
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Layouts and revelations

Ha you didn't think I would be posting this soon,lol.
Yup, I managed to get some layouts done.So let;'s start the show and then I tell you a little more about what is planned.....
Night at the Italian Restaurant....this is a double page and should be next to each other.Done with my kit "From Dusk to Moonlight"

Next is our visit to the Life and Science Museum in Durham.

It really was fascinating to stand in front of it ! But seeing how small the space is where the astronauts used to sit .... OMG, I don't think I could do that and fly any great length of time like that.

I have been to the Museum of Life and Science in London, but of cause we don't have this kind of stuff there.

 Watching the Animals in the Museum , Reggie came out with the comment :" I want a baby alligator and name it "Fluffy" see what I have to deal with ,lol..... well, he shall have his baby alligator( grins mischievously)  ...more to that one at a later date , hahahaha.....
The butterfly house was amazing many of them fluttering around us. There is a room at the exit with mirrors, where you have to check yourself and each other to make sure there are no Butterflies sitting in your hair or on your clothing , before you leave. And the tropical plants in there are huge .... I loved it !

This new camera takes some pretty good pictures , I think .... grateful to Shaun for this present :)

Okay, you have been wondering what I was talking about regarding "Year of preparation" I guess I will explain a little.
You know New Year you always make all kinds of resolutions of things you want to do the coming year. Well, we had time to think and talk a lot and we both have our resolutions and things to be done in 2013.
1)For a start, I'm still paying off that credit my ex husband and me had together. This will end in Summer this year. I will finally be debt free ! It's a great feeling to know it's not that long anymore now. Once that is done I have a little more money to play around with. 
2) I have been talking about and always wanted to do it ....but finances prevented it. I will finally make my driving license this year ! I'm going to need it !
3) save up money for my next visit to Reggie in November ( Thanksgiving will have a new meaning for us this year )
4)Providing everything goes okay at Reggie's end ,towards end of the year I will get in touch with the US Embassy and get all the paperwork I need for emigrating to the USA as his fiance. (no ,we're not engaged yet, we know what we want, but we won't rush )
Depending how long this will take and how it goes ( I estimate almost a year) the trip to the USA in 2014 will be a one way Ticket for me.
So this year and next year will be all about getting prepared and ready for this.A move is never cheap, not to mention I will have to attend several interviews in London at the US Embassy (travel costs) and have to pay all the fees for the papers my end here, and most likely Reggie some across there as well.
Living in country I need to be able to drive....
5) With all this planned I will have to save, save, save..... a little extra cash will be soooo...welcome. That's why I will be opening my own website again to sell my kits I will soon start to look for a domain and affordable server space.By the looks of it I will not be doing it alone.... actually my horoscope for 2013 mentioned that it will be a business idea of three people .... and I think I know who the third will be as well,lol......
So yeah, I will literally be working my ass off .... any overtime I can get,the site, create new kits and CU products, driving lessons.... I hope staying this busy it will also make the time until I can be with Reggie again appear shorter. I miss him terribly!
Oh yes..... and I need to start getting off my ass and start my workouts again. I have a few Moon Pies and Holiday pounds to loose. 3 weeks not on my bike and I could feel it ! I'm out of shape and my stamina has gone down. So that's another thing on my "to do list ".
A lot to achieve ....but I am determined !!!
So, now you know .... and I have written enough now ,I think. More layouts will be coming ,freebie parts end of the week again, and I have to get my butt into the kitchen now and cook some dinner.
Have a nice Sunday
Hugs Snowy ;)


  1. I KNEW IT!!! LOL!!!!
    I wasn't surprised by the plans, just knew it, tadaaaaaa.
    Gosh, it will be already wonderful to get rid of the credit of Jason. About time!
    Let's see how all plans will get together then. It is exciting though for you and still a looong waitng but it's better to prepare and think things over very well, because it is an important decision.
    Okay, on to a new fase in your life.
    But a great adventure too.
    Oh I so wish all comes true for you know!

  2. I second that!! Kyra is right, don't rush, this is so important. But I, too, hope your plans work out well for both of you. Good luck on your new business venture too. Have a great night, hugs, Edna B.

  3. Beautiful photos and I am happy for you and your new years resolutions. You will be so happy that you are out of debt before you start a new life in a new country! Good Luck to both of you! Time will pass by quickly since you will be so busy! Glad you are back home safely! Hugs! Mat
