
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Back with the last 2 parts

Hi all,
I'm finally back with the last 2 parts...late, I know,lol. Night shifts got in the way of posting and I was just too tired , especially as I still had to make 2 previews as well.
But better late than never !
Plus I joined a lettering pod on Instagram as well , so there was some talking and a couple of lettering projects to do.
Plus I tried chalk pastels for the first time.
But now to the downloads...the last 2 parts

Here the previews...

Enjoy ! ...Now , what should I give you next? I know ! It's time for an Easter Celebration. This kit will be only 4 parts . 2 next week and 2 the week after.
...and I just realized the previews of this one were lost in a computer crash as well. So I will have to make some new ones for these parts as well ,lol.
Until next week then :)
Hugs Snowy

Thursday, March 16, 2017

...and 2 more parts of "Welcoming Spring"

Hi all , back with 2 more parts before the work week starts for me again on the weekend. So far I have been really lucky with the weather ! Lots of sunshine and pleasant temperatures here in our little corner of the UK. Loving the spring weather! I turned off the heating and yesterday got out those vacuum storage bags and put away those really thick woolly jumpers, and got some t-shirts out. I really hope this weather is here to stay :) And I have been doing a little work in my garden corner. It's a start , but much more to get done!
I planted potatoes in those large grow bags yesterday.
The spring colors are popping out :)
Apart from these I have cabbage, strawberries, lettuce and kohlrabi planted so far .
In a couple of weeks the chard ,broccoli, cucumbers , tomatoes and zucchini can go out as well. The seedlings still need to grow a little bit more on my kitchen windowsill indoors before they will be planted out.
New Art work -Spring forward ...although we here in UK still have until the 23rd before we change the clocks.

And I tried something new. I got myself a wood burning tool and have been practicing a little.
This was the first try to get a feel for the tool. By the end of it I nearly had a cramp in my hand. Pens are surely a lot easier to hold and faster ;)
This is what I'm working on in the moment. I still need to do the vines on the other two. When you buy anything like this , please think of the work that goes into this reflected in the prices of hand made items.... so far this took me over two hours. I will need another 2 hours to finish this set. It looks easy , but takes time and patience.

Just like this mandala. These intricate patterns can't be rushed .

But I'm rushing to the freebie parts now :)
Today it's 2 parts of elements... I made a little preview of what you get.

And here a little layout I just made with the kit
That's all for now.
The last 2 parts next week ...till then
Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

And even a day early this time ;)

Hey :)
I decided to post a day early this time because tomorrow is my last day off work and I have lots of plans . Whether I can get it all done remains to be seen, but I'll give a bloody good try :) 
The weather has been rather rainy here most days. Not exactly what I wished for my time off work, but I made the best of it. 
Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny fingers crossed , maybe I can get some more work in my garden corner done...
Bad weather is crafting weather ! I picked this dream-catcher kit up for only £ 3.00 , added a few bits and bobs from my stash ...and voila ...a finished boho catcher :) 

At the same shop I found a plain Hessian organizer. I added a bit of ribbon and crochet butterflies and it looks a lot prettier ! 
Perfect for my craft/art/office corner.

A few days ago I ordered some Fine Tech watercolors from Germany (where they are made) They are quite hard to come by and not cheap, but worth every penny because they are made with mica powder which gives a lovely metallic sheen , and you can paint on black paper with them . Obviously I had to try them out ...and I LOVE them !!! 

Never think this lettering is easy, takes a lot of practice! 
 But now.... the last part of Rapture !

And thats all for this one...but here comes the first part of the new kit as well . Sadly I lost all previews , but I make one up for each part as I post them for you .
Today it's the backgrounds

2 more parts next week as usual :)
Till then -hugs Snowy 

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Hello....right on time today ;)

I made it in time ! It's actually exactly a week since my last post.
Yup, I'm feeling better and am almost my old energetic self again.
So what happened in this week? Firstly I finished the vase and even a matching clay bowl. It was a bit messy working with air drying clay, but worth it !
Painted a fox in watercolor...
...made a wreath of knotted fabric strips
and yesterday we went for a trip to Sutton Hoo.
I love all this Anglo Saxon history , and to see the archeological finds and the burial mounts was amazing .
This little one greeted us along the way ...
Okay, now to the download links.
I have two more parts of Rapture today for you.

Next week there will be one smaller part of Rapture , plus a first part of a new kit. I'm in Spring mood , so I thought a Spring kit would be ideal. And how best to welcome Spring but by gardening and watching new life come out of the earth again?
Welcoming Spring will be next .
So till next week then ...
Hugs Snowy