
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Back to normal...

...or rather what is normal for me,lol... Yup, yesterday was cleaning day, but I also started to scrap some of the pics I took each time I had a break.
And while cleaning I also needed to find a space for a picture Joe made for me. He does some awesome art and I love the pic of the red rose he made for me. So it had to go on my wall and I found a great place for it.

I also bought some "wall lettering"...decals to rub onto a wall for decoration when Reggie took me to Michael's , plus some new frames are waiting to be filled ...the words will look great on the wall above the frames
Deb gave me the idea for it when she did some on her wall , but no matter how much I searched over here, I just could not find this in any of our I had to wait and buy one across there. I'll show the finished result once it's done.
But here some layouts now I made with Pics I took.These two were done with the last freebie kit,apart from adding some bits on the first one from new designs.The pic with Wes on was taken by Jennifer. Wes is an school friend ,he and Reggie have not seen each other more than 20 years prior to this meeting. Wes just moved to South Carolina from Texas after meeting Jennifer over the internet as well.
I love that Butterfly pic I took during our 6 mile walk along the river Eno, so it had to be scrapped.all my designs as well...kit Summer Breeze...not published yet,lol

And more new designs....I'm designing as I go along to fit the photos I have, and this one required something romantic with roses.Memories of a private booth, great 4 course fondue,Yin Yang cocktail,Champagne, red roses from Reggie and a fantastic unforgettable evening.
 And yes, I am counting again-24 weeks until next flight and time with Reggie.But that's all for now. It's back to work tomorrow , have some shopping to do to fill the fridge again and will get a new freebie ready soon for you. Until then -Hugs Snowy


  1. Wall lettering, that's a new one for me. It does look interesting though. Time will fly, you'll see. 24 weeks will be gone before you know it. Have a great night, hugs, Edna B.

  2. You have great memories from your trip, and 24 weeks, that's almost nothing LOL.
    No, true it will pass much quicker than you think!
    Before we know we have to do Christmas presents again.
    Enjoy your last free day!
