
Monday, March 19, 2012

Freebie kit 2 days late,lol

Morning peeps, hope you all had a nice weekend , I certainly did. Uhmm...yeah ..I know I'm late with my freebie for St Pats, but maybe you can still do something with it. I normally wanted to put it up yesterday , on my first day off, but Reggie had a a surprise for me and I forgot all about it .... lol, sorry.
And I have been scrapping and playing a little in between .... new pics - so it just had to be done ! I specially love the old and antiqued look in the moment. Here's my beloved trying to look " bad ass" ....metal musician thing not to smile ,I guess.I can see him as a Viking.... might have to edit a pic to make him into a Viking Warrior for fun,lol
And I did one layout which I have to print for Reggie's Sister and Mum, so I better get that printer ready in a bit.
The freebie is this, an ex store kit again. I'm just waiting for the last zip to upload and it will be on the Freebie page, also more previews.
After being lazy yesterday and talking on the web cam until I almost couldn't keep my eyes open,and was sent off to sleep, I really need to get some things done today. So till next time
Hugs Snowy


  1. we have to log into 4 shared now to get freebies, thanks but no thanks. love your work, but not intertested in an account with 4 shared

  2. Reggie really isn;t looking too joyful on those pics LOL! Let him send you some others, on which he is smiling, don't like the "serious"look hahahaha.
    And you're right, you could change him into a fierce Viking!
    Thanks for the anniversairy wishes, time goes really fast!
