
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Last parts of free kit

Good Morning,
I managed to get the last 2 parts uploaded for you -have fun playing with it.

There will be more to come soon, so keep popping in.I'm not exactly sure when I manage to get more stuff uploaded , but it will come.
Otherwise.... I spent the last days reading a lot , I am addicted to "50 Shades of Grey" ..I finished the first book and ordered the 2 next ones with the thought in mind to have something to read during the long flight across to Charlotte. They arrived yesterday. How am I supposed to resist this? I started , then put book 2 down , really trying hard not to touch it.....and I failed miserably ! Ah well, guess there is always book 3 ,lol.
Not something for closed minded people , -it's erotica.These books go into BDSM, but also with a lot a lot of humour and I think the characters are well thought out.I have to admit I can certainly often identify with Ana. A lot of times while reading I keep thinking "OMG, this is so me !" ... they are the kind of books that keep you hooked and you don't want to put the book down until you have finished it. I know I am not the only one thinking that way, I have seen comments from other friends saying exactly the same. And from what I hear a movie is planned ...
Personally I would love to see Ian Somerhalder or Alexander Skarsgard in the role of Christian Grey, Chris Hemsworth would be another possibility in my eyes to fit the role well.Rofl, so if you want to explore your darker side go ahead and read the books ;)
I also designed another picture after reading the first's another Snowraven creation...and I thought the quote fits rather well.
Snowy style... the bargain hunter was lucky again... a black dress for £12.00 and earrings for £3.49
I never understand woman who spend tons of money on fashion. They are copying a media fashion image but they don't have their own style and are not being themselves. Seriously...have you seen the latest stuff around? Can you imagine me in bright neon colours , flashback of the 80ies? I think not ! I sometimes wonder about the fashion disasters some woman wear ... Walmart springs to mind,lol. These woman should bear in mind that simplicity and covering a bit more than they show creates a better effect.
PS:same goes for make-up... looking like you have fallen into a box of Crayolas doesn't earn brownie points !
20 days left until I leave here for Gatwick and my trip across to Reggie. Can you say I'm getting excited? You bet,lol.We had gorgeous weather here and I even had a little bit of a sunburn on my chest and shoulders. The highest SPF I can get here in the shops is 30, Ivy told me she uses a SPF 75.....I so have to put a higher one on my shopping list when I'm across there.I really don't fancy being fried , and it will take some days to get used to the higher temperatures anyway.I also spoke to one of our guys who spent time in South Carolina, he advised me to go for a high factor sunscreen...he said "I never had such a bad sun burn , us people from over here in UK are just not used to that strength" ....guess what's on top of my list to get,lol... I love sun , but I don't want to get fried :)
Anyway, I have rambled enough for today and shared "Snowy's wisdom".For me it's nap time and night shift recovery today . Till next post -Hugs Snowy


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 6 post on May. 29, 2012. Thanks again.

  2. The second link appears to be broken as it won't go to the download page... just get an "oops, broken link" message.

  3. I have tried over and over and cannot get the second link to work. What a bummer. These have been fantastic but would hate to miss the very last little bit.
