
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weekened freebie part a little bit earlier

Hi and good morning peeps,
I'm posting the next 2 parts for you today before I'm back to work tomorrow.That way I won't have to rush around Sunday morning or Saturday when I'll be tired from my early shift and might even forget about it,lol.
I fell asleep last night after talking to Reggie some time during the second half of the football. Another disappointing one , the Giants won 6:3.The Pats defence seriously sucks!
Isaac is creating chaos , and that on the 7th anniversary of Katrina. The pictures I have seen thanks to a friend are not nice to look at. I feel for the poor people in those states who lost their homes and all belongings....and it's not over yet.
Then I have been busy on this blog and re-opened the Facebook page for Snowraven's Designs.New page cover/header and background as you might have noticed. And I'm trying to build up a little stock of new designs.
Plus I have been working on another project and got it finished....but pssst....can't show that yet as it's part of Reggie's birthday parcel. But I took pictures and will show what I did once he has got it.
The Scrap page I made and framed has found it's place on my wall , loving the look of it-so much better than just a framed photograph ! Never mind the bottle of cider,lol
I have a few pics to show which I took on a walk when the weather was nice. Like this little beauty...
There's more but I keep them for another day. And playing with that last new kit I made ...the romantic in me is coming out again...
But here are the next two parts of the Summer BBQ kit...enjoy !And I finally have more detailed previews for the kit.

 Till next time -hugs Snowy

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Part two of Summer BBQ freebie

Good morning,
well...Pats lost another game last night.I hope they will get their act together once the season properly starts. Tonight it will be night shift for me, so I won't be able to watch any games over the weekend.
I actually got a few things done, even wrapped up some CU packs. Kyra writes: Hope it's a good contract they offer you!.... well, after being told that she will send me the contract to look at ,I'm still waiting. I certainly have not received one and even checked my spam to see if it went in there. Will have to contact her and let her know that I did not get anything so far....  know roughly what is in there because we talked about and I know what is required from the add.
Apart from that I have been making soap.Lavender batch and the brown ones are a herbal and seakelp mix.

And I had 3 canvas art prints on my wall which looked rather faded after the I bought some Canvas paper and printed my own. They were easy to apply on top of the original canvas print with double sided sticky tape and now look like brand new again. I decided on a rose theme , the middle picture is a cropped version of the pic I took in NC.

So for the price of a little ink and canvas paper from the Pound shop /or Dollar Store I now have nice wall pictures again.
Snowy style.... it feels like autumn here and at night it even got too cool to have the window open when the temperature went down to 53 degrees. I had been looking to replace my knee/thigh high boots which gave up their life in 2010 ...I finally found a pair without high heels ! So I obviously had to snap them up, and for $30.00 they were just a bargain too good to miss.Plus I was lucky and found a matching jacket for $40.00 that's it, Snowy is set for the season to come.I just loooove the black leather look. Even on a tight budget you can get some great things for a decent price if you shop around.I don't care about brand names , why pay more just because it has a designer label on it?
Anyway....the freebie. I found a few more previews as well. So here two more links for you , folders 2 and 5 this time
...and guess what? I found an add-on to the kit as well. So it will be 7 parts instead of just 6.Have fun and catch you soon again.
Hugs Snowy

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pssst...the secret Squirrel has news ....;)

Good morning ....
I'm feeling a bit rough this morning.....self inflicted though...I went to the Street Party last night and had a few drinks. My stomach did not like it too much. Not only did I fall asleep while the web cam was on at what must have been around 10pm , but I woke up around 3am , sober but with a wicked heartburn from the alcohol.Friend Lisa posted  a pic on Facebok last night which says:" I used to be able to party all weekend, now the recovery time takes more than minor surgery." ...sounds about right ,lol.
Then I watched the video I posted from the Street Party and cringed .... never attempt to sing under the influence of alcohol ! Oh Goddess , I could hear myself and the others sing in the background.... jeeeze, still laughing just thinking of it.
Ok, what it was , the Restaurant next to us were having their 30th Anniversary yesterday. 1980ies prices and free burgers, stage on the path , bands playing and dancing on the street. This is what it looked like in the afternoon. Then I could hear the drums and guitars , and the vocalist warming up for the night. It was louder than my TV. That's taken from my living room window...

