
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Freebies for you

Hi all,
I'm off work on my rota break again and thought I would pop in before the next round starts again.

As always being creative, specially with all the rain we're having here. Yes, we had a few days sun ...but always when I'm working. I'm off and's peeing down with rain again !
Typical my luck,lol.

Well, I bought myself a yogurt maker. Fantastic little thing ! From normal to Greek yogurt (it has a filter for that), yogurt dressing for salads to smoothies (using the left over whey which gets filtered when making Greek yogurt)...this thing is great ! Saving so much money , makes us eat more pro-biotic goodness and tastes so much better than the bought stuff. Not to mention I know what goes in it. That little book with recipes is fab as well ...yummie and healthy.
Still doing my fitbit steps , although the rain makes it hard to keep up to my goals sometimes.

On one of my trips to the Wilko store I saw a 3D butterfly picture on their shelf. It was £ 8.99 . I thought I can do this myself a lot cheaper ! I purchased a deep frame , printed the background and some butterflies, cut them out and fixed them with double sided tape onto the background. And there ya go.... £ 2.99 plus some paper, tape and printer ink. Very happy how it turned out ;)
Anyway.... 2 goodies for you today. A printable and a QP . I got this cute bundle pack with graphics and got creative.
Here is a preview of the QP
And the download link

And here the matching printable
Download link

I'll be printing and framing it myself  to hang on my wall ;)
As always everything is 300dpi , making it great print quality.

I hope to catch a sunny moment tomorrow to make a few pics of my little gardening area. It's growing , but would be a lot better with more sun instead of constant rain.
Oh yes, and I'm dusting off some old store kits and will start posting some as freebies soon .

Till next time
Hugs Snowy

Friday, June 10, 2016

Gardening Learning Curves and printable Summer pic

It's nightshift recovery time for me...and that also means catching up with those chores like laundry, cleaning...and I finally found time to wash my curtains today and clean the windows. It's a job I hate but the sun made all too visible what really had to be done !

The gardening is definitely a learning curve. After several days of rain my poor plants were nearly drowning , so I had to drill several holes into the pots to let the water drain off. Next pot I plant will have enough holes before I plant anything in it,lol.
My plant babies are currently loving the sunny weather and growing nicely.

It might not seem much to people who have a garden , but for someone on the 3rd floor in a block of flats this little grow bag and patio pot garden is fantastic,lol......Snowy's mini farm ;) ...making the most out of the little space I have .

Also my chilli pepper plants by the window are doing well. This is what I had after picking this morning .
Last week I transformed an old small shelf which used to be in my kitchen. After I bought a new large spice rack I first wanted to throw this away,but now I'm glad I didn't.
After painting and applying the same antiquing paints as I did previously for the other items it turned out to be the perfect shelf for my pencils ;)
And it matches the rest of my self decorated stationary storage.
Anyway, here is a little freebie. A printable "Hello Summer"  because better weather finally seems to have arrived here in UK.
Download link

I'm going to have overtime at work coming up, so I'm not sure how much time I will have to be creative , but I'll pop in and share whenever I have something new :)

Till then
Hugs Snowy