
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time off and being crafty

Good morning
Thought I quickly pop in again ,show what I've been up to and clarify regarding the comment Su left .I put up parts 1,2 and 4,5 so you don't end up with all the backgrounds and no elements to play with,lol. Part 3 and the rest will be up next time. I think there's nothing worse than starting to collect a kit and you have only the backgrounds and have to wait another week for any elements to play with. So I always mix it up a little.
Kyra, you are right - time is running faster than we think.I'm down to 64 days now until I fly to be with Reggie again.....doesn't seem so far away now.
This Christmas /or Winter solstice will be different. Normally me and Shaun celebrate on Winter solstice Day because I have been working the holidays for the past 10 years. This time I'm not even there , so Shaun and myself will have our day when I come back.
Also,I will only send cards/gifts to closest family. Costs of flight, train , coach and some pocket money swallow up all my savings ....and quite frankly,having enough cash and being able to have a good time with Reggie is just priority. I won't see him again until late Autumn next year, if I'm lucky he can take time off for Halloween next year that will be a loooooong stretch of time until we will be together again. So let's make this time memorable and fantastic! The memories will have to last 10 months.
Anyway....Snowy was crafty !
I made a Halloween wreath  out of a Styrofoam base, wrapped with black tinsel and added some decorations.Total cost £1.49 for the foam ring, £2.00 for the tinsel, the decos from the Pound shop and I already had that piece of ribbon in my craft draw-total £4.49 = $7.20

Then it was time to start some Christmas Cards ...I don't have to make that many this year, which is a good thing with not having so much time.
I have used papers and tags from
which I printed out.I love her vintage inspired designs. 

I still have tons of ideas and things to make , but first I have to get ready now and bring some more books to the Second Hand Book Lady on the market. She buys all my books of me, so the first shelf is almost empty. I have 5 shelves though .... still a lot more to go !
As for fun.... I'm practising playing Darts ...only on FB in the moment. I told Reggie to give me a couple of weeks and I will challenge him.Within 2 days now I'm using half the darts to finish a game and doubled my points ....still need to improve more ! I probably don't have a chance of winning against him, but hell...I'm certainly not planning on making it easy for him,lol. Shaun says:Why don't you get a proper dart board and we can play here? ...hmmm...maybe I will.
Talking of that boy- he is taking part at the  Mayors Charity Fashion Show
As a Model !!!!Damn, why do I have to work at that time....I would have loved to see that,lol. But we are all going to the Halloween Charity Fun Night at the Harbour Inn. Psychic medium Samanda will be there...this could get interesting,lol. And I better get my costume ready !
Anyway, I waffled enough for today. I will be putting the last parts of the freebie up on Friday. And the week after another freebie again. So till then
Hugs Snowy

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are still very busy! Wonderful.
    Hey, Sjaun had a good idea! Buy a real dartboard and darts and you can practise at home.
    Ghee, would love to see a match between you and Reggie!
    I didn;t believe my eyes reading it:
    Shaun being a MODEL! Now that's funny but fantastic too!
    Real shame you are at work then. Is there somebody who can make some pics for you?
    And I can understand well that you don't send presents all over the world. Keep your money to yourself as much as pssoble. I will NOT be cross with you LOL!
    But please can you tell when you go to and come back from the US?
    Have a lovely day(show your costume for Halloween!).
