
Thursday, September 05, 2013

A long time.....

...since I last posted here. Hello all :)
I've been so busy with other things the past months.
For a start I was in Germany this summer for a long overdue visit to my parents and relatives there.
It was so nice to see everybody again and visit places where I grew up. And of cause the food...yummm.
I couldn't believe the old Italian Ice Cream Parlor was still there.Of cause I had to sit down and indulge in one.
My mum's garden is fantastic, but instead of picking the berries I probably ate more than putting them into the bag.
And her roses are lovely !
And of cause a visit to the Castle, with a beautiful view over the town.

Apart from that I have been busy to sort through my things here and get everything reduced to at least half the amount. From 4 folders with Scrap paper I am now down to a single one , a lot of books have disappeared from my shelves, more clothing has gone to the charity shop .....and I'm not done yet ! This will be an ongoing project until it's time to move. I can't take much with me.
Yes, I am still happy and in love with that amazing guy called Reggie. Only 10 weeks and I will be flying across to him again.
Currently I'm working on a hybrid Scrapbook /Art Journal with lots of inside pockets to store all the memorabilia from my journeys across.
This year I will be there for Thanksgiving , so I need some Autumn papers and elements.
I just made the first background to print out and put into my book.
And if you like it, here is the download link for it

I will be working on some tags and pockets , and some more backgrounds next.
But now it's time to get ready and get some work in here done before my late shift starts.
Snowy :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you are alive still LOL! I was wondering what happened to you!
    I missed you, perhaps my fault too, after a couple of emails I just let it go, not so nice of me, but lots of things happened here too, life goes on, with its nice things but also the tricks behind the sleeve.
    So glad to know now you are doing okay, and had some great time in Germany.
    Happy for you, that you have still your Reggie and so you are still planning to go to him and have your life at a completely different spot on the world.
    Don;t you ever leave for such a long time from the internet, you hear!
    Oh, you;ve made my day today! Couldn;t believe my eyes when I saw in my bloglist that you had pasted again on your blog LOL.
    You are okay and doing well, that is hte most important thing.
    Sending you several hugs and appologizes too for not trying to contact you in another way, can you forgive me?
    Have a wonderful weekend sweetie.
