
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas is over....

.....but Tuesday was still a holiday here in UK , because Christmas Day landed on a Sunday. Hi all-hope you had a good time .
I'm back to work , have been since Christmas Day on Sunday. Yesterday I attempted to design a bit to make a new kit, but soon lost interest ...the new book had more of a pull on me. Plus of cause having fun and chatting with friends on FB.I got a reflexology book with DVD to learn it I just need some Guinea pigs to try it out,lol.
The old year is almost over and time for me to reflect on all that has happened in 2011. It has certainly been a year full of events and learning. A year of making fantastic friends and adding to our little family on FB( the Circle). I have just been adopted as "little sis" by big brother Bob, a friend of Ricky, who is very dear to me. And all my sisters Teri, Rachel,Nikki, Deb,Pixie,Jillian plus a few more.And I am grateful for having Daniel in my life....we didn't have much time recently to talk, he definitely works too much.But I love waking up to nice messages in my in box. Let's see if we manage to catch up on the weekend , maybe on web cam or via telephone.
I have been spoiled with presents for Christmas, here a few of them there is a brand new DVD player in my room, so I can now watch movies in bed .... what a luxury-much better than DVDs on the laptop.
My Angel collection is growing- that essential oil diffuser looks lovely in my bedroom.
Over the next days I will make a new vision board for the coming year. I didn't achieve everything I wanted this year, but I made a good start and plan to carry on in the new year.Here a few layouts I made the past days.
One priority will definitely be a flight to Phoenix and meeting Daniel...will be interesting to see how I cope with the rather warm Arizona climate. He tells me they all walk around with guns and knifes-even he does, apparently it's the normal way of life...very Wild West ....yeeehaw ! Lol, gotta see the funny side of it.Anyway, enough for now....I will be off work again soon....3 shifts left to do, and then I prepare another freebie for you. Until then -Hugs Snowy

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a nice Christmas. I haven't been to Arizona, but I think you're going to love it. I did not know that they walked around with guns and knives. I wonder why that is?

    I've heard that Arizona is a great place for photographing hummingbirds. One of these days I just make it out there. We'll see.

    Christmas here was really nice. I did work the whole weekend, and next weekend too, but next year the holidays will fall on someone else's shifts.

    Got to start my day now. You have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.
