shift , so for the rest of the day my motto is :
Gotta have days like this from time to time-don't you think?
Later I can finally carry on with my Christmas kit, plus I'm planning to package up a new pack of Christmas Overlays.
Apart from that I was busy with packing my Christmas Presents, -will have to start writing cards as well, I finished another project ...
...a shopping bag with a stitched Cat on, and I treated myself to a tiny little Angel trinket box-so cute !
Also found another little present yesterday, so that's another one off my list ! Currently I'm uploading a Christmas kit which is already on the Christmas Store page at reduced price, the second one is already done, I just need to make a new sampler for it. But all in good time- after this kit has finished uploading I will have some beauty sleep first ! 4 shared has just given up on me half way through the sampler upload of the Christmas Glory Sampler, so I will need to try again later.Winter Solstice is up, also reduced price and the next one I think will have to be the Hanukkha -Festival of Lights kit.While those upload I can carry on working on my dreamcatcher as well, I suppose,lol -as always multi tasking :)
For now I'm off -Hugs Snowy


  1. I'm glad you were able to get your new charger cord. As for the laptop, I agree the laptop is much easier and more convenient to use. I was thinking of someday upgrading my desk PC but I think I will replace it instead with a laptop. We'll see. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. You were a lucky girl to have found the adapter. I am still rather happy with my PC, but a laptop would be nice too. I just hope my desktop PC will hold on for lots more time, cause I don;t really have the money spare now to buy me a laptop. The trinket box is really cute! I don;t like too much 4 shared, you know. It often gives me trouble and for downloading you always have to wait, if you have the non payed membership.
    That's why I love Mediafire. Mostly it works fine.
    Have a good beauty sleep and a great day!
