
Monday, December 12, 2011

A new Week and another freebie

Good morning :)
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine certainly was great ! Saturday was the Eclipse and full moon , so I went out to see if we are able to catch anything of it.Sadly that was not the case ,but the north of UK was lucky to catch at least a partial view of it. Still, it was nice to see the moon come up at around 4pm in the afternoon. I was at Ness Point with some other Moon watchers. Luckily I was clever enough to wrap up warm, because the wind there by the sea was real chilly ! Here some pics from our sky watch on Saturday.

And the sun going down ...
Me wrapped up,lol
And just at home to warm up again., I actually made a layout.
This is made with the Freebie kit I start to put on the Freebie page today.
It's an Ex -Store kit -Black and Silver X-mas, and the first 2 parts are up now.
Sunday was of cause Football day , so after a short time out -it was horrible rainy weather, I snuggled up on the couch and watched the game after we had dinner. And what a game it was ! I was on the edge of my seat most of the time. But all ended well with another win for the Pats ! I treated myself to another new book, I have started last night and it really is a pleasure to read. This man is an inspiration ! If more would think like he does , if politicians would act like he does the World would be a much better place ! Most of my packages have been sent last week, today I'm mailing the very last of them , plus more cards.
That's it for now again, I'll be back with the two next parts of the Freebie kit. Hugs Snowy

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