But we did have fun, 50ies and 60ies music , cheap beer ....for me it was Magners cider and Guinness, burgers and a good time with People from our house.First it was a case of getting ready,none of us go out too often so it was a case of make up and make ourselves pretty,lol... I was thinking about a head scarf first , but it was too hot.So I partially put some of my hair up and fastened it with a blue flower.

...and then it was a case of "let the Party begin" !!

It ended with singing along and a small Firework around 9pm. Yup we had a good time. Now for the "secret Squirrel" ....about a week ago I contacted a Scrapbook Site owner who was looking for new designers .... I had an answer last night.  "Yes yes yes I would love you to join us ~ what is your email address? I will send you the contract to take a look at.Hugs" guess I will looking through that contract and see how much commission and all the details etc. Looks like Snowraven is back ! I'll let you know more as I go along,lol.
I have more pics from the weekend , but will save those for another day to show and tell. 
As for blog comments....Edna, it's not orange, I made sure it's a brown tone,lol.Lianna, thank you- yes, it went very well. It's not always easy being apart for so long , but in the end I know the time we can spend together is well worth the waiting....and yes ,Kyra... finding bargains and paying a lot less than the original price certainly makes my day,lol.
For now it's recovery time , get some house work done and then I want to start to prepare some CU products as well. 
Tonight is another Pats game, but I'm on early shift won't be able to watch it. Next 2 freebie parts will be on the weekend again, but I pop in a bit earlier if I find the time.
Till then ~ hugs Snowy

Saturday, August 18, 2012

New freebie and another kit finished ;)

Damn ,I'm good in the moment !.....I managed to get the Halloween kit wrapped up as well. I have to admit I cheated a bit though. I added some elements (sign posts) which I used to have for sale as Commercial use pack in "the old days". But they were fitting so perfectly with these new designs that they had to go in !
Edna is asking "I wonder, are your appliances (like a laptop) any different in the UK than they are here? If not, yes you can probably find a good bargain when you come back this winter."
Yes, Edna-they are different. We have 220 volts over here and a different plug. But that can easily be solved with an adaptor for a laptop.I already have one which I use on this laptop when I go across, with any luck it might even fit a new one , if not I have some adaptable parts to change this one, and it has a switch to change the voltage as well.
I had a good day today , despite coming of nights and not having much sleep. I was lucky to find some bargains again. You remember the 12x12  paper scrap page I did a while ago? I picked up a fitting frame for only about $5.00 today. This will go upstairs in my room on the wall .
While doing shopping and paying bills I got tired without any sleep, so I thought I will get myself an energy boost drink. I decided to try one of Reggie's favourites.... yuck...brrrrrrrrrr.... the stuff worked but I will never ever be a Mountain Dew fan ! I don't know how he can drink so much of the stuff,lol.
Lucky finds at ASDA though.... they now do Franks Hot Sauce and Marshmallow fluff. And I found Malt beer. Nothing with alcohol... but I grew up in Germany with that drink and have not had any for I'm doing the "Happy Dance".
Plus I was armed with my hot glue gun and finally finished to decorate the candle jars.
Bargain pair of boots ordered for this winter for only $30.00 .... my budget is smiling at me. Finding these kind of bargains means I can afford to treat myself :)
Design work- another teaser qp and the preview ...very happy with how it turned out.And no orange or lime green in it,lol.
I have decided to give you the Summer BBQ kit next.
Here are previews and the first two parts (6 all together , with 2 coming each week to collect) This week part 1 and 4 , so you have some backgrounds and elements already.
Enjoy :)
Hugs Snowy

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Last NC layouts and preview teasers of new designs

Good morning...... I will go to bed in a little while , have come off my second night shift this morning...another one to go !
My head has been buzzing with new design ideas the past couple of days. I just read an article in , now I know why." The New Moon in Leo on Aug. 17 will give us a great big creative boost, as well as the patience and persistence we need to put all our great ideas into motion."...the full article is here:
Answering comments...Kyra writes : That sucks, hey, when you stay up late to watch a football game and it ends in a disappointing match!Now you definitely have to catch some sleep before going into another night shift.Hey, you even started a new kit? Great!Is Reggie cooking well, by the way?Hugs Kyra
Yes, it was a little disappointing but it's only the pre-season and I guess the guys need to warm up first. The Pats game started equally slow and they didn't score many points. I'm hoping for better games in the coming weeks and months. As for Reggie's cooking... Yes, he can cook well, that pork he did was literally melting in my mouth ....rrrrrr....I'm purring and drooling just thinking of it.
Edna says:  Your scrap layouts are coming along nicely. I wonder, can't you install your poser program on your laptop? I'm so glad I got rid of Vista. At least now I can use all of my programs. Hugs Edna
My laptop is 7 years old and has not got enough space on it for this huge program together with the other two graphic programs.To state a fact: I need a new laptop. This one is just too old to handle it. But Reggie had a good idea.He said if I can save up enough I could get a new one across there in the New Year. From what I know I could save around $200 -$300 buying it there instead of over here in UK. Not sure if I can save that much, but it will be Christmas and my birthday, and my parents usually send me some money .... so if I put that towards it... we'll see if I can get enough together.
Anyway, let's start the show !

 Yup, it was bloody hard, I'm not scared to admit that. But at least I have the next visit to look forward to ...18 weeks and counting.
Would you believe the new kit is ready and I already started yet another new one? As I said, I am full of ideas in the moment and it;'s best to make the most of it while it lasts. Here is the preview for "Sunny Autumn Days"
...and a little teaser from the other new kit I have started.A Halloween kit....and I don't want to use just the typical colours for that either. Everybody seems to do orange,violet,lime green etc ... I'm bored with that. Time for something a little different. I love that little owl in the trees on this page, and the swirls inside the moon to match the antique paper look of the background.Told you I had new ideas,lol.
But now it's beauty sleep time for this Witch freebie will be on the weekend ... till then . I leave you with a video of Amelia Lily,she left the Judges and Audiences wowed on X-FACTOR
Hugs Snowy

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Working on new designs and almost last North Carolina layouts

Hi all,
I've done it !!!....I went through all the pics I took , picked the best ones and have finally finished the photo layouts for my NC trip. I will do a few more layouts which will be journaling art though.
I found some time and the inspiration to start another new kit as well.
Last night I was stuck at work until almost midnight, but made it home by around 10 past, had time for a short chat with Reggie before the football started. Well, what can I say....the 1st game was quite disappointing , slow to start off with and I think the team definitely need to improve their performance for the season if they want to go further. Cowboys won with a field goal in the end, game will be Friday against the Cardinals , and I hope this will go better.... maybe they just need to warm up,lol. They did well last season , let's see if they can repeat that and keep it up.
Anyway, enough football talk .... here some more layouts from 4th of July in Raleigh and the Eno River Festival

A few more layouts to show which I will keep for next post.
I have been working on Autumn designs for a new kit. And this makes me wish I could see Timberlake and the surrounding area while the trees change must be spectacular ! Spring and Autumn are my favourite seasons of the year. First I like to see everything get green again and grow, then I love all the autumn colours in nature.
Here is a teaser quickpage with some of the stuff I made so far.
I went past the usual brown , red orange and yellow fall colours and added some pink /mauve/blue tints as well.
I shall carry on as I find the time....but for now I have other things to do, plus it will be night shift tonight,so I will need to catch a nap before I have to go.
Till next post again , and I will post the next new freebie on the weekend .
Hugs Snowy