
Saturday, December 24, 2011

The night before Christmas Eve....brings another freebie

Hello all.
I know I have been awfully quiet lately but have been really busy here. Not to mention more visions and a being attacked by a spirit. No kidding.... I cycle along in the dark, and it felt really spooky, and I sensed I was not alone, and suddenly get a choking feeling and start getting breathless , as if someone has his hands around my throat.I actually had difficulties breathing. I was starting to feel faint , gasping for air when I mentally called on my Guides,Goddess and several Angels to help and protect me - the feeling stopped almost immediately and I was trying to recover my breath and got the hell out of there. I think I never peddled so fast in my life !I admit it- I was scared ! Lol, I won't be going along that path in the dark again for a while. But that brings up the need for better psychic protection. I'm learning all about it and trying to put it into action. Daniel, will be making a medicine bag for me to wear and send it over , I am so grateful to all my friends giving advice and help. Apart from that it was nice to hear Daniels voice on the phone , we had a good talk. He's on call this week including the holidays, so with him not having much time,I miss chatting with him.But at least I won't be the only one working over Christmas.
We had our Christmas party at work ,I got a Fairy Jar. I will show more pics from that in another post.
It was a great laugh ! Creative side of me has been busy with a little heart shaped trinket box. Painted and decorated....did I mention I love the feather trend,lol?
Plus I made several quote layouts the past days. Here is one of them, made with my Angel Magic kit.
I have another freebie for you today- its a cute little ex store kit .
 As always on the freebie page.
The 24th is our Christmas Day and we'll be having our Christmas Dinner and open our presents. I'll be back when I find the time , in the meantime I wish you all a very merry Christmas.
Hugs Snowy


  1. Merry Christmas, sweetie!
    Scaring story about your bike ride! One thing for sure: it wasn;t me haunting you, LOL!
    I am joking now, but I can imagine it must have been a real strange and scary feeling!
    Avoid indeed that path in the dark for a time.
    Have a great Christmas eve with Shaun!

  2. Take care and be careful when you're out at night. I am working tonight and tomorrow night too. Also new year's eve and new year's night. Maybe next year I can stay at home and enjoy the nights.

    I'm wishing you both a wonderful Christmas filled with happiness. Hugs and licks, Edna and Tootsie B.
