
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Next parts of Enchanted Winter

quick post before I have to head out and go to work. Yup, work on a Sunday, but bills have to be paid :)
My New Years clean out and de-cluttering continues and so is the hand lettering basics practice. But today is the last day . Next week we'll be starting with the Alphabet practice.
I did only a few challenges this time ....too busy with other things .... planting those first seeds indoors...

...and canning some jam and gypsy sauce (a German sauce that goes fantastic with any meat and can be eaten hot or cold )

And I finally got the wooden heart tray finished which I started a while ago, but ran out of paint.
Very happy how it turned out ! :)

But now to the freebie parts and then I have to get ready for work


and Elements

More parts to come ...
Enjoy and have a nice Sunday.
Till next post and stay creative :)
Hugs Snowy

Saturday, January 21, 2017 freebie kit "Enchanted Winter"

Hey everybody :)
It's my first day off today so I'm doing the typical "catch up" with house work and other things that need to be done.Believe me , I am certainly not a housework guru either.But I prefer it looking clean and tidy. And kind of organized because it's simply easier to find things.
And I'm chilling out ...a lot of chilling and reading my book,lol. And obviously I can't neglect my blog post ;)

My kitchen has been through de-cluttering ! I threw out old pans and replaced them with new ones, cleaned and finally tidied up "cat's corner" .It didn't look very nice , but I still need a space to store the cat food , cat milk and also some plant pots which I will use in spring time again.
This is the messy corner before ...
 Then I found some wicker crates in the sale and for just £ 4.99  they were perfect to store the pots and cat food:) And living in a small flat on the the 3rd floor I kind of have to use every corner. And space is always an issue in a very small kitchen .
So much better !

Also :organized work and hobby space !
We are just about to complete week 3 of lettering drills and I can see improvement. My lines look less shaky and neater than before.
Color for the color challenge today was " Vivid Orange peel" and what's better on a cold day than thinking of summer sun?

But that will still be a the meantime I give you "Enchanted Winter" , another ex-store kit of mine.  I will also have an extra Valentine freebie short before Valentines Day .
Scroll down for some previews and the download links.


(excuse the typo for part 4 file name,lol)

More next post ...have a wonderful weekend :)
Hugs Snowy

Friday, January 13, 2017

The last parts of Winter Solstice

Hi everybody ,
I finally finished this batch of shifts , came of night shifts this morning and had a few hours sleep. And that means time to post the last links for you.

We had the first snow earlier. It came down like crazy and everything turned white within 20 minutes , but when I woke it was already gone again :)
I didn't get much done during that week , work kept me busy and when I had some time I was mostly practicing lettering drills .
And I took a few walks in the cold to get my steps together , because sitting on my ass doesn't help with keeping fit ;)
It looks beautiful , but the wind was damn cold !
I'm also browsing those gardening websites and seed catalogues, because February will be the time to plant those first seedlings indoors, and I have to make up my mind what I want to plant this year.

 But the grey weather inspired me to pick some cheery colors and positive quotes for my challenges.
And because I hate spring cleaning I decided to spread it out and do a different area each week this year. I found a downloadable checklist in PDF and will work my way though. It seems my life is a lot about challenges ,lol

52 Weeks To An Organized Home:
Join The Weekly Challenges

And right now I have two weeks to catch up on :)
And that includes the last links for you !
 So here are those last bits from the kit
The Add on

and Quickpages

So that's all for now.... and it will be time for another kit starting next post. Hmm... what am I going to dig out? I will have to have a look through my external drive :)

So till next post ....
stay creative ...and warm !
Hugs Snowy


Wednesday, January 04, 2017

New Year-new look and new parts :)

Happy New Year everybody :)
As you probably noticed the blog had a little make -over and I finally have time to post the next parts of the freebie kit as well.
I have already been spoiled this year, My son took me out for Birthday dinner at the Turkish restaurant today and I got gifts as well :)
A coloring journal and Agate bookends ...
...the color is just amazing :)
Apparently there is another gift in the post which has been hand made for me...
There's more but I don't want this to be just a Birthday present post,lol
Lettering drills are in full progress and I still need to do my homework for today .
But I already made some colorful lettering pages the past few days.
It's all about lettering positive vibes !
Words for 2017

Anyway....time for those links !

Part 3

Part 6

If you think that's it for this kit ...nope.
There is still an add on and some quickpages  for next post ;)
So until then...I leave you with a music video by Evergrey who I had the pleasure to meet recently. Such great guys ;)
Till next time
Hugs Snowy