
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Freebie printable time

Hi all again,
It's night shift recovery day . I'm functioning on 3 hours sleep and plenty of coffee,lol.
We had Hurricane Katie here the past 2 days (Sunday and Monday) and it did cause some damage in the area. Uprooted trees, some fallen onto cars , bridges had to be closed, over 80.000 without power , flooding etc. Further north they even had snow. The only problem for me was trying to get some sleep with the wind howling around the buildingand roof tiles rattling. I don't know how often I woke up from the noise but I finally managed to get a few more hours sleep late afternoon when the wind finally calmed down. Now it's "my weekend" and I plan to chill out a bit. Well.... in the moment I'm having a coffee break from sorting out my wardrobe before the new one gets delivered on Thursday.
I'm trying to "downsize" but holy crap !!! .... I managed just fine to get rid of jeans, skirts and other stuff. Just with the tops I seem to struggle,lol. I'm trying to be brutal , but some items from years ago are hard to get rid of, even though I have not worn them a long time. But the thought of "maybe I will wear it again " is still in the back of my head ;) "Just put them into the Charity/recycling bag , Snowy!" ...and then the other thought " You'll regret it " comes up again...ughhhh....I'll get through eventually,lol Maybe this helps ;) 

I'm also re-doing the upper hallway. A new coat rack is planned to be ordered next pay day. Now I have to get rid of the old one (still from 1996 ) and paint the wall behind it . It was never moved since we moved into this place in 1998 and still has the original paint behind it. It's definitely "out with the old, in with the new" year. I won't be traveling much this year as the housing association is planning to renew our kitchens and bathrooms this year. They also want to get onto the attic to renew insulation . We've not been given exact dates yet , but been told they would start from April onward. So the money I would normally save for my travels will go to home improvement this year.
Anyway, enough told,lol. Time to show some pictures. I did another picture with the same quote I showed in my last post. I wanted one I could frame and hang in my hallway when it's redone. So I picked a photograph I took in 2014 and wrote the quote onto that. Take off over North Carolina, above the clouds. Love how it turned out. Now I just have to find a nice frame.
The second one to go on my wall I created in Paint Shop Pro with floral watercolor images.
Yup, lol...not very gothic or dark. Told ya I have changed a bit in that regard ;)
You have the choice of 2 versions, one without lettering and one with the faded quote , so you can go over with any color you like and do your own writing.
Page with quote download link

Without lettering

Enjoy :)

And I will be going back to sorting out clothing now .... let me be strong ,lol ;)

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Creative again

Hi ,
after a batch of early shifts , getting up at 4.30 am and falling comatose into bed in the evening I'm enjoying a some time to be creative again. Starting night shift means I have the day to myself ;) And last night....after a little power nap I got my pens and pencils out.
There were a few challenges to do and you know me,lol...I always have some sort of project going.First of all I decorated that "LOVE" wall hanger I found at the £/$ Store a while ago with some tape and deco corners and a cute little angel in the middle. It fits perfectly into my bedroom. Oh,lol... my bedroom had quite a few changes since it was wine red and black . From Goth style to shabby chic and pastel colors.
I had a new bed , carpet and Thursday a new wardrobe will be delivered . I take some pics when it's built up and all done. This hanger will be perfect to hang some of my longer necklaces , which keep getting tangled up inside my jewelery box.
I did upcycle an old cork pinwall a while ago as well.
All it is, a fat quarter of fabric , a bit of ribbon and lace and secured with hot glue. From old and shabby to chic ;)
I also gave my old fan a make over, took it apart , gave it all a good clean and spray painted it with Chrome spay paint ...looking like new again. Summer can come !

Last night I relaxed with one of my coloring books "Sacred Symbols"
This one is called "Spheres" .
And it was time to catch up with a few more art challenges. A word art page in hippie style....
 Black and white drawing to brightly colored ;) And this morning the task was "Tulip" . For that I printed a dictionary description in type writer style and then drew the tulips and colored them with watercolor pencils.

Another Word art challenge was "Follow your bliss" . For this I drew clouds and a hot air balloon , colored the balloon with felt tips and the background got a pale blue watercolor wash .
Let me tell you , Word art in digital is easy ...try doing different fonts by hand !
Anyway....2 more shifts to work before I'm off a few again. So I better get my ass away from the desk , turn the music on and get some housework done !!!
No sign of the cleaning fairies, so I better get started myself,lol. Leaving you with the new song from Sixx AM -Rise. I love the lyrics from this song .
See ya ;)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Freebie printable

Hi all,
just home from my late shift and thought I quickly post the page I have been working on for the art challenge. Yup, I'm sharing it.
Nice to know I've been missed,lol. Thanks for the lovely comment ;)
Yup, the coloring and drawing bug is keeping me busy. So relaxing and apparently almost as good for you as meditation.
I actually filled one whole coloring book already. Sacred Nature by Lydia Hess is fully colored and I started on Sacred Symbols, also by Lydia Hess.
I will show a few pictures From Sacred Nature. This one is called "Joy"
" Verdant" and "Wisdom"

For these pages I used simple Crayola SuperTips .

But doing my own coloring pages and doodles is fun as well. And hand writing different fonts is definitely a learning curve !

Anyway...enough showing off ,lol.
Here is a printable for St.Pats
And here your freebie download link
File is 300dpi , same as my scrap kits , so excellent print quality. Have fun coloring those shamrocks,lol. 
And that's me off to bed soon as I've finished my Hot Chocolate drink :)
Laters ....
Snowy ;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I need a tablet !

