
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Freebie printable time

Hi all again,
It's night shift recovery day . I'm functioning on 3 hours sleep and plenty of coffee,lol.
We had Hurricane Katie here the past 2 days (Sunday and Monday) and it did cause some damage in the area. Uprooted trees, some fallen onto cars , bridges had to be closed, over 80.000 without power , flooding etc. Further north they even had snow. The only problem for me was trying to get some sleep with the wind howling around the buildingand roof tiles rattling. I don't know how often I woke up from the noise but I finally managed to get a few more hours sleep late afternoon when the wind finally calmed down. Now it's "my weekend" and I plan to chill out a bit. Well.... in the moment I'm having a coffee break from sorting out my wardrobe before the new one gets delivered on Thursday.
I'm trying to "downsize" but holy crap !!! .... I managed just fine to get rid of jeans, skirts and other stuff. Just with the tops I seem to struggle,lol. I'm trying to be brutal , but some items from years ago are hard to get rid of, even though I have not worn them a long time. But the thought of "maybe I will wear it again " is still in the back of my head ;) "Just put them into the Charity/recycling bag , Snowy!" ...and then the other thought " You'll regret it " comes up again...ughhhh....I'll get through eventually,lol Maybe this helps ;) 

I'm also re-doing the upper hallway. A new coat rack is planned to be ordered next pay day. Now I have to get rid of the old one (still from 1996 ) and paint the wall behind it . It was never moved since we moved into this place in 1998 and still has the original paint behind it. It's definitely "out with the old, in with the new" year. I won't be traveling much this year as the housing association is planning to renew our kitchens and bathrooms this year. They also want to get onto the attic to renew insulation . We've not been given exact dates yet , but been told they would start from April onward. So the money I would normally save for my travels will go to home improvement this year.
Anyway, enough told,lol. Time to show some pictures. I did another picture with the same quote I showed in my last post. I wanted one I could frame and hang in my hallway when it's redone. So I picked a photograph I took in 2014 and wrote the quote onto that. Take off over North Carolina, above the clouds. Love how it turned out. Now I just have to find a nice frame.
The second one to go on my wall I created in Paint Shop Pro with floral watercolor images.
Yup, lol...not very gothic or dark. Told ya I have changed a bit in that regard ;)
You have the choice of 2 versions, one without lettering and one with the faded quote , so you can go over with any color you like and do your own writing.
Page with quote download link

Without lettering

Enjoy :)

And I will be going back to sorting out clothing now .... let me be strong ,lol ;)


  1. All in light and pastel colors now LOL1 Yes, you definately changed a bit in that.
    But why not? Always the same isn;t great fun either.
    I know it is difficult to get rid of some clothes. I did it a couple of months ago and still have a rather big pile of tops and t-shirts left. But still I cleared away quite a lot.
    Should do another go through the closets in a few weeks, I think.
    Make the most of your free days and get some good sleep.

  2. So glad you came through the storm okay. As for cleaning out your wardrobe, I guess I'm not much help there. I have the same problems. It do try, but somehow there's always a good reason for saving things.

    We're resorting back to winter weather for the next week. I hope it doesn't hurt my flowers that are looking beautiful.

    Your new designs are rather pretty. I love the softer colors. Enjoy your time off and get some rest. Have a super weekend, hugs, Edna B.
