
Saturday, January 21, 2017 freebie kit "Enchanted Winter"

Hey everybody :)
It's my first day off today so I'm doing the typical "catch up" with house work and other things that need to be done.Believe me , I am certainly not a housework guru either.But I prefer it looking clean and tidy. And kind of organized because it's simply easier to find things.
And I'm chilling out ...a lot of chilling and reading my book,lol. And obviously I can't neglect my blog post ;)

My kitchen has been through de-cluttering ! I threw out old pans and replaced them with new ones, cleaned and finally tidied up "cat's corner" .It didn't look very nice , but I still need a space to store the cat food , cat milk and also some plant pots which I will use in spring time again.
This is the messy corner before ...
 Then I found some wicker crates in the sale and for just £ 4.99  they were perfect to store the pots and cat food:) And living in a small flat on the the 3rd floor I kind of have to use every corner. And space is always an issue in a very small kitchen .
So much better !

Also :organized work and hobby space !
We are just about to complete week 3 of lettering drills and I can see improvement. My lines look less shaky and neater than before.
Color for the color challenge today was " Vivid Orange peel" and what's better on a cold day than thinking of summer sun?

But that will still be a the meantime I give you "Enchanted Winter" , another ex-store kit of mine.  I will also have an extra Valentine freebie short before Valentines Day .
Scroll down for some previews and the download links.


(excuse the typo for part 4 file name,lol)

More next post ...have a wonderful weekend :)
Hugs Snowy


  1. Beautiful as always. Thank you so much!

  2. Oh, your de-cluttering of that corner really is an improvement. Aren;t you feeling proud of yourself??? I would be.
    Although still cold here, it is kind of okay, because it is staying dry. But okay, I will survive another week with frost at night and just 2-4C daytime, but then it would be nice if temperatures could creep up slowly.
    Have a wonderful free-off work time

  3. Goodness, you accomplished a lot in such a short time. I like things fairly neat too, but I'm not a very good "picker upper" person. Sad to say, that's my downfall. I just don't like housework.

    You'll be using those plant pots in no time. Today I noticed that the sky did not get dark until a couple minutes after 5 p.m. That's super!!! The days are beginning to get a speck longer.

    Your kit is lovely, thank you. I doubt if I'll ever get back to making kits. I'm having too much fun making the quick pages.

    We've been expecting rain, but it hasn't got her yet. I wish it would hurry and get here so that my arthritis would stop acting up. Well, it's time for me to clean the dishes so that I can settle in to watch a bit of TV. You enjoy your days off. Hugs, Edna B.