Getting a decent picture of doodles to color without a tablet is harder than designing a scrap kit,lol.
Hi all....yup, that tablet is definitely on my wish list and so is Illustrator to convert doodles into vector images easier.
I'm working on a coloring page with quote and hope to have it finished tomorrow. In the meantime I also have been coloring a little to relax.
I'm being a right nerd and treated myself to the Game of Thrones coloring book.
Love how the first page has turned out. I used colored pencils to get better shading than is possible with felt tips.
If you're a Game of Thrones fan , you'll know this is the Stark motto.
In between in those spare moments I continue to slowly carry on work on that watercolor scrap kit as well. Although I won't get much done until I'll be on my days off from work again.
I was lucky when I went shopping though and found a darling little drawer cabinet for half price. Perfect to store my Tarot cards and other bits and bobs , and looking much nicer than that old box where they used to be in.
I'm also looking forward to paint and decorate a heart tray and wooden wall hanger I found in the £-shop. I already have a few ideas what to do with them ;)
So roll on weekend again , so I have time to get started. This week is a 56 hour week , working 7 days in a row before I have a day off again. I'm not complaining. I'm grateful to have a job and being able to pay my bills with a treat here and there. Independent woman and proud of it ,lol.

Anyway, I'm off for now and will post again if I have something new to show or share. Till then
Hugs Snowy

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Finding memories

A good deep spring cleaning can bring many surprises,lol. As I was going through all the corners and one of the sideboards I found a box which had been pushed right into the back. When I pulled it out and opened it I was surprised to see it contained at least 150 discs which I had burned over the years.
I forgot there was a second box ! I found the other last year and went through it , but this one seemed to date back even further... I found some which contained stuff from 2006 .
It will take me a while to work my way through them all , but I have found some with old commercial use stuff on , and a few with pictures ....and have been smiling about the memories. Maybe...just maybe some of the missing kits and other stuff which degraded and wouldn't open on the other discs will be in this box. I know I often burned things twice because I sometimes didn't remember I had already done can hope,lol.
Another matter is my old Vista desktop PC ....I have not started it up for something like 3 years , I think. And this is the problem. Too long and I forgot the password ! That damn PC is password protected ! Who came up with that rubbish idea,lol? How am I supposed to get in there now? I know there is still pictures and a lot of other stuff on there. Google was helpful telling me I need the installation disc to get in there and be able to reset the password. But where is the damn disc ?Ughhh....headache,lol. I finally find old program discs and yes...Vista as well. But there are two Vista discs. Yeah, I used to have a Vista laptop as well, back then. So which one is the laptop version and which the desktop?
I'm on strike ... fuck it, that can wait for another day ,lmao. Yes, I'm laughing. You got to see these kind of things with humor or you go nuts.

So last night I decided to relax with a bit of play time. The lettering class has caused a font mania. Calligraphy, handwriting and other art fonts I copy in handwriting for practice. I love
They offer a monthly font bundle including lovely watercolor graphics. So I had to have a play after getting the March bundle. Some of the graphics have been in my folders for a couple of months, so last night I finally took the time to do something with them.
I'm my own worst critic! If something doesn't turn out the way I want I will not show it , but I think this didn't go too bad. Considering I have not been designing for a while I'm quite happy with the result so far. What do you think? It's mainly watercolor style in soft spring colors.
Watercolor is definitely a favorite in the moment . I love mixing and blending the colors. Here is a picture I made for the art challenge , theme was "Watercolor rainbow" and the words "Be kind to yourself"
And when you can do digital and by hand, why not combine the two to create something nice? I made the background in digital , printed it and applied the writing by hand. I have actually framed this because I liked it so much .
I'm sharing this printable with you today. I faded the writing , so grab a brush or pen and go over the lines. Go on , give it a try,lol.
Download here

And because I'm in giving mood , here is a printable coloring page I made as well ;)  The writing is faded again, so you can go over with your own pens and pick a color you like.
That's all for now again , I bought a darling of a little drawer cabinet today and still have to screw on the drawer knobs and then find a space for it . Have a great relaxing evening .
Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Too long again....

...since I was on here. What happened to the plan of doing the kit and posting after last time? Well, my keyboard didn't work,lol. I couldn't type. So I had to get a new one on my laptop. Then overtime at work , a colleague long term sick and not much time.

With the New Year one of my resolutions was to spend less time online and rather do other productive things.
And I have the coloring bug ! So much that I take part in an Art and Lettering class , creating my own pictures hand. Old fashioned with pencils , ink , markers, watercolors and brush pens. On paper ...not digital,lol

Although I have recently combined both on occasion.

And this is another learning curve.
Christmas was spent in Germany with family and my suitcase was double the weight coming back with all the goodies I got .
After having the new sofas my old black desk chair looked really out of place in my front room office corner with cat scratches on the leather material. But you know me,lol. E bay sold the same fabric my sofa is, so with help of a nail gun and approx $10.00 of fabric  I now have a brand new looking comfy chair to sit on again. DIY Snowy ;)
And of course it's planting season , my little seeds are happily growing.

Here are some of my  other art projects Coloring book style !

And water color. This is my favorite in the moment. I saw one like it on Google and had to draw and paint it myself.

Apart from that the decorating bug has hit and my son's room needed an overhaul and it's Spring cleaning time as well...but more next time , the house work won't do itself. I leave you with a video of total eye and ear candy ... the sexiest Guitarist alive,lol.
Laters ...hugs Snow :)