
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Freebies for you

Hi all,
I'm off work on my rota break again and thought I would pop in before the next round starts again.

As always being creative, specially with all the rain we're having here. Yes, we had a few days sun ...but always when I'm working. I'm off and's peeing down with rain again !
Typical my luck,lol.

Well, I bought myself a yogurt maker. Fantastic little thing ! From normal to Greek yogurt (it has a filter for that), yogurt dressing for salads to smoothies (using the left over whey which gets filtered when making Greek yogurt)...this thing is great ! Saving so much money , makes us eat more pro-biotic goodness and tastes so much better than the bought stuff. Not to mention I know what goes in it. That little book with recipes is fab as well ...yummie and healthy.
Still doing my fitbit steps , although the rain makes it hard to keep up to my goals sometimes.

On one of my trips to the Wilko store I saw a 3D butterfly picture on their shelf. It was £ 8.99 . I thought I can do this myself a lot cheaper ! I purchased a deep frame , printed the background and some butterflies, cut them out and fixed them with double sided tape onto the background. And there ya go.... £ 2.99 plus some paper, tape and printer ink. Very happy how it turned out ;)
Anyway.... 2 goodies for you today. A printable and a QP . I got this cute bundle pack with graphics and got creative.
Here is a preview of the QP
And the download link

And here the matching printable
Download link

I'll be printing and framing it myself  to hang on my wall ;)
As always everything is 300dpi , making it great print quality.

I hope to catch a sunny moment tomorrow to make a few pics of my little gardening area. It's growing , but would be a lot better with more sun instead of constant rain.
Oh yes, and I'm dusting off some old store kits and will start posting some as freebies soon .

Till next time
Hugs Snowy


  1. Yeah, that crappy weather is going under the skin, slowly LOL.
    But really, we do need the soil to dry and plants need real warmth and sun.
    Perhaps next week.
    As always you are such a creative girl.
    Sounds pfrettu good, that yogurt maker, but it wouldn;t be something for
    us. Never mind, as long as you have fun and great food from it, go for it.
    Have a lovely week

  2. The weather just doesn't seem to want to cooperate with us anymore. Makes it difficult to grow our gardens. I have a few little tomatoes on my two plants, but they are growing slowly. Even the plants aren't very tall. Ah well, at least I get to enjoy trying to grow them.

    Your creative projects always fascinate me. What about your cats? You never mention them anymore. How is your son doing? Probably all grown up and out on his own by now. Gosh, how time flies. All my babies have reached and passed their 50th birthdays. Makes me feel a bit old some days. (only a few!)

    Enjoy your time off work. Have a super weekend, hugs, Edna B.
