
Monday, August 20, 2012

Pssst...the secret Squirrel has news ....;)

Good morning ....
I'm feeling a bit rough this morning.....self inflicted though...I went to the Street Party last night and had a few drinks. My stomach did not like it too much. Not only did I fall asleep while the web cam was on at what must have been around 10pm , but I woke up around 3am , sober but with a wicked heartburn from the alcohol.Friend Lisa posted  a pic on Facebok last night which says:" I used to be able to party all weekend, now the recovery time takes more than minor surgery." ...sounds about right ,lol.
Then I watched the video I posted from the Street Party and cringed .... never attempt to sing under the influence of alcohol ! Oh Goddess , I could hear myself and the others sing in the background.... jeeeze, still laughing just thinking of it.
Ok, what it was , the Restaurant next to us were having their 30th Anniversary yesterday. 1980ies prices and free burgers, stage on the path , bands playing and dancing on the street. This is what it looked like in the afternoon. Then I could hear the drums and guitars , and the vocalist warming up for the night. It was louder than my TV. That's taken from my living room window...

But we did have fun, 50ies and 60ies music , cheap beer ....for me it was Magners cider and Guinness, burgers and a good time with People from our house.First it was a case of getting ready,none of us go out too often so it was a case of make up and make ourselves pretty,lol... I was thinking about a head scarf first , but it was too hot.So I partially put some of my hair up and fastened it with a blue flower.

...and then it was a case of "let the Party begin" !!

It ended with singing along and a small Firework around 9pm. Yup we had a good time. Now for the "secret Squirrel" ....about a week ago I contacted a Scrapbook Site owner who was looking for new designers .... I had an answer last night.  "Yes yes yes I would love you to join us ~ what is your email address? I will send you the contract to take a look at.Hugs" guess I will looking through that contract and see how much commission and all the details etc. Looks like Snowraven is back ! I'll let you know more as I go along,lol.
I have more pics from the weekend , but will save those for another day to show and tell. 
As for blog comments....Edna, it's not orange, I made sure it's a brown tone,lol.Lianna, thank you- yes, it went very well. It's not always easy being apart for so long , but in the end I know the time we can spend together is well worth the waiting....and yes ,Kyra... finding bargains and paying a lot less than the original price certainly makes my day,lol.
For now it's recovery time , get some house work done and then I want to start to prepare some CU products as well. 
Tonight is another Pats game, but I'm on early shift won't be able to watch it. Next 2 freebie parts will be on the weekend again, but I pop in a bit earlier if I find the time.
Till then ~ hugs Snowy

1 comment:

  1. Om my, are you going to be back completely in the design stuff? Hope it's a good contract they offer you!
    Yeah, we aren't in our 20's anymore, when it has to do with a party LOL!
    And if something like your street party takes place, yes, recovery time is MUCH longer ROFL.
    But if you had a good time, well, it should be worth it, is it???
    Have a nice recovery time and a good sleep.